Cool physics Chi can smear tricky puss
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Do you ever dream about picking pears?
Pear is associated with something soft, sweet and juicy. This blanket symbolizes good luck, interest and profits in dreams. Folk wisdom...
Electrical conductivity versus temperature Temperature conductivity
As Vvedennaya assumed, as the temperature increases, more and more strong carriers of electric charge appear in the conductor.
Hyperkinetic cardiac syndrome
Hyperkinetic syndrome is a disorder that is characterized by impaired respect, emotional hyperactivity and impulsivity.
Diroton: under any pressure to take, instructions from stagnation, vodguki and analogues Chi joins diroton with valerian
The drug Diroton is administered to hypotensive patients with vasodilatory peripheral action. The wine is vibrating...
Carrying food for dogs What food can be given to dogs
Guttalax Castor oil - don't give it to dogs or guts. Pharmacological group - Carrying characteristics Description To this group...
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