The famous fortune teller. Should we believe fortune tellers and fortune-telling? Notable fortune tellers

Incredible facts

Some call them charlatans and swindlers. Others sincerely believe in their gift and turn to them for help.

People with the power to foresee and heal have been around at all times.

The abilities of psychics and clairvoyants have always been questioned, and caused heated debate among others.

They were accused of lying and idolized.

And although skeptics nit is believed that most of the so-called psychics are ordinary swindlers, there are those who are really endowed with supernormal abilities.

Without a doubt, these extraordinary people know how to foresee the future and read the past.

Here are 11 of the most powerful clairvoyants in the world who, at a certain time period, amazed the world with their abilities and predictions that came true:

Famous psychics

1. Edgar Cayce

There is evidence that Edgar Cayce had the ability to perform psychic readings while sleeping.

It was not for nothing that they called him "the sleeping prophet", because most of his insights came to him in a dream. Casey's prophetic and prophetic dreams amazed people. However, it was even more shocking how he fell into such a state when he spoke his prophecies.

Casey could lie on the couch, fold his hands on his stomach, and then force himself to sleep. As soon as Edgar fell asleep, he could answer any questions asked to him. It was believed that these were his predictions.

Many people have even vouched for the true value and usefulness of such prophecies. Among the most famous predictions of Cayce are the invention of the laser, as well as the fall of the communist regime in the USSR in the 90s of the 20th century.

Research and Education Association, Inc. (A.R.E.) in Virginia Beach, Virginia, has an archive of nearly 14,000 Cayce psychic readings.

2. Jeanne Dixon

Jeanne Dixon was born in Medford, Wisconsin and raised in California.

She became popular thanks to her prophecies, one of which was that President John F. Kennedy would be assassinated.

Her prediction was published in the May 13, 1956 issue of Parade magazine, which stated that the 1960 presidential election would be "won by a Democrat. Later, that winner would be killed or died in office as President of the United States."

She predicted a few years later that "in the 1960 election, Richard Nixon will win the presidential election."

Great prophets

3. Michelle Nostradamus

Michel de Nostrdam or Nostradamus is one of the greatest prophets who ever lived in the world. His book of the Prophecies of Nostradamus was recreated in copies after his death.

Many of the predictions of the great prophet have become almost cult. A huge number of people of different religions and nationalities believe that Nostradamus is one of the greatest people, and his prophecies are considered a real miracle.

However, many academic sources believe that most of his predictions were the result of misinterpretation or mis-translation, some of which were intentional.

Among the prophecies of the great Michel Nostradamus, supposedly, the birth of Hitler, the invention of the atomic bomb and even the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.

4. John Edward

John Edward has a television show called Intersection. The program serves as a means of communication between deceased family members and the living. Through this show, people receive messages from relatives from the other world.

Edward has also written several books on related topics.

Edward's psychic abilities showed up at a very early age. The people's belief that John actually possesses these abilities has also been reinforced by knowledge of events that took place before his birth.

The clairvoyant told about them in great detail, which left no doubt that the man was a prophet, or at least possessed the gift of clairvoyance.

5. James Van Praagh

James Van Praag is a practicing medium.However, he can also be considered a celebrity as he co-produced the series on ghosts and the afterlife.

The psychic was even accused of lying, however, Van Praag repeatedly proved his extrasensory abilities not in word, but in deed.

In his programs and books, the clairvoyant mainly talks about what happens to the soul after death. Everything related to the other world is in the competence of the medium.

6. Wolf Messing

The famous Polish medium of Jewish origin, Wolf Messing, is one of the greatest figures of the 20th century.

This man, endowed with incredible powers of predicting, caused the wrath of the Fuhrer himself, who appointed a bounty for Messing's head.

A few months before the start of World War II, the psychic predicted imminent death for Hitler if he "went to war to the east."

And if for Germany he became a real enemy, then in the Kremlin he came to court. After numerous checks, the most high-ranking officials of the state, including Joseph Stalin himself, could be convinced of his abilities.

There are legends about the incredible gift of Wolf Messing. Even after his death, this person remains a very controversial figure.

Some consider him the great charlatan of his era, while others recognize him as a great genius who managed to arouse the hatred and respect of the most powerful rulers of the 20th century.

Famous clairvoyants

7. Stuart Wilde

Wilde is both an urban mystic and a seer.

He has written 17 books on self-help, self-improvement, spirituality and consciousness. His works, including CDs containing sessions of meditation as well as transcendence, have been translated into over 30 languages.

In his later books, Stewart touched upon the very serious pressing problems that every modern person faces.

In addition, Wilde is one of the so-called "conspiracy theorists", according to whom the corrupt elite control the government, banking and the media, which harm the public.

8. Helen Duncan

Helen Duncan was a Scottish clairvoyant and one of the most controversial figures in dream history.

She was more than once convicted of deception: Duncan conducted sessions during which she released ectoplasm from her mouth. In her sessions, the psychic tried to connect with the spirits of the dead.

Although some claimed that she was an ordinary swindler, and that she simply absorbed all the substances that then came out of her mouth in advance, many defended her, saying that it was impossible to do this on purpose.

Helen herself has repeatedly proved that she does not deceive anyone, but really has phenomenal superpowers.

People believed in her gift, including the historian Alfred Dodd and Maurice Barbanell. They argued that Helen was indeed endowed with paranormal powers.

However, Duncan became famous not only for her gift, but also for the fact that she became the last one who was convicted in Great Britain for the so-called Witchcraft Law.

In Great Britain, a scandal even broke out related to the sudden death of Helen Duncan in 1956 (according to experts, the medium died from an ectoplasmic stroke).

As a result, the "Law on Witchcraft" was canceled, and some of its points were transferred to the "Law on False Mediums".

9. Daniel Dunglas Home

Dunglas Hume, a Scottish spiritualist medium who became famous for his incredible powers of clairvoyance, divination and levitation.

He also demonstrated other forms of the so-called "psychic phenomenon".

Daniel Dunglas easily climbed to different heights, and also processed fire and hot coal without burning. For more than 35 years, Dunglas has conducted his sessions without raising any suspicion that he is a fraud.

Everyone believed in his gift and accepted him as the greatest psychic.

It is believed that Dunglas possessed abilities in four types of mediumship. He had a strong voice (the ability to let spirits speak), he had the ability to enter a state of trance (the spirits spoke through him), had the gift of clairvoyance (saw things that others did not see), and possessed physical mediumship (moving things, levitation and others incredible abilities).

10. George Anderson

George Anderson is a medium considered the best friend of people who have left this world.

This is because, thanks to his abilities and the gift of persuasion, he helped grieving families to live on even after the loved one died.

Anderson established a connection between this world and the other world, transmitting messages to people from the other world from relatives, and to the dead, the wishes and requests of the living.

His phenomenal abilities left no doubt that George Anderson was indeed endowed with a great gift.

11. Vanga (Vangelia)

Vanga is a Bulgarian clairvoyant who has become, perhaps, one of the most controversial figures of the last century.

She was born into a poor peasant family in a small Bulgarian settlement, and at the age of 12, as a result of a hurricane, she became blind. It is believed that it was after the girl lost her sight that she had the gift of foresight.

Famous fortune teller

The name of the famous French fortune teller Maria Anna Adelaide Lenormand is somehow known to everyone who is interested in mysticism and occultism. Meanwhile, her fate was not too happy: she had to experience orphanhood, prison, survive the death of a loved one and, finally, accept her own violent death ... However, she knew about many events in her life in advance ...

Unusual child

Marie-Anne was born in Alencon, the son of a wealthy manufacturer in the manufacture of goods. The girl was born extremely ugly, and besides, the birth trauma made her lame, so her parents gave the baby to education to the Benedictine monastery.

A strange girl could look at the water for hours or try to read the hand of one of the students, claiming that she learned this from a gypsy. Once, in a conversation, Marie accidentally dropped the phrase that the abbess "will not stay here for long." A lengthy interrogation followed, as there was a suspicion that the girl was familiar with some intriguers who wanted to remove the abbess. The matter was resolved in the best possible way. It turns out that mother was just waiting for a new appointment ... However, this case embarrassed the sisters, and they asked the relatives of Maria Anna to take her out of the monastery.

"The Empress's personal fortune teller"

Marie Ann was sent to study with a dressmaker. But soon she decided to try her luck in the capital of France.

In Paris, Lenormand first had to get a job as a saleswoman, and then she and her friend opened a fortune-telling salon. Soon Maria Anna met a famous occultist and kabbalist Etteilawho taught her the art of divination by Tarot cards.

The young fortuneteller quickly “entered fashion ". Her salon was visited by such historical figures as Marat, Saint-Just and Robespierre... It is known that a young fortune-teller predicted a violent death for all three.

The prediction came true exactly. Marat was mortally wounded a few months later, and Saint-Just and Robespierre were executed a year later ...

They say when Marat was killed Charlotte Corday, Robespierre visited Maria again. And again I heard the same from her - the fortune-teller did not lie to her clients. As a "reward" Lenormand was arrested and imprisoned on charges of "counter-revolutionary activities" ... True, she did not stay there for long.

In 1796 Lenormand was visited by his future wife Napoleon Josephine Beauharnais. Tarot cards in the hands of the fortune teller, they promised her a meeting with a man whom she would love and who would make her famous, but then betray her, and that she would become an empress ...

Soon Josephine became Napoleon's wife. Tom Lenormand, in turn, predicted the title of emperor. He paid her a prize of one million francs and conferred the title of "personal fortune teller of the Empress." However, when in 1808 she warned him about the defeat in the war with Russia, the betrayal of the marshals and the inglorious end on the island, Bonaparte expelled her from Paris ...

Late love

In the provinces, the appearance of a Parisian celebrity caused a sensation. Famous persons considered it an honor to invite her to visit. To your neighbors Deleuze the soothsayer said that the owner of the house would lose his favorite sapphire ring and immediately fall ill. His illness will leave when the ring is found. Needless to say, this is how it all happened. The owner's son found the ring Pierre... It was this young man who became the love of an aging Sibyl. Soon Pierre announced to his parents that he was in love with Lenormand, who was twice his age. This caused a scandal. Parents could not come to terms with the strange choice of their son. Maria's charm and inner strength made the young man forget about the defects in his beloved's appearance and her age.

Maria Anna and Pierre began to live together openly, which aroused the hatred of those who were recently in awe of the Parisian celebrity provincials. It got to the point that the young man's father tried to set fire to their bedroom ... But, by a cruel irony of fate, it was not the bride who burned, but the groom - the son of the arsonist. Although, according to another version, Pierre Deleuze died of a fatal illness. Lenormand learned about the impending death of her beloved by looking at his hand ...

Date of own death

Lenormand returned to Paris after the war and reopened the salon on the Rue de Tournon.

After the victory over Napoleon, Russian troops entered Paris. Many officers had heard about Marie Lenormand and some ventured to visit her. Among them were the future Decembrists Mikhail Lunin, Kondraty Ryleev and Sergey Muravyov-Apostol... Lenormand predicted the same thing for all three - a brilliant military career, and then a terrible death. She predicted to Muravyov the Apostle that he would be hanged in his own country. He just grinned: in Russia at that time the death penalty was abolished. The tragic prediction came true: Ryleev and Muravyov-Apostol were sentenced to death by hanging as the instigators of the uprising against the tsar in December 1825, and Lunin died in hard labor.

Marie had many enemies. Many considered her a witch and wished her death. But to people close to her, Maria Lenormand said that she knew perfectly well how and when she would die. She is destined to be on the verge of death several times, she will be saved from fire and water, and a stranger will kill her. She told the maid that she could not worry - nothing would be lost from the house, and half of Paris would gather for her funeral.

Ill-wishers have repeatedly tried to set fire to Lenormand's salon, but every time she remained alive. Once the fortune teller almost drowned while riding a boat, but again she was saved by a miracle - corset caught on a beam. Another time, in the Bois de Boulogne, a man attacked her and pierced her head with a heavy object. But she survived. Death overtook the 71-year-old prophetess on June 23, 1843, when riots broke out in the city. An unknown young man broke into the house and strangled her. In the house, where there were many expensive things, nothing was missing ...

The fortune teller's fame was so great that almost all of Paris accompanied her to the cemetery ... This prophecy also came true ...

The scientific and the unknown still coexist next to each other, and sometimes it is very difficult to draw the line between scientific accuracy and what is difficult to prove, but also quite real. Therefore, most of those whom we call magicians seriously engaged in science, but many are still considered great mystifiers.

1. Cassandra

"Cassandra". Frederick Sandys

A Trojan seer who predicted most of the events of the Trojan War, including the infamous traitorous horse with a troop of warriors inside the statue. According to myths, Cassandra predicted the tragic role of Paris and Helena the Beautiful in this war, her death and the death of her beloved Mycenaean king Agamemnon. However, the drama was precisely in the fact that no one believed the girl - such was the revenge of Apollo, from whom Cassandra received her gift. To some extent, everyone who has superpowers has to deal with mistrust.

2. Nostradamus

Researchers are still trying to decipher the prophecies of Nostradamus, but each new generation finds in its quatrains all the new events taking place in world history. This is what makes his quatrains amazing. According to possible calculations, his predictions are calculated for events up to the middle of the third millennium, that is, for another 150 years from now. Despite the fact that the poems are presented in a very figurative language, many events and personalities in them seem to be very recognizable. They can be recognized as Hitler, Napoleon, atomic explosions in Japan and even the September 11 terrorist attack in New York.

3. Cagliostro

Cagliostro is more of a deceiver than a magician, but how he managed to mislead a huge number of intelligent people of his time is certainly worth attention. He was persecuted by the police for most of his vigorous activity, but at the same time he convinced monarchs and the rich of his exceptional abilities. He succeeded in some of the tricks quite successfully - he increased the amount of gold, imitated resurrection from the dead, read thoughts. And miraculously evoked sympathy and attraction in people towards his personality.

4. Mesmer

Mesmer was a physician and, in modern terms, used non-traditional methods of treatment, trying to use some kind of energy force. According to his theory, it had different properties - from clairvoyance to the transmission of bodies and objects through and through. He had his own explanation of how it works, but it was very far from science. Nevertheless, in fact, he was the first to try to study hypnosis and still arouses serious interest among physicians.

5. Edgar Cayce

The American medium broadcast in a trance state, making diagnoses and prescribing treatments, talking about the past and the future. Most of these reports were confirmed in reality, but the Cayce phenomenon has not been studied. At the same time, predictions were also unsuccessful, so it is impossible to argue that the Casey effect was not the result of popular rumor and accidental hits.

6. Messing

A recognized Soviet psychic who successfully acted during periods of active atheism and materialism, which in itself is a small miracle. Wolf Messing was considered an artist and they tried not to go into the nature of his abilities. Nevertheless, he could read and inspire thoughts, and, according to him, participated in solving crimes and advised the leaders of the Soviet state on the subject of making decisions about the fate of the country. Much of this is criticized and not confirmed.

7. Wang

The Bulgarian blind could only predict, but she did it better than any known contemporaries in the foreseeable past. In addition, she was more or less accessible to retell her visions, which made it easier to understand and be able to decipher events. Vanga was open to most ordinary people and was ready to help almost everyone who had enough desire to get to her. there is no need to list, but today they are one of the closest to reality.

8. Castaneda

The writer and esotericist explored human nature through the shamanistic teachings of the Mexican Indians. The life, creativity and even death of this mystic are still shrouded in mystery. Whether his experiments were reality or is it the author's fiction - there is still debate. However, he has many followers who are trying to translate all his ideas into real life. The teachings are based on the ability to control the energy body of a person, to change one's own reality, to influence fate, to bring a person's abilities far beyond the currently possible boundaries.

9. Sai Baba

Wonderworker-Hindu, among his fans considered the embodiment of God. He actually created a rather complex religious teaching with theory and practice, rules and laws. For the general public, Sai Baba performed demonstrations of all kinds of miracles - mind reading, healing, prophecy, and even materializing objects. Critics consider him a fraud, fans - an absolute magician. However, who he really is is still a mystery.

10. Juna

During the heyday of interest in esotericism and the paranormal. She was engaged in healing, astrology, social activities and even politics. Juna's biofield was measured with the help of instruments, determining a certain radiation emanating from her hands. Juna's personality is also surrounded by many myths and blank spots. Juna treated with this gift, but how effective her treatment was - opinions were divided. But in esoteric circles they speak of her as a highly spiritual person who tried to bring people good and the ideals of her high destiny in this world.

In life, there are many problems, crossroads, unrequited love, illness, family split, worry for loved ones ... Sometimes it seems that knowing the future would predetermine and help solve important problems for oneself and take the right measures. But today it is possible! Fortune teller on cards, prophetic dreams, personal communication with people, prayers Maria Svetlaya is always ready to come to your aid. Maria is a true fortune-teller who, since childhood, developed the ability and gift to see the future.

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Commentary of Maria Svetlaya in the program of the First Channel “Good Morning” on the issue of planning the sex of the child in folk ways:

For more than 10 years, the fortuneteller has been practicing extrasensory perception. Those who were helped by Mary believe that she is a real fortune teller from God, whose gift does not lead to sin, since her heart is pure, and her intentions are not selfish and vicious. The best fortune-tellers, such as Mary, fulfilling her mission before humanity, do not bear sin and do not defame your soul. On the contrary, the fortune-teller witch Maria Svetlaya is able, with an Orthodox prayer, not only to tell what she sees in your future, but also to help you cope with ailments, problems and return happiness.

Fortune teller on cards, fortune tellers psychics

All the famous fortune-tellers glorified their name by bringing faith and help to their neighbor, always giving themselves for the salvation of a person, his soul and deeds. Today it is believed that the most powerful fortune-teller, capable of healing, clairvoyance and divination, is Mary. A professional fortune teller helps:

  • In love affairs, and as fortune tellers for love returns the betrothed, helps to return those who were bewitched or cursed by black magic or doomed by the evil eye.
  • In business, as well-known fortune-tellers, she predicts the consequences of the transaction, work with one or another partner, the choice of work, projects.
  • In her work, as a fortune-teller and seer, Maria tells what kind of work you will have in the future, when it will happen and what field of activity is the most promising for you and will bring income and raise the career ladder.
  • In the family, as the best fortune-tellers, she will correctly approach the problem and, understanding the importance of the question and your worries, look into the future of your family and tell about each of its members.

In her work, the most powerful fortune-teller, Mary, can view visions of the future through prayer from photographs and personal belongings. Therefore, you do not have to travel with the whole family or carry a soul mate with you. You can find out how the fortune-teller accepts the witch on our website, as well as learn about who and how the truthful fortune-teller helped. Here you will also find the address where the hereditary fortune teller Maria Svetlaya receives.

Women fortune tellers, hereditary fortune tellers, real fortune tellers

Maria is an honest fortune-teller

A true fortune-teller foresees the future in any situation and will tell only the truth. Despite the complexity of the problem, the most powerful fortune-teller will be able to see his fate through the aura of a person and the prism of time. Only great fortune tellers and true fortune tellers will be able to tell what lies ahead without seeing you in person. It is these descriptions that best describe the ability of Mary the Light - to predict and prevent problems that may befall you in the future. Maria Svetlaya is a fortune-teller, whose name is known not only in the capital, but throughout Russia and the neighboring countries. She was able to reveal the secrets of the future with the power of thought and prayer and saved many from the wrong path, set them on the true path and helped make the right decision. If you need fortune tellers fortune tellers who have the gift and strength, the best fortune tellers who can really help you, then your right decision has already come - you need a hereditary fortune teller Maria.

Many famous fortune tellers developed their abilities with the help of books, rituals, studying and memorizing certain actions. Maria is a professional fortune-teller, who is destined for a gift from the Almighty. From childhood, abilities that were not long in coming were languishing in her. Prophetic dreams told her that she was a fortune-teller, a witch, capable of helping and performing miracles, saving people and receiving the richest gift for her work - health and happiness. The headaches that tormented Mary as a child stopped every time she directed her energies to good deeds. And now, after so many years, she is a gifted, humane and very pleasant person, whom women fortune-tellers envy.

Real fortune teller, honest fortune teller, professional fortune teller

Many famous fortune-tellers of the capital and other cities come to Mary to get advice and learn from her, because today Mary is an honest fortune-teller, who is called a real fortune-teller who does not need gifts and fortunes to allow a person to become happy and healthy. Novice fortune tellers and clairvoyants learned a lot from her, first of all - the understanding that their mission is to help you, which at any moment will be provided by a good fortune teller with an open heart Maria Svetlaya.

How Maria Can Help

An expert in future predictions, a professional fortune teller, a fortune teller on cards and the power of his own thoughts ... - all these are characteristics that accurately convey the abilities of Mary. Many of the best fortune tellers today can carry out their work not only in person with a client, but also remotely. Fortune teller and seer Maria Svetlaya is able to offer you her help, tell fortunes, see and predict fate, solve all your problems in many ways

Traditionally, fortune tellers, fortune tellers meet with people and, with the help of cards, coffee grounds, a magic ball and a person's aura, reveal secrets, prophesying what lies ahead. A real fortune teller may not require the presence of a person. So, such strong fortune-tellers as Maria offer the following options:

  • Predictions, advice, consultations by phone, what makes the hereditary fortune teller Maria.
  • Communication, help, healing, prediction of the future, prophecy through personal contact, for which great fortune-tellers, like Aria, conduct sessions by appointment.
  • Any kind of help, clairvoyance, extrasensory perception and prediction from personal things, which the fortune teller Maria also practices.
Fortune tellers fortune tellers, famous fortune tellers, great fortune tellers

Fortune telling online

With the advent of the Internet, simple fortune-tellers and psychics, such as the fortune-teller and seer Maria Svetlaya, offer their gifts in the form of helping those in need online. Real fortune tellers are ambitious in their abilities and have no barriers, both in the territorial and spiritual areas. Mary is an honest fortune-teller, from whom comes the strongest prayer that opens the doors to where many fortune-tellers are never destined to enter. It is prayer that is its strength, its ability and its power. Without resorting to white or black magic, as fortune-tellers do, Mary is able, without seeing a person and without even hearing his voice, to direct him the power of God and reveal to him secrets that will help in his life. Thanks to abilities that even great fortune tellers do not have, Mary is called the most powerful fortune teller in the world.

Famous fortune tellers, the most powerful fortune teller, a true fortune teller

Why is it worth contacting Maria Svetlaya?

The best fortune-tellers cannot compare with Mary in their spiritual purity, open heart and sincere intentions. Many women fortune-tellers are ordinary liars who want to extract self-interest from deception. There are also simple fortune-tellers who want a commercial benefit from the knowledge of just a few ways to predict the logical conclusion of an event or who are able to simply describe the resulting combinations of Tarot cards. There are real fortune-tellers in our life who are capable of clairvoyance and who are psychics, but who do their job for money. There are also famous fortune tellers, whom many have heard of because of their ability to handle black magic, which is a sin. But are there fortune-tellers and clairvoyants who not only see your future, but also help it become better by praying for you?

It is precisely such a blameless, pure, kind and sincere fortune-teller witch Maria, with whom even strong fortune-tellers who use only white magic will never be compared. Even if real fortune tellers are 70% able to tell you the truth, they will never be able to give you what the honest fortune teller Maria can give you - help and spiritual guidance, peace of mind and absorb faith in you.

Those who have already received help from Mary once know forever that she is a good fortune-teller, a standard that psychics fortune-tellers and strong fortune-tellers are equal to, capable of much and willing to give what Mary is ready to give to everyone. If you need fortune-tellers and clairvoyants, if you need the best fortune-teller on cards, you now know where to find it. Do not believe if you were told that famous fortune tellers are better because their name sounds at every step, believe those who were really helped by real fortune tellers, and not just told about the future. Real fortune tellers like Maria are always ready to help you and open their hearts.