Muscle pain after the flu. Pain in the muscles. Causes of pain

Complications of influenza can affect many organs. For example, the so-called "on legs" are quite often observed. What diseases can be attributed to this group? How do they develop and how are they treated? Let's talk about this in this article.

Causes of leg pain

What can cause leg pain after the flu? There are several factors that can cause this impairment of well-being.

A lot of sleep and rest should be observed. If body pain is caused by an illness, this should be treated first. In the short term, however, analgesics help reduce pain. Surgery should only be necessary in extreme cases. Body aches caused by infectious diseasesusually remain unprocessed and instead focus on the main infectious disease... Warmth, massages and protection are beneficial against such body aches and pains. This can relieve symptoms or even go away completely.

Latent form of rheumatism

More specific diseases such as arthrosis, autoimmune diseases or cancer need to be treated individually. For diseases, the main symptom of which is strong pain in the joints, pain relievers are often prescribed to make the symptom at least bearable. Under certain circumstances, surgery may be required to replace the damaged joint if this is the cause.

  1. Intoxication of muscle fibers and joints - the accumulation of toxic substances that disrupt the normal functioning of cells and provoke the appearance of painful sensations.
  2. Inflammation of muscle tissue - myositis. It can be of a viral and bacterial nature (in this case, a secondary infection occurs).
  3. Joint inflammation - arthritis. In arthritis, the infection is localized on the lining of the articular surfaces.
  4. Post-viral asthenia - a syndrome of severe fatigue after suffering a severe form viral disease... Its symptoms are weakness and soreness in muscles, joints, headaches, dizziness, loss of appetite, apathy.

Among the above reasons, only myositis and arthritis are complications, since these are usually called pathological processes that develop against the background of the weakening of the body by the primary disease.

Arthritis as a complication of the flu

In other cases, stress should be relieved from aching limbs to prevent joint pain and improve quality of life. In addition, drug therapy is often required to combat the actual cause of joint pain. In most cases, body aches are the first sign of flu or cold. Affected people feel pain in their arms and legs and feel weak. Often, body aches and pains occur even when the muscles in the limbs are overloaded.

Causes of leg pain after ARVI

In most cases, this pain goes away after a few hours to a few days. Treatment of the symptom proceeds without complications. If limb pain occurs, the affected limb does not need to be stressed so that they can recover and there is no real muscle pain.

At the same time, intoxication is an integral part of influenza, and post-viral asthenia is residual phenomenonassociated with the exhaustion of the body by fighting the virus.

Influenza toxicity

Intoxication is a process by which the body suffers from the toxic effects of the influenza virus. In this case, a toxic effect is exerted both by substances of viral origin (metabolites, enzymes, fragments of semi-digested viral particles) and by the body's own particles (for example, dead immune cells, epithelial cells destroyed by the virus, etc.).

Often follows after the body hurts as well correct flu or cold. The usual means are to be adopted here. Body aches can also be treated with ointment. If pain persists for more than a few days and does not improve, seek medical advice. However, in most cases, the pain in the limbs disappears after a short time and is not a health problem.

Here are your medicines

Joint pain and arthralgia can only be prevented to a certain extent. In sports and in daily life, care should be taken not to put undue stress on the muscles and joints. This harms them and can lead to injuries that cause joint pain. Sports require the right equipment, and other deformations should be avoided if possible.

The symptoms of intoxication with flu are most acute in the first three days of the illness. Pain in muscles and joints are typical intoxication symptoms.

They bother at the same time as the headache, elevated temperature body, weakness, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

The influenza virus disrupts normal muscle metabolism, causing them to suffer from excess lactic acid and ammonia. These toxic substances irritate nerve receptors, provoking pain, destroy the cellular structures of muscle fibers, and impede the production of energy necessary for muscle contraction.

If you know a condition that causes joint pain, talk to your doctor about preventive measures... He may prescribe pain relievers or give advice on how to deal with the joint shift in your daily life. If necessary, he can also initiate further research on targeted pain therapy.

  • Pour a handful of garlic in boiling water and let stand a little apart.
  • The bath water should be warm.
Painful muscles and joints are a common symptom of extreme cold. Triggers are rhinoviruses that cause inflammatory processes in the body. Gentle massages and baths help against pain in the body.

Thus, weakness and pain in the legs can be direct consequences of intoxication. However, it must be remembered that all intoxication symptoms completely disappear within 7-10 days; thus, complications should be considered if pain persists. To help symptoms of intoxication go away faster, you should drink plenty of water, maintain a half-bed daily regimen, enrich your diet with vitamins, and strictly adhere to the flu treatment plan prescribed by your doctor.

Baths relax sore limbs

Baths with menthol, eucalyptus or pine needle oil promote blood circulation, relieve body pain and raise body temperature. Their essential oils secrete nasal and bronchial secretions. Fill the tub with 38 degrees of warm water and dip for ten minutes. Anyone with circulation problems fills the bathtub halfway. To do without a bath puts too much strain on the body.

Chicken Soup Has An Antibacterial Effect

Hot soup also increases body temperature and relieves body aches and pains. According to American researchers, only homemade chicken soup helps; prepared foods have a much weaker effect. Recipe: Heat chicken soup with soup vegetables, bay leaves and juniper berries in vegetable broth and simmer for an hour and a half. Boil the noodle soup, serve with finely chopped chicken in broth. Eat at least two meals a day.


Myositis, that is, inflammation of muscle tissue, develops as a result of damaging action viral infection on muscle fibers. Sometimes bacteria begin to multiply in damaged muscle fibers, but more often the cells are affected by the invasion of the virus. Myositis can affect both the muscles of the legs, arms, and trunk.

This is not to say that any particular muscle group is more prone to inflammation.

Jennifer Sherman, from Münster, apparently died last Saturday from contracting the flu. It is assumed that the model did not properly treat the disease and developed inflammation of the heart muscle. The cold and flu season is inevitable. Particularly in December, January and February, viruses grip Germany tightly. “Every viral infection, be it the cold, flu or bronchitis, can generally lead to complications such as inflammation of the heart muscle,” says Peter Walger, senior physician at Johanniter Hospital in Bonn. However, this happens very rarely, the infectious disease specialist adds. Mild colds are common. At the crossroads, every German catches the cold five or seven times a year. Parents and especially mothers of small children are most often affected. Common colds are inflammation caused by a virus. Walger says, sometimes from mild to 38 degrees. An aggravation of cold is announced immediately after the addition of cough. The upper airways are then affected. Most of the time, the person feels worse, ”explains Walger. A cough can also indicate tracheitis or obstruction. Even so, a doctor's visit is not absolutely necessary. Home remedies like hot milk and honey can help fight off colds. Inhalation is also helpful, for example saline... The inflammation can spread to the throat and nasopharynx. If during a cold occurs heat more than 38, 5 degrees and pain in the body, and the cough is greenish or purulent mucus, then warning signs appear: Bacteria are in the body. “Those who are affected should stay at home,” advises the infectious disease specialist. If after five or six days you do not feel better, you should see your doctor to rule out complications such as pneumonia or other bacterial infections such as purulent bronchitis, or, if necessary, get it. Symptoms of pneumonia or heart muscle inflammation “There are signs of inflammation of the lungs or heart muscle,” Walger says. The patient feels very bad, he does not want to get up and gets even in case of physical stress, even sometimes stress in the air. In addition, if the conch, the heart beats irregularly and dizziness is added, it can be an alarm. The fact that the cold worsens so much and eventually falls on the organs is, however, very rare. Symptoms of heart and lung infections can be treated and usually completely healed. It is dangerous for very young and old people or people with chronic disease, such as chronical bronchitis, heart and lungs or metabolic diseases such as. Those affected should see a doctor with the flu. If not, a healthy adult may first help themselves with pain relievers. Only if the flu lasts longer than seven days should he also see a doctor. Light exercise and outdoor exercise are allowed for mild viral infections. In the case of real flu, it is important to look after yourself. It makes sense to listen to his body with colds and flu and give him peace and quiet, if necessary. Everyone knows if he feels in shape, says Walger. Avoid contamination. Each cold-tempered man must pay attention to two things - for environmental reasons. Because chills can be made by straight ankles or by carrying them over the hands, it is common to wash your hands when you catch a cold, sneeze into the cheater's hands, and use handkerchiefs only once if possible. “Someone has to stay at home with the cold, also depends on work,” says the infectious disease specialist. A nurse or geriatric nurse should take a break from working with severe colds and not with a clerk in a separate office.

  • Even harmless colds can lead to serious complications.
  • She had heart problems in Buenos Aires.
Fever is associated with flu.

Myositis is treated with anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs, antiviral or antibiotic therapy (depending on the type of pathogen). During the period of treatment, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, as well as limit muscle work.


It is known that the influenza virus itself is not capable of damaging the cells of the joints, since it does not have the necessary enzymes for this. However, arthritis is a widespread complication of influenza. How is this possible? The fact is that arthritis is an autoimmune disease. This means that the cells in the joints are damaged by the person's own immune system. This reaction is due to the excessive activity of immune cells. The following factors increase the likelihood of arthritis:

The Spanish flu killed 20 million people at the turn of the century. Although the flu can be especially serious in young children and the elderly, it is usually not fatal. Influenza is an infection respiratory tractcaused by influenza viruses that damage the respiratory tract and allow viral toxins, so-called toxins or certain bacteria, to enter the body.

In a runny nose, viscous mucus clogs up the nose. It can spread to the sinuses, eyes, and ears. The nasal secretions must be liquefied to get rid of the airways. For this purpose, various nasal sprays, but also tablets. An infusion of verbena, mint and yarrow supports the fight against colds.

  • high virulence and pathogenicity of the influenza strain that caused the infection;
  • disorders of the immune system (for example, a tendency to atopic reactions - allergies, dermatitis, asthma, etc.);
  • joint problems that worried before infection (for example, the patient was already worried about arthritis);
  • long and severe flu (causes intoxication disorders in the tissues of the joints, weakens the immune system).

So, if your legs hurt in your knees or hip after the flu, you may be developing arthritis. But do not rush to make such a diagnosis yourself. First, consider its features:

Eliminate pain and fever

Pain and fever can be administered with mild pain relievers with anti-virus active ingredients. The group of mediminas includes neuramidase inhibitors. They block the enzyme neurimidase, which plays an important role in the multiplication of influenza viruses. However, these drugs must be administered within 48 hours of the onset of the first symptoms in order to ensure a milder and faster course of the disease.

Prevent the flu: Learn about flu infusions. Weakening of the body can lead to secondary infection with bacteria. This is often affected by the paranasal sinuses and middle ear. There may also be organ diseases such as one. Here flu is additionally treated, which works against bacteria.

  • with arthritis, joint pain appears 14-18 days after suffering a severe form of influenza or other acute respiratory viral infections, or sore throat (this is how much time is needed for the accumulation of antibodies on the hyaline membrane of the joint);
  • joint pain increases with movement, and at rest subsides (but does not completely disappear);
  • over time, the affected joint swells, the skin around it turns red and becomes hot;
  • in the absence of treatment, the body temperature rises, general intoxication of the body develops;
  • in the case of a secondary bacterial infection, fluid accumulates in the joint, which leads to increased pain and swelling.

Usually the diagnosis is made on the basis of patient complaints and the results of general clinical and biochemical blood tests (first of all, rheumatic tests and markers of inflammation are considered).

Muscle pain with viral infection: symptoms

As limb pain, pain in the limbs has been described that mainly affects the muscles or joints. They have many reasons. Limp pain is a symptom that occurs in many diseases. The victims suffer from pain in the arms and legs. They are caused by conditions ranging from harmless cold to severe flu or rheumatism to life-threatening tumor diseases. Often, limb pain is accompanied by other symptoms, such as back pain, headache or fever.

Arthritis treatment is complex. In the acute phase of the flu, complicated by inflammation of the joints, are prescribed antiviral drugs... Be sure to use anti-inflammatory non-steroidal or steroid drugs of local and general action. The joint should rest. The selection of drugs remains with the doctor, because in each case an individual approach is required.

At home, you can use paraffin wraps, ointments from bee products, physiotherapy, rubbing with vodka.

This improves well-being, but in no case can it replace complex treatment.

Painful muscle and joint pain is one of the most severe flu symptoms. For most people, they differ from the typical exercise fatigue state. Almost every one of us knows that the pain in the muscles with the flu is so unpleasant and strong that there is literally no strength to move. In this article, we will discuss why flu is so unpleasant and how muscle soreness occurs with the flu.

Some people (usually children) can experience very painful leg cramps when they get the flu. Muscle pain can be so painful that walking is difficult, or you may notice that your child is limping as he walks. If your child complains of leg pain in the calf and refuses to walk, contact the pediatrician to determine if the child's condition needs urgent evaluation and to discuss treatment options.

What can you do?

So, you already realized that this soreness of the body with the flu is normal, but what can you do to relieve muscle pain?

It's actually quite simple - pain relievers available at any pharmacy can help make you more comfortable with the flu. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are likely to be more effective in helping to relieve muscle pain than other pain relievers containing the active ingredient acetaminophen (paracetomol).

Examples of NSAIDs are ibuprofen (active ingredient), aspirin and naproxen. If you are unable to take one of these pain relievers for your muscles due to kidney problems, stomach problems, or other medical conditions, talk to your doctor about which treatment option for influenza muscle pain might be most beneficial for you. Aspirin should not be given to children under the age of 18 - especially when they have the flu - due to the risk of developing it.

Drink plenty of fluids when treating the flu, as dehydration can make your muscle pains more painful and make your overall recovery more difficult. Drink plenty of water, broth, tea, or sports drinks, even if you don't feel thirsty, to help your body stay hydrated.

Rest as much as possible. Painful body aches will take away your comfort, but getting yourself to rest when you have the flu is essential. Getting the most sleep and rest can give your body the best chance to heal and fight infection. How to get rid of insomnia and make you sleep better, you can find out on our website.

When should you worry?

Although body aches are normal in the flu, if muscle pain becomes much more severe than you might expect, you should see your healthcare provider.

Also see your doctor about muscle pain if you have:

You need to understand and be prepared for the fact that muscle and joint pain is one of the most common flu symptoms. Of course, other medical conditions have these symptoms as well, but muscle soreness is one of the few things that distinguishes the flu from the symptoms of a cold or other respiratory infection.

As always, tip # 1: if you are concerned about your condition, see your doctor for advice and do not self-medicate.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article about influenza muscle pain is intended to inform the reader only. It cannot be a substitute for the advice of a healthcare professional.