How to understand that the lower back has chilled. What to do if your back hurts after the flu

Of course, a lumbar cold is more a common name for an ailment than a strict medical diagnosis. But no matter how we call the problem, it will not become easier: if a cold overtakes and at the same time “grabs” the lower back, it is necessary to take urgent measures to save the back. Indeed, most often the so-called lower back cold is one of the side effects of the immune system. Sometimes he rushes so zealously to fight the viruses of colds and flu that literally takes away all the strength from the muscles and joints.

Why does the lower back often hurt with a cold?

So why does your back hurt with a cold? It is no secret that most of the symptoms of the flu or cold are signs that the body is actively fighting the disease. Including the so-called lower back cold is a sure sign that the immune system does not sleep, but fights against the infection.

The fact is that when a cold or flu virus enters our body and enters the circulatory system, the immune system is instantly activated. As a result, an increased amount of interferon, interleukin and other protective substances begins to be released into the blood. Their temporary excess in the blood is the reason that we are in a fever (the temperature rises). At the same time, the metabolic process is disrupted, blood supply increases in those parts of the body where it is necessary for a speedy recovery, and blood flow sharply decreases where it "can wait". That is why, during the flu or cold, we lose our appetite, experience muscle weakness and aching joints - after all, the blood “bypasses” the stomach, muscles, joints. And quite often the brain - and this explains the fact that during the illness, even super-smart individuals turn into slow-witted for a while. For the same reason, we often experience during colds and lower back pain.

How to relieve low back cold pain?

For colds, warming up will help. But not in the form of a hot bath or a steam room in a bath - these procedures are categorically contraindicated for high temperature, since in this case the load on the heart and blood vessels increases several times. It is best to warm up the back with the help of pharmacy ointments or special devices - heating pads, belts from dog hair, a large woolen shawl, and also with the help of a warming drink.

Usually, with flu and colds, doctors advise you to lie down for several days to help the body cope with the disease. But if, among other symptoms of a cold, you also experience lower back pain, do not lie down for more than two days. The fact is that from lack of movement, muscles and joints "stagnate" and this can only increase back pain. It is necessary to move, but in moderation - we are not talking about going to the fitness room, but only about ensuring that the body receives a minimum load. Even while lying in bed, you can do a couple of useful exercises: for example, pull your knees up to your chest, wrap your arms around them, and try to group as much as possible. Hold this position for a few seconds, then straighten your legs and stretch a little, as if you just woke up. This manipulation will stretch your back muscles and relieve lower back pain.

If your back is stuck, your lower back hurts and you have a fever, all this may indicate that you have caught the flu or a cold. Especially if other symptoms are also observed: loss of appetite, drowsiness, weakness, runny nose and cough. And in this case, it is quite possible to count on the fact that lower back pain will go away on its own as soon as your body defeats the infection. Alternatively, you can use the tips above to help a lower back cold release you even faster. But if of all the symptoms of malaise you only notice lower back pain and high fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. Because in this case, we may not be talking about a cold or flu, but about a more serious illness.

A cold of the back or lower back is not a medical diagnosis, but rather a popular name for the disease. If your back hurts with a cold, then this indicates the presence side effect work of immunity. This is due to the fact that sometimes it takes away a lot of strength from muscles and joints when it enters into the fight against cold and flu viruses.

Everyone knows that many of the symptoms during illness with the flu or colds indicate that the body is trying to cope with the disease. One of the signs that the immune system is awake and has entered the fight against infection is the so-called cold of the back muscles. When cold or flu viruses enter the body and reach the circulatory system, immunity is instantly activated.

As a result, a large number of various protective substances are released into the blood. Their temporary increase leads to fever (fever) and metabolic disorders. At this time, blood supply increases in those parts of the body where it is necessary for a quick recovery, and blood flow is sharply reduced where it "can wait". This explains the loss of appetite, muscle weakness and joint aches during colds and flu, as blood bypasses the stomach, muscles and joints. And often even the brain does not have enough blood, so many people think more slowly during illness.

For the same reason, the back hurts with a cold, and patients complain of lower back pain.

How to relieve back cold pain?

Warming up saves from colds on the back. Of course, this should not be a hot bath or steam room, since they are contraindicated at high temperatures due to the possible load on the heart and blood vessels. Warming up the back is carried out using a special pharmacy ointment, a heating pad, a belt made of dog hair, a woolen scarf and a warming drink.

Most often, for flu and colds, doctors recommend bed rest for several days to help the body fight the disease. But if, among other symptoms of the disease, you feel that your back hurts with a cold, you should not lie for more than 2 days. The fact is that with a lack of movement of muscles and joints, they stagnate, and back pain only intensifies. You need to move, but in moderation. Forget about going to the gym for a while, but short-term yoga classes can have a positive effect on illness. Even while lying in bed, you can try to do some simple exercises: for example, pull your knees up to chest, wrapping your arms around them, and group as much as possible. In this position, you need to linger for 1-2 minutes, after which straighten your legs and stretch as if you just woke up. This will help to stretch your back muscles in case of colds and relieve lower back pain.

The initial stage of the flu or cold is usually characterized by low fever and lower back pain, which is localized in the sacral region. The insidiousness of viral infections, and especially influenza, is the instability of the manifestation of their first signs, which leads to the loss of precious time and an increase in the likelihood of unwanted complications. Most often, a cold on the back is manifested not by acute pain, but by aches in the presence of other signs of the disease: eyes begin to water, a sore throat appears and body temperature rises.

Often, with the flu, back hurts, and a person cannot understand why this happens if he has never complained about the spine. Why does it arise and how it flows infectious disease affects the condition of the lower back.

People who are infected with the influenza virus and who have ARVI often complain of pain in the lower back and joints. To find out the cause of the problem, you need to find out what is viral infectionwhy the back, head, muscles ache with flu, how bacteria attack the body, the mechanism of the disease. Elementary knowledge will allow you not only to easily transfer respiratory infection, but even to prevent the disease, and hence its consequences.

Back pain can be one of the symptoms of flu

Dangerous microbacteria living in the air around us are ready to attack the human body at any second. Optimal humidity, high or low temperature, strong human immunity. But if outside the window the air temperature is from -5 to 5 degrees, the high humidity, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply rapidly, and penetrate the body through the mucous membrane. Every year, at least 250 thousand people die from this disease on the planet, the epidemic covers more than 200 million. The death is caused not by the infection itself, but by the complications that the person undergoes. There are categories for which the flu is especially dangerous:

  • small children, babies who have not yet developed antibodies:
  • elderly people who already have weakened immunity;
  • persons with chronic diseases.

Those who self-medicate uncontrollably, take medicines, antibiotics, immunostimulants.

Disease symptoms

Due to the similarity of symptoms, influenza and SARS are often confused. Therefore, it is important to know that with the first disease, the symptoms do not appear immediately, but after 1-2 days. This results in:

  • strong headache, dizziness;
  • cramps in the eyes, watery eyes;
  • sneezing, runny nose;
  • sore throat;
  • nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • heat;
  • myalgia, pain in joints, muscles.

With ARVI, the lower back hurts, otitis media, sinusitis may join, but these are already complications that are undesirable to bring.

In addition to back pain, flu is accompanied by a host of other unpleasant symptoms.

Accurate diagnosis is needed to heal

To determine the exact cause of joint pain, you need to see your doctor. After all, a symptom can indicate serious complications, which often lead to disastrous consequences. Attention should be paid to the nature of the sensations - what kind of pain is acute, dull, aching, colicky, because the cause can be inflammatory processes in the kidneys, in which:

  • The volume of urine decreases, urination becomes more frequent, the color, smell, transparency change. The process of urination may be accompanied by burning sensation, pain.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and back;
  • High temperature - from 38 degrees and above;
  • Eyelids, nose swell, bags appear under the eyes, the skin becomes pale, ankles and wrists may swell.
  • Pressure rises, chills, headache, apathy, drowsiness occur.
  • When tapping the sides, pain is felt.

Pain can be not only in the lower back, but also closer to the neck

For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to tell the doctor about all the sensations and signs.

To identify the disease, an analysis of urine, blood is examined for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the level of C-protein, leukocytes. An ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs, urine culture, prostate juice, etc. So it turns out there is inflammatory process in the kidneys or the problem comes from another disease.

Why does the back hurt with ARVI - find out the reasons

It is so arranged by nature that upon penetration of any foreign body, including an infectious virus, the human body responds with an immune response. But for this it is necessary to concentrate forces on the virus, and the rest of the organs are forced to "be content" with scanty potential, this includes muscles and joints. Blood circulation decreases, the body does not receive the optimal dose of beneficial cells, regeneration slows down, metabolic processes are disrupted. Symptoms habitual for colds appear: fever, myalgia - muscle pain, aching joints, which causes the neck, back of the head, and feet to hurt.

Experts noticed:

  • With a high level of immunity, the patient has more acute accompanying symptoms, their joint pain is many times more intense.
  • With a sluggish course of a cold, without fever or with low hyperthermia, pain in the musculoskeletal system, a low level of protective properties is noted. It is in such cases that the manifestation of complications is more likely.

Back hurts after flu - what to do?

After the cold has been cured, there are no symptoms indicating the presence of an infection, and you need to start worrying about the remaining back pain. In this case, going to the doctor is simply vital. It is not scary if these are manifestations of osteochondrosis, exacerbation this disease... But it is still better to exclude other problems and undergo a medical examination at the following moments:

  • Back hurts after SARS, and there are no other signs of a cold. Myositis, an inflammation of muscle tissue due to poor blood flow, may have started. Tissue spasms occur, nerve endings... For the treatment of pain relievers, non-steroidal drugs, as well as "Diclofenac", "Ibuprofen".
  • If pain is reflected at the level of the lungs, there is a suspicion of pneumonia, pleurisy. For an accurate diagnosis, an experienced specialist will send for X-ray and analysis analyzes.
  • In cases where the skin on the lower back has become especially sensitive, myositis is also suspected - an infringement of the nerve roots.

Back pain may indicate serious complications

The symptom should not cause panic, it accompanies about 75% of those who have had the flu or cold. It is important not to waste time and immediately undertake adequate treatment as prescribed by your doctor. Ignoring symptoms can lead to:

  • chronic form of myositis, lesions of the musculoskeletal system, stagnant processes in the joints.
  • pneumonia, pleurisy due to relapse infectious disease... The course of complications in this case will be more complex and intractable.
  • myositis in the cervical spine can lead to impaired blood circulation in the human brain, which will provoke a stroke, atherosclerosis, loss of memory, vision, hearing, etc.

Back hurts after ARVI: treatment with folk remedies

Available to everyone folk methods the effect of back pain can be used only in the absence of serious pathologies, which the doctor will indicate.

  1. Bath. Hot steam, healing moisture will allow the muscles and spine to relax, relieve tension. The blood flow increases, the body warms up, the pores open through which toxins escape. But you don't need to overdo it, after an illness you need to save your strength.
  2. Ointments from juniper, lavrushka, tea with linden, thyme will help. The body needs vitamin C to strengthen its protective functions and prevent inflammation.
  3. To reduce pain massage will help - light and relaxing. Thanks to the activation of points, blood circulation is increased, warming muscle tissues, joints and nerve endings. The effectiveness of massage with honey, mustard, lavender oil is noted. After the procedure, wash yourself with warm water and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
  4. Rub cold remedies Asterisk, Doctor Mom. The active components of the ointments relieve pain, freeze the area, as it were, and also have an antiseptic effect. Apply the medicine to painful areas and wrap up after rubbing.
  5. According to statistics, people who practice yoga almost never get sick with respiratory infections. Seemingly simple exercises, turns, bends will strengthen your back muscles. Moreover, a set of classes is provided to strengthen the immune system, normalize digestion, improve blood flow, which is the key to good health.

Yoga practitioners are less likely to experience flu back pain

Complications after acute respiratory viral infection, flu, often occur against the background of bad habits... In order for a cold to go away without consequences, you need to give up alcohol and smoking. Spicy, sour, smoked, fried foods can aggravate the patient's condition and cause disturbances in the work of the pancreas, the pain of which is given to the back. Healthy eating and physical activity are the main sources of strong immunity and excellent health.