Soul mates! How do you know if you have a soul mate next to you? Soulmate, how to find it?

Many of us at least once in our lives felt that they were connected with a person more than acquaintance and friendship. Sometimes the closest relative does not understand your aspirations and emotional impulses. At the same time, with a stranger whom you know we have recently sucked, you will feel a unity that cannot be explained by any laws of logic. Next to him you feel calm and easy, as if you have known each other for several years. Many of us believe in the existence of soul mates, but there are also skeptics who claim that this is a myth.

But to live alone with a friend forever? Soul souls come into your life to show you a different face and then leave. The role of the soul mate is to shake you, to dissolve your ego a little, to show you the obstacles and attachments that you have, to open your soul to new light to enter into it.

As you've probably heard, nearly half of today's marriages end in divorce, leaving bitter hearts behind husbands and confusion in the hearts of children. Don't let this happen to you! If your marriage is going through tough times, or you are experiencing marital happiness, or even if you are not yet married but are thinking about getting married, here are some free but proven tips to help your marriage resist. This advice comes directly from God who created and blessed marriage!

Soul mates: signs

Esotericists believe that we all came to this world with a specific purpose, and each of us is looking for the reincarnated souls of those whom we loved in past lives. Maybe they have unfinished business or unsaid words. Maybe this is a blood connection with those whom they were so afraid to lose then, in that world. They believe that this is the energy that does not disappear without a trace. It arises in the soul of a person as a ghostly memory of the one whom he lost at the moment when he left a past life. These are the images of those people who were dear to the heart then, in those distant times, and maybe in other dimensions. This can explain what we think is painfully familiar to the person we see for the first time.

If you've tried everything, why not give God a chance? Follow the instructions in this guide and you can protect your home. Seventeen Biblical Rules for a Happy Marriage Customize your home. "So a man will leave his father and his mother, and he will pester his wife and become one body." Genesis 2.

Answer: God's command is clear. A married couple must leave their mother and father and create their own home, even if only a studio is financed. The husband and wife must decide on this. Then he must tell relatives, relatives and relatives. They must remain firm in their decision, no matter who is against it. Thousands of divorces could have been avoided if this rule had been followed carefully.

In the accessible language of the majority, soul mates are people who are close in spirit, with similar interests and habits. These people tend to be loyal to each other's shortcomings, forgive them, and endure even the most negative character traits. They are connected by this kind of mutual understanding that no words are needed, just being around. After some time, it becomes noticeable that even their habits and way of thinking become similar.

Success in marriage does not happen by itself; it must develop. You don't think you have won each other, otherwise monotony that will lead to the destruction of your marriage. Make your love grow for each other by expressing it, or it will die and you will slip. You will not find love and happiness if you seek them yourself, but if you give them to others. So, take as much time as you can. Learn to congratulate each other with enthusiasm. Relax, visit, go shopping, go for a walk, eat together.

Watch out for small gestures of courtesy, encouragement, and affection. Catch each other with small gifts or favors. Try to defeat each other in love. Don't accept more of your relationship than you give. No divorce is the greatest destroyer of marriage, but the absence of love. If you have a chance, love always beats.

Soulmates - what are they?

We all strive to meet a kindred spirit on the path of life. But for some, this dream remains only a desire, while others really become lucky.

To increase the likelihood that you can find a soul mate, use the following tips:

Remember that God has united you in marriage. Thus, there are not two, but one body. Answer: Love has almost disappeared from your home? The Devil is responsible for this. Remember that God Himself has united you in marriage, and His intention for you is to stay together and be happy. He will bring happiness and love into your lives if you obey His divine rules. "Everything is possible for God." Matthew 19: God who put love in the heart of a missionary for a wild leper can easily give love to one another if you let him.

Keep your thoughts - don't let your feelings drag out the race. Answer: Wrong thinking can ruin your marriage. The devil will draw you into thoughts like this: "Our marriage was a mistake." "She doesn't understand me." "I can't take it anymore." "Whenever we can get a divorce if necessary." "I'll go home to my mom." "He smiled at this woman." Stop thinking, or your marriage is to the duke, because your thoughts and your feelings govern your actions. Avoid seeing, speaking, reading, or hearing anything that inspires impurity or unbelief.

  1. Look inward.

Many people believe that meeting a soul mate is something that must necessarily happen to him. Sooner or later she will knock on the door, and that's it! It only remains to wait. It's a delusion. Strive to make this meeting happen as soon as possible. If you haven’t found a kindred spirit among your acquaintances and friends, then it’s time to pay attention to your inner “I”. It is harmony with oneself that helps a person to look for a "soul mate". A restless person who does not know which of the banks to nest is unlikely to understand that only a second ago she lost her kindred spirit. And, perhaps, irrevocably!

Uncontrollable thoughts are like a high-speed car on a hill. Whatever happens, the result is always a disaster. Never go to bed annoying each other. "Don't let the sun fall on your anger." Ephesians 4: "Confess your sins to one another." James 5: "Forget what's behind me." Philippians 3: "Be kind to one another, be merciful and forgive one another, as God forgave you in Christ." Ephesians 4.

Answer: If you hold onto your anger or anger, it hurts you, and the cause of the resentment is extremely dangerous. Even small problems, if not solved quickly, are rooted in our minds, as hostile beliefs and attitudes that affect our entire philosophy of life. This is why God tells us not to get angry at sleep. Be mature enough to forgive and honestly say, "Forgive me." After all, no one is perfect and you are on the same team, so be fair to admit that you were wrong when you were wrong.

  1. Won't go anywhere? Not true!

While in search, a person tries to be for others, if not an ideal, then someone close to him. And when that same soul mate is found, he relaxes and believes that now she will not go anywhere. But there are many moments in life when it is difficult to understand and make the right decision. And, once a good relationship, can deteriorate in one minute. Trusting relationships with people is constant work on oneself, on one's own and manifestations of character. We must not only demand patience and understanding for ourselves, but also fully give it to the people around us.

In fact, reconciliation is a very enjoyable experience that has tremendous power to bring partners closer to marriage. God suggested it! Keep Jesus at the center of your home. "If the Lord does not build a house, the work of those who build it is in vain." Psalm 127: "Recognize him in all your ways, and he will smooth your ways." Proverbs 3: "And the peace of God, surpassing all understanding, will preserve your hearts and thoughts in Christ Jesus."

Answer: This is the most important rule. It covers all the others. Put Christ First! The true secret to happiness in marriage is not diplomacy, strategy, or an ongoing effort to overcome challenges, but the secret is union with Christ. Hearts filled with the love of Christ cannot be too far apart. Marriage will be successful if you have Jesus in your homes. The gospel is the remedy for all marriages that are full of hatred, bitterness, and disappointment. It prevents thousands of divorces by miraculously restoring love and happiness.

  1. Circle of friends.

There are many loners and monogamous people in the world, but there are also those who cannot imagine existence without a large number of friends and acquaintances. They play an important role in the life of such a person, give meaning to his existence and delight with communication. Often, having found a kindred spirit, a person shortens the social circle, which is minimized. It is not right! Communicating with a large number of people, we paint for ourselves a complete picture of human relationships, highlighting the merits and tolerating the shortcomings of friends. However, this is the only way you will find associates and like-minded people. These are the people who support your interests, aspirations, and help.

If you want, he will save your marriage. “Pray that despite the temptation, the spirit is truly zealous, but the flesh is powerless.” Matthew 26: "Pray for one another." James 5: "If any of you lacks wisdom, ask God to give it to everyone with a broad hand and without reproach." James 1.

Answer: Pray for each other! This is a special rule that has more success than the wildest thoughts. Get on your knees before God and ask for true love for each other, forgiveness, strength and wisdom - ask for solutions to your problems. God personally guaranteed the answer. The person who prays does not automatically heal from mistakes, but she will have a heart that wants to straighten up. Not a single family parted, sincerely praying for God's help.

It also happens that your soul mate is far from where you were looking for it. You did not even suspect that such a person does not live in the circle of your friends and acquaintances. However, having met once, you will immediately understand that this is the kindred soul that you have been looking for for so long. The fact is that our brain has long formed the image and character of the very person who should become the chosen one. And the match will be visible instantly. This behavior is typical for women. They are used to living with feelings and emotions, moreover, with them.

Accept that divorce does not solve. "So where God has joined, don't separate man." Matthew 19: "Anyone who forsakes his wife, except fornication, and kills another person commits adultery, and whoever marries a forsaken person commits adultery." Matthew 19: "A married woman is bound by law to her husband while he lives." Romans 7.

Answer: The Bible is clear. The bond of marriage must be inseparable and unbreakable. Divorce is allowed only in the case of adultery. Even then, it is not recommended, but only allowed. Forgiveness is always better than divorce, even in the event of moral failure. Therefore, God decided when she celebrated her first wedding in Eden. The thought that divorce is the solution will ruin any marriage. This is one of the reasons why Jesus excluded this rule. Divorce is always devastating and almost never the solution.

Soul mates - meeting

No matter how much we prepare for this fateful meeting, no matter in what minute details we draw it to ourselves, it will happen at the most unexpected moment. How do you know that you have a soul mate in front of you? It is impossible to describe this person with clear characteristics. On a subconscious level, you yourself will feel it. After a few words of communication, you will understand that you have not experienced such a feeling of flight and unity of souls and thoughts before. The main thing is not to confuse love and the relationship between soul mates. These are different things that are not alike in any way.

Rather, they create much bigger problems, so you should never take that into account. Almost inevitably, after a divorce, crying, disappointment, unhappiness, life overhead, and sometimes even success in life is thwarted. God created marriage to preserve the morality and happiness of people, to satisfy social needs and to raise them mentally, morally and morally. Her vows are among the most solemn and promulgated commitments that people can make. If you remove them easily, you remove God's mercy and blessings.

It also happens that a soul mate appears in a person's life with a specific mission or purpose - to help in a difficult situation, change it for the better, calm down and make you believe in yourself.

How to understand that you were not mistaken?

Trust yourself, listen to the feelings and emotions that a meeting and communication with your supposed soul mate evokes in you. Just don't trust logic and cold reason. They are able to put everything in its place in such a way that you doubt even the need to communicate with this person. You will definitely understand that this is the one who should walk alongside you through life in one direction. However, a soul mate is not necessarily a member of the opposite sex with whom you are starting a family. To put it in the language of esotericism, these are people whose energies coincide. At the same time, they complement each other, increasing the life potential of each and the efficiency of the work performed.

Keep the family circle united. "Do not commit adultery." Exodus 20: The man's heart trusts him and receives no income. Answer: Family closeness should never be shared with other people - even with parents. It is a great sin and tragedy that violates this rule of God. The third person who empathizes or listens to complaints is an instrument in the hands of the devil who will alienate the heart of her husband and wife. Solve your marriage problems with each other. Nobody should ever get involved. Always be honest and don't keep secrets with each other.

Don't joke with the other's feelings. Protect each other strictly and exclude all intruders. As far as adultery is concerned, it always hurts you and everyone involved. God, who knows our mind, the structure of the body and soul, says: "Let no." And when He says, "Don't do it," we'd better not do it. Those who ignore this rule will receive final punishment. Therefore, if you start flirting, stop immediately or your life will be shaken by shadows that cannot be dispelled.

Examples of soul mates

In the literary works of many writers, there is a definition of a kindred spirit as a companion, colleague and best friend. This connection is inherent in us from the very beginning - by the heavens, which lower human souls to Earth. It is there that we are destined to look for a kindred spirit in this world, and form strong bonds between couples or several people. The individual components of these connections are scattered all over the world, and even live in other dimensions. The relationship that arises between people has its origins and ends where there is a divergence of views. As soon as a person fully receives what he wants from a kindred spirit, he ceases to need her and looks for new connections. However, no true feeling leaves without a trace. There are happy memories that it was once very good with this person.

God describes a love that makes you a goal to be on top on a daily basis. Love is long-lasting, full of kindness. Answer: Please read the Bible carefully. This is God's description of love. Love is not a sentimental impulse, it is a sacred principle that includes every phase and action of life. With true love, your marriage cannot fail.

Remember, criticism and injury destroy love. Answer: Stop criticizing, chanting and finding mistakes. Your husband or wife may have many flaws, but arguing won't help. He has no claim to perfection, or you will have bitterness. Inspect bugs and hunt for good things. Don't try to improve, control, or force your partner to destroy love. Only God can change people. A sense of humor, a cheerful heart, kindness, and affection will lead to two-thirds of your marriage problems.

The relationship between soul mates is visible to the naked eye. People use the same expressions and gestures. It seems that they were brought up in the same family, or are close relatives. Scientists have proven that such tandems even have the same heart rate. These are the people who understand each other "from a half-glance", and they do not even have a thought that the partner may be wrong. We can say that they are happy.

Try to make your partner happy, not make it better, and then virtue will work on its own. The secret to a successful marriage is not to have a perfect partner, but to be an ideal partner. Do not exceed the limit in any area to be moderate.

Answer: Exaggeration will destroy your marriage. The same goes for what you are not doing enough. Work, love, rest, exercise, play, worship, food, and social contacts need to be balanced or something will be in your marriage. Excessive work and lack of sleep, proper diet or exercise will cause the person to be critical, intolerant and negative. Constant overeating is a great evil that will strengthen a dull nature and conscience.

Classics describe the kinship of souls in clear and accessible language. Mikhail Bulgakov, through the mouth of the Master, utters a phrase that he suddenly realized that he had known Margarita all his life. What is not a good example of a kindred spirit?

Now it has become fashionable to attract soul mates into your life with the help of mediums endowed with psychic abilities. People rushed to the top, considering the search for such a person, almost the goal of life. However, these individuals count on one-sided love and understanding. They are sure that they have something to love and respect, and a kindred spirit is obliged to provide them with these benefits.

Reasons why people are looking for a soul mate

People spend a lot of time and effort looking for a soul mate. However, all efforts are in vain. Ask yourself why do you need a like-minded person? What are you looking for in such a relationship, what do you expect from them? There are many reasons, we will list the most important ones:

  1. You, which you cannot lift on your own. To do this, you need a person next to you who will become the tug for you to achieve your goals;
  2. You are an unhappy person. , dissatisfaction in life is pursued on the heels, not giving the opportunity to feel the taste for life, to feel its fullness and greatness. You are looking for the person who will give you happiness, friendship and love;
  3. You have been betrayed! It was a long time ago, but the experiences associated with the rupture of a heavy stone lie on the heart. You need a person who will help you to forget, and for your future.

There are a great many reasons for this. However, they are all based on taking something from a soul mate. And what in return? Are you willing to give more than you receive? Sharing warmth, care and understanding?

It is worth remembering that a soul mate is a reward for a person from Above! You should not just wait for it, like winning the lottery. In order to get it, you need to work hard, work on yourself and do good deeds. There may be few such meetings in life, but they certainly happen to everyone. It only remains to understand that the person who is in front of you is that very kindred spirit. You need to believe that sooner or later, the very person will meet who will become your closest and dearest, who will help you overcome all the storms and hardships of the cruel world, and in return will receive your love, warmth and understanding.

People who are looking for love constantly turn to me, someone for a love spell, which I do not recommend doing, and someone who made the right decision, looking for their soul mate, searching and attracting a kindred spirit. Much has already been said on this topic, but I decided to add a few more important tips how to find a soul mate

Each person wants to find not just love, but a person in whose person he will meet his soul mate. He will be truly happy, a person who complements you who understands from the first word. It is really possible to find such a person, it is also very important to understand whether this is the same person, so as not to throw the concept of a soul mate, calling so everyone with whom an affair began.

How to find and recognize your soul mate

Understand what happened and you met a soul mate can be pretty easy. Listen to your inner voice, it will tell you whether this is the right person and will not let enthusiasm overshadow the truth. After all, everyone knows that when we are fascinated by a new novel, sometimes feelings are so new and fresh that we do not hear the faint voice of our inner self, which tells us that we were wrong.

What to hide, I myself many times went on about beautiful courtship and did not hear the clues of the subconscious that surfaced in the little things. And only then, when disappointed, after a boat crash, not real love, I remembered these clues and realized that in fact, even then I knew that this was not real and the person was not mine.

How to tell if this is my person

You can determine whether this person is yours by many signs. Just ask yourself a few questions and listen to your heart's answers.

1. Do you find a common language with this person, is it easy for you to establish rapport with him.
2. Do you have a feeling that you have known him all your life.
3. Is there an intuitive guessing, each other's emotions.
4. What are your common interests or activities.
5. Do you want to see each other, do you miss each other if you haven't talked for a long time.
6. Whether you have noticed that you are something similar or have heard it from someone, the similarity is not necessarily external.
7. Is there a physical attraction between you.
8. Do you like everything about a person, his appearance, habits, smell, features.
9. Kiss, one of the most important aspects of a soul mate, it is from a kiss that you will understand whether he is or not. If your kisses are similar and you understand that a kiss with this person is special, then this is your person. A kiss with a soul mate is always magical, if it is not, then you made the wrong choice.
10. Do you want to take care of each other, are you support for each other.