Why did it suddenly become easy on my soul. It's hard on the soul. first you need to find out the reason for this heaviness in the soul

In the article you will learn:

Hello beloved reader! It always seems to us that our problems are the most serious and that is why sometimes life is not sweet. But is it really so? Or maybe we are worrying in vain? Today I will tell you what to do when you feel bad.

Looking for the main reason

Surely everyone knows the feeling when troubles like a snowball are knocked down. There are more and more of them, large and small, it is more and more difficult to contain emotions and believe in the best. And one day he finds terrible despair, even like a wolf howl.

Kasten advises: "It doesn't hurt to give your doctor a hint." Back and soul belong together. Volksmund has known this for a long time: we have to prove that we will call, go straight through life and don't let us hang. If, however, we are worried, or if the stress of the cross is disturbed, it is difficult for us to maintain our attitude.

Mental stress increases the risk of back pain

Mental, social, or family burdens such as conflict, unemployment or high workload play an important role in back pain. Those who are constantly under stress and pressure, often dissatisfied or unhappy, also strain their back. And constant tension leads to pain.

It's one thing, on little things somewhere they got naughty, offended, the plan didn't work out or a quarrel with a loved one. But it is a completely different matter when health problems arise, a divorce is imminent or something happened to a loved one. Sometimes you need serious psychological help to adapt to new life circumstances.

And, nevertheless, to make it easier and life to improve, you need to try on your own. Until a person wants to help himself, no one will help him. Even the most wonderful psychologist.

Because of their frequency, low back pain with physical causes cannot be explained. Mental and workplace stress significantly increases the risk of back pain. In addition, specialists from the University of Heidelberg found that one in three patients with chronic back pain also suffered from mental illness.

Major lifestyle changes needed

The interaction of the back and the psyche can create a regular devil's circle. Mental disorders most often refer to back pain, back pain. In the case of persistent symptoms, the nerve fibers finally change - the body "remembers" the pain. Then a slight irritant, like a harmless touch, can be perceived as pain.

So what to do if in my heart bad and scratching cats:

  • The root cause of sadness needs to be dealt with.

This is the first rule. The fact is that difficulties do not appear by themselves, we ourselves are their main provocateurs.

Let's say my friend has a conflict with her boss. As a result, natural pressure began at work.

Fear of increased pain with movement causes some patients to become almost immobile. About one in three prevents movement in back pain. Likewise, one in three people worry that their symptoms are getting worse. A fundamental lifestyle change is often the only way to break the devil's circle.

The first step is to become aware of your own situation. Many people, however, have a hard time talking about psychological stress or admitting that something is too much for them. Therefore, many sufferers suffer for a long time in silence. They use pain relievers to get them over the day.

Every day - experiences, and sometimes nervous breakdowns. As a result - health problems, began to run to the doctors. Then she fell for her daughter, the already difficult relationship with her worsened. And then the ex-husband reminded of himself so inappropriately ...

However, this whole chain of events was provoked by a single situation - a conflict with the leadership. But in the tumult of days, we forget what was the source and bring ourselves to depression.

Solarium and back balance

Often we do not notice when the shoulders are dropping forward, and the back is compressed from pain - until the pain is remembered. Therefore, pay more attention to your body position than before! Don't let it hang. Be more conscious with your body. Holistic therapy is often more helpful than purely symptomatic therapy. In so-called multimodal therapy concepts, patients can maintain back pain from all angles. These concepts also take into account psychosocial factors and help the patient to detect and reduce personal stress.

If possible, we eliminate

Therefore, you need to understand the main reason why you feel bad, and eliminate it. My friend eventually quit, reconciled with her daughter, the symptoms after the dismissal disappeared by themselves, and in a conversation with her ex-husband, the right words were found by themselves.

Hence, the second rule applies when depression rolled over:

This not only strengthens the back, but also the soul. It is important to consider the entire human being when treating back pain. Although 85% of all back pain does not have any physical cause such as lack or misuse, doctors are still looking for it. Treatment is often unsuccessful in the long term.

There is a wise saying that wounds do not hurt so much when they are done, but when they are healed. For this reason, when someone has hurt us, it is difficult to think about forgiveness. In the Bible, the word forgive literally means to let go. Forgiveness means apologizing to someone who has hurt us or ignored the guilt you have done with us. We forgive others when we stop feeling resentful and do not insist on compensation for the harm they have done or for the loss we may have suffered.

  • If the problem cannot be resolved constructively, remove it.

Sometimes it is much better to quit a disgusting job, get away from bad relationships, give up ineffective treatment than to experience their negative impact on yourself from time to time.

Having found and solved the main difficulty, you should take up the correction of all other situations that did not resolve by themselves. You can, of course, let everything take its course and plunge into depression to the fullest. Sometimes this is useful too.

Failure to forgive breeds negative feelings such as anger, bitterness, and hatred. Sometimes it's so hard to forgive that we accumulate so much resentment and hatred towards the person who hurt us that we wish him the worst. These feelings are bad for our heart because they are bitter and bitter. But worst of all, they prevent the injury caused by this person.

At different times in our lives, we will face the difficult task of forgiving, and it is not just an act. When we go through a situation that we cannot forgive, we will never feel at ease. Therefore, seeking forgiveness is the main medicine to free our souls from resentment.

However, just enough pay attention to the problem, consider possible solutions and implement them! Moreover, it is necessary to act quickly, possibly with the help of specialists. Because the further - the more difficult.

What else to do when it's bad?

So now, when there is a realization that it is pointless to fall into despondency, it is necessary to correct mistakes, then moral resources will be needed to start acting.

How can we forgive someone who has hurt us? To forgive, it's important to remember the following. At times we may believe that we are forgiven, but we wait for the moment when we can avenge ourselves. Forgiveness is a process that goes beyond; where your mind, feelings and actions should be connected. The calmness that forgiveness in your soul helps your mind to breathe calmly so that you will again feel a sense of peace within you. When a person does something that hurts us, part of the blame lies with us, so it's important to also be aware of it and accept if we had something to do in the situation. On the other hand, if, when considering a fact, you realize that you have nothing to do, calm down; let life be responsible for passing the bill, not for you. In any catharsis process, it is imperative to put rejection before the fact, as it binds you and prevents you from taking the next step. By not admitting that we have been hurt or vulnerable to someone, we reinforce negative feelings and build up bitterness; which is dangerous and harmful to your physical, emotional and mental health.

  • Forgiving doesn't just mean "I forgive you."
  • None of this should go separately.
  • Analyze consciousness.
  • Recognize that you have a wound that must heal sooner or later.
  • It's important to accept that you need to fold the page.
Sometimes we cling to negative feelings that even though we know they hurt us, we don't let go of them.

  • You should take care of your health, psychological and physical.

In addition, the correct work of the psyche will require a lot of energy, and if the regime of nutrition, sleep and wakefulness is violated, then the energy will be produced little and there will simply not be enough strength. Apathy, bad mood, weakness will hinder the necessary changes.

Feeling that it is time to let go of the past and choose to fill your life with love and understanding; this is the best decision you can make. Also, accept your mistakes and, above all, forgive yourself; attracts a sense of peace and tranquility to you. Which will help you get out of the tunnel of negative emotions that you should never have entered. Forgiveness does more than just accept the need for forgiveness and make a decision to forgive. It is imperative to have a record of forgiveness, and it is imperative not to feel revenge again, as it is counterproductive to stick your finger in a wound that is already healing. There are people who can harm our souls by making us different beings from who we have always been. We should never change our essence, our good feelings and actions, simply because someone at some point spoiled them. Other people should not be guilty of other people's actions, and your nobility should not be lost because the trash person does not value you.

  • Choose to forgive.
  • Strive to forgive.
  • It's you again.
There is nothing free in this life, not even love.

Therefore, one of the tasks is to track your nutrition, the time at which you go to bed, etc. And to make it easier and not so bad - more dark chocolate, bananas, cheese, oranges in the daily diet. These foods contribute to the production of the "happiness hormone" - serotonin.

Humility as a virtue

But it so happens that it is impossible to solve, and it is impossible to get rid of the problem.

Everyone has a price, and sooner or later we pay for everything that we did wrong, and someone else causes the damage done to us. Maybe the weather doesn't heal, hurts quickly, and the wind doesn't take bad memories easily, but it's nice to be left aside, which both hurts us and feels forgiven.

To be happy, you must have a bad memory! If you'd like to provide feedback for this article, do so now and without compassion. Conclusion of the sermon - dangerous time for the preacher. Chances are, you are emotionally, spiritually, and physically drained. If you are called to preach, you will leave everything in the pulpit.

  • In this case, it is helpful to have a skill like humility.

This is not lack of will, but the ability to accept the situation as it is, if there are no more ways left. " Endure with dignity what you cannot change»©. For example, we cannot do anything if a loved one has passed away or a husband has stopped loving and left for another woman.

Here are three main lessons. The sermon fights the enemy every week. "It is pleasing to God, through the folly of preaching," Paul observed, "to save believers." This means that sinners are taken from the "prince of the power of the air," the spirit that now operates in the children of disobedience. God uses preaching as a vehicle to change people to remove them from the dominion of the enemy.

Satan has an opinion about the preaching of the gospel: it must be stopped. Don't be naive in the belief that by delivering the message you will get you out of sight. Preparing a message with study, meditation and prayer has protective benefits. However, after preaching, you are usually tired and empty.

Of course, it is not only possible, but necessary to survive these events, to grieve. Since this is a natural process of adaptation of the psyche. But then you need to come to terms with what happened and let go of the situation or person.

Learning to enjoy life

And if morally badly from unrealized goals or you want to experience bad events sooner, then you need to do the following:

Your flesh will also work hard. Preaching encourages temptation. On the one hand, it is pride in the way God uses you; on the other, condemnation of how he does not do it. Then there is the message itself, in which you put many words, knowing that "in many words, crime is inevitable."

Where people preach, failure abounds. If you've been preaching for a while, you know that all messages have some flaws. These weaknesses get very friendly Sunday afternoon and they knock on your door to visit you. They invade your home, disrupt your peace, and change the color of the sermon before your eyes. As if the whole message was destroyed.

  • Gather friends. Loneliness will only aggravate feelings, provoke self-digging, winding yourself up. And the support of close friends, especially those who look at situations with humor and irony, will help to distract and look at everything differently, from the outside.
  • Workout... If there are no friends, even the most overwhelmed friend, then it's time to look for them. And it's best to do it among your like-minded people. Therefore, forward to where people do what you like, to classes and courses dedicated to interesting hobbies. For example, sports, fitness. There you can find friends, a lot of acquaintances, pump up your figure, distract yourself from sad thoughts - only solid pluses!
  • Go shopping. And this advice will appeal to girls! Repeatedly tested on myself. Well, what brings joy to us girls when we yearn alone, without a loved one? Shopping, of course! Treat yourself to a new thing or pamper yourself with the services of a beauty salon or a spa center - a real balm for your soul. Just think, the guy gave up - there is even better for such and such a beauty!

But we must remember that these are only means to cheer up, find the strength to act and solve difficult situations. Since some are confused and addicted to shopping or parties so much that they fall into squandering, frivolity, and in the meantime, troubles are not solved, but only accumulate. But you just need to not give up and act!

There is a time and a place for everything under the sun. But evaluating your preaching immediately after your preaching makes you hate your preaching. After the sermon, you must prepare for the attacks of the flesh and the devil. Just as the soldiers prepare to attack the enemy, you must prepare for the attack.

Before, during, and after the attacks, he flees to the good news of the gospel. Keep in mind that the sermon is about the power of God's Word, not your words. There is no preaching sermon in the history of the world that was so bad that it drained the Word of God from its power. The Lord is great enough to allow people to remember His eternal words and forget their wrong words. Do you really believe that God's purpose is based on the quality of your preaching? Of course, this is not what you preach. So on Sunday afternoon it was time to apply it.

Perhaps that's all. June was with you.

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Now many people suffer from the problem of what to do when you feel very bad ... Since we are all human, we have our own feelings and emotions, and it is impossible and impossible for anyone to always be in a good mood without problems. All even the most successful people have this feeling, and they themselves do not know what to do when it is very bad. Therefore, today we will analyze this issue and help you understand what to do when very bad at heart giving the most effective and proven by many people methods and methods. So that everyone, after reading this article, applied all this in practice, could not only understand what to do when it’s bad, but could also become even more successful and happier.

After the sermon, prepare for the attack, remembering that God is greater than your mistakes. When you are attacked, your soul will be noisy. Blaming thoughts will knock on the door of your mind, demanding your attention. Or maybe it's ideas that inflate your ego, where you think of yourself "higher than you should." At these moments, you must silence your soul.

Shut up your soul by trusting in the results of your preaching in the Lord. Shut up your soul by correcting your thoughts about God, not about your performance. If you're feeling proud, remember that your message doesn't make sense unless he wants to make it strong. If you are feeling condemned, remember that His Word is not empty. Your preaching will do exactly what God wants. Fortunately, you cannot derail your plans.

The first thing you need to figure out what to do when very badly on soul , it is to decide for yourself what positive or negative character the given state has. Imagine, for a start, a mental picture of what will happen in your life, when you understand what to do, when it is very bad and you can get rid of this problem forever, what you will become, what will change in your life and what new opportunities you will have. After that, you motivate yourself with a further goal and picture of life and will strive for this. After that, think not only about what kind of negativity something brings you when you feel very bad, but also think about the positive aspects. Since it is in this state that a person begins to think about his meaning of life, his goals, what he has achieved, and thanks to this he delving deeper into the problem, he will be able to rest, gain strength and move through life with new strength and achieve even greater success and happiness. To do this, you just need to know when it is very bad for you and what life moments, and use this for the benefit of yourself.


The main problem and reason when a person can be very bad at heart is precisely at the moment of longing. Therefore, you first need to get rid of melancholy, but only in those cases when it is precisely negative, taking away your precious time and energy. Which can be used in a more useful direction, as well as when it is very bad and melancholy turns into a state of depression, which drags on your condition even longer. Therefore, try to identify and study when you feel very bad and melancholy overtakes you, and if you see that this is very negative, then look for methods to deal with it. And if you feel very bad and there is melancholy, but on the contrary, it helps you to comprehend and think over your life, find the meaning of life, rest, relax, then it is better to penetrate even deeper into this state, and then start to rise and achieve success even better, faster and stronger.


As many know, it is the sounds of your favorite music, with which only positive and good moments in life are associated, that helps you when very bad at heart , incredibly fast and high quality. But if, on the contrary, you want to penetrate and think about your life even more, then listen to music on the contrary, which helps you think about your life and its meaning. Do not be afraid that for a long time you will fall into a state where it is very bad, there is nothing to worry about. This is just like a person cannot be in a good mood for a long time, after all, we are people, not robots, we have feelings and emotions, and sometimes we just need to catch our breath, rest, think about our life. But always know that when you dive deeper, you will need to go up anyway, so you need to know when you feel very bad and use it for your own purposes.


Also, a walk to your favorite places is also very important. You will be able to both relax, gain strength, and vice versa, think even more about your life. Walking should always be done, it also improves your memory, mood, which in any case will help you in those moments when you feel very bad.


Also, do not forget about people, relatives and friends, family, friends, comrades and acquaintances. In any case, with a large social circle, there is at least one person who will help you exactly in that state when you very bad , will support you, cheer you up, and you can quickly get rid of this condition.

Appreciate those people who do not forget about you and support you in difficult times, since there are few of them left. Also, for this you need to know how to easily overcome loneliness. Since it is loneliness that can and also be the reason when it is very bad, also complicating this state. Do not forget about the people who are just as bad to help them, because in the future you can also become very ill and these people will definitely come to your aid. Communicate with the right and reliable people, create strong families and everything in your life will be wonderful.

That's all we were going to discuss with you about what to do when it's very bad. Applying all the methods and advice given above, you can not only understand what to do when it is very bad, but also learn how to get rid of this condition, or, on the contrary, delve into it in order to achieve even greater success and happiness.