The child has the second day. Temperature 37. What to do mom if a child has a temperature without symptoms.

Temperature 37 without concomitant symptoms sometimes causes anxiety and trouble with parents. It is believed that this is a dangerous indicator of the thermometer, and if at the same time the patient does not feel much indiscrimination, then it remains only to wait - whether the temperature will rise above, it will hold on or falls. How to relate to such an indicator of a thermometer from the point of view of medicine? First of all, you need to make sure in the health of the thermometer. Despite the fact that modern medicine offers us several types of thermometers, but so far most accurately shows mercury.
If you were convinced that it really has 37 ° C, then you need to familiarize yourself with our article in which we will try to disclose the rules and causes of thermometry, and also learn what to do if the temperature is kept at such an indicator three or more days.

Terms of thermometry

The figure of the thermometer 37 in a child is a fairly common phenomenon, especially aged several months. The reason for this - the child is not improved thermoregulation. This normal phenomenon and panicing about this is not worth it. Also, "elevated" indicators can be observed after physical overwork. For example, a child is 5 years old, he played two hours in a row in the yard into active games, ran, jumped, drove behind the ball, and suddenly tired. Naturally, his cheeks blushed, he tries to lie down or sit down, becomes less active. Mom first thing What does it do? Measures body temperature. The indicator 37 is alarming it and it is quite natural. But, in this case, it is quite normal. Therefore, never measure the temperature in a child:

• after active games,
• After crying and on time,
• During taking meals.

Important! You can measure the body temperature only in the calm condition of the child.

Thermometry procedure must be taken if the child's behavior is alarming, and the following symptoms are present:

• Reducing appetite.
• lethargy and drowsiness,
• irritability
• Flowness,
• Awacing.

Only after thermometry, if the child has an increased temperature, we can say that the baby fell ill and he needs a doctor consultation. Consider the main reasons that can cause subfebrile body temperature.

The main causes of elevated temperature

Which could be directed to the right idea and determine the cause of such a state, in most cases the first day is observed. Then, other signs must be joined to the temperature, which will help determine the correct diagnosis. But to engage in self-medication, especially if we are talking about children, in no case cannot. At the same time know the main reasons that can provoke a slight rise should know each of the parents.

The main causes of subfebrile temperature

When it comes to crumbling 6-9 months, a minor increase in mercury column can be observed in teething. The babe becomes restless, pulls all the toys in her mouth, whims, crying. But the main symptom is increased salivation, swelling and redness of the gums. In this state, the temperature can rise in the range of 37.2 - 38.5 ° C.

In addition, the following pathologies can be caused by hyperthermia:

• Allergy,
• infection,
• tumor process,
• acute form of inflammatory disease,
• Chronic form of the disease at the aggravation stage,
• Surgical pathology,
• Endocrine violation,
• Immunodeficiency.

The most common disease among children is a cold, especially when November November. This disease is transmitted by air-droplet and is accompanied by other symptoms, such as cough, runny nose, general malaise and headaches.

Something similar symptoms can be observed in children's infectious diseases. But, most often, such a disease begins precisely from an elevated temperature, which keeps several days (2-3 days), and only after that the child's body can notice characteristic rash. Children's infectious diseases are sick at any age, and the body temperature may vary from 37.2 to 39 degrees, depending on the severity of the flow, concomitant pathology and age. A child in 3 years is much easier to transfers infectious diseases than a teenager in 9-12 years. Therefore, the treatment should only carry out a doctor, especially if the temperature is not rising above 37.2 degrees.

Characteristic sign of children infectious diseases - This is a sharp malaise and worsening of general well-being. In some cases, the temperature may not even climb or rise slightly. Therefore, the doctor's call is simply necessary. Only with its help you can accurately establish the true cause of malaise on external signs of rash, to carry out the necessary diagnosis and appoint proper treatment.

But, the presence of symptoms of intoxication requires to ensure the baby abundant nutrition, so that the process of removing bacteria and viruses from the body will be accelerated.

Temperature tail

Sometimes parents ask why after an angina, the temperature may exceed the norm by 3 to 5 divisions and is 36.9 -37.2 ° C. This state is observed quite often and, according to doctors, this is the norm, but indicates only that the child is reduced by immunity. In the event that there are no additional symptoms, then this kind of "temperature tail" can be saved from several days, up to 2-3 months, after which it will return to normal. At the same time, parents must do everything to strengthen the immune system: to revise the diet of its power, to develop a balanced nutrition scheme, etc.


In the case when, after a transferred disease, the temperature rises again, then the cough joins it for 4-5 days, then, most likely doctors will suspect the complications of the disease in the form of pneumonia or bronchitis. After a professional diagnosis of the child will be appointed additional treatment.

Temperature 37 holds for a very long time

Separately talk about such a symptom as slightly heatwhich can hold a long time (9-10 months), and sometimes more than a year.

If the high-speed indicator holds above the norm for 4 months, then this feature may indicate the development of the following pathologies:

• viral hepatitis,
• Oncology,
• tuberculosis,
• autoimmune disease,
• System red lupus,
• Pathology of kidney function,
• Increased thyroid function.

In order not to miss the development of one of the above diseases, the child should lead to a pediatrician examination at the first symptoms of ailment.
1. Easy scler and temperature 37 ° C in children whose age does not reach 1 year, requires a full range of surveys in autoimmune disease or viral hepatitis.
2. Sleep impairment, irritability, small rash by body - helminths or allergies.
3. Crimping, easy malaise and sweating in children up to 4 months require additional surveys of the lungs.

Therefore, regardless of the age of the child (4 months or 9 years old), with a minor increase in temperature, which flows without symptoms and keeps the second or fifth month, consult a doctor. In any case, the child's behavior will be changed, it will become more passive, irritable and drowy. Everyone should pay attention and to carry out thermometry in a timely manner.

The survey includes:
• Laboratory tests (blood, urine),
• Cala analysis for worm,
• fluorography,
• electrocardiogram,
• Ultrasound.

In addition, the child needs to show:
• Neuropathologist,
• infectious background
• endocrinologist
• Laura.

What to do and how to treat the disease that caused an increase in body temperature, the doctor will decide after a full survey course.

One of the most controversial and disturbing situations for parents is when the child has a temperature of 37 ° C, which in medicine is called subfebrile. Someone suggests that this is the norm, which should be in every person. Some consider it an indicator that a small organism cannot fully resist the disease, which in itself is a very bad sign.

And there are always doubts that: go to the hospital or not? Give antipyretic or take a waiting position? And if the precious time is missed? In such serious matters concerning the health of the baby, you need to figure out in detail.

How to measure?

To begin with, if the child has a temperature of 37 ° C without symptoms, i.e. there is no cough, not a cold, nor diarrhea, check, and whether you are normally measured. There are several nuances that do not know all parents. A kind of memo will allow you to prevent errorship.

  1. Very often, the temperature of 37-37.3 ° C is due to physical exertion, which the child has just been transferred. It could be both sports and home affairs or mobile games. So let the thermometer only after half an hour after active actions.
  2. Data may be overshadowed after crying or screaming, so you first need to wait when the crumb will calm down.
  3. Conduct the thermometry in the afternoon, preferably - always at the same time. And keep in mind that in the morning the thermometer usually gives low indicators, and in the evening the temperature of 37-37.5 ° C can rise.
  4. The armpit in which the thermometer is inserted, should be completely dry, otherwise the humidity will distort the indicators.
  5. It is impossible to carry out oral measurements (through the mouth), if the child just rolled or drank a hot liquid, breathes his mouth, strongly cough or suffer from breath.
  6. Data may be above the norm after a hot bath, stress, fatigue, excitement, long stay in the sun or in a stuffy room.

So, having seen on the thermometer a mark at 37 ° C or a little higher, do not panic. First, check yourself for this memo: whether you have broken the measurement rules.

In addition, electronic degrees are very often issued. Therefore, put it for checking anyone else or confirm the data obtained by the usual mercury thermometer.

Origin of name. The term "subfebrile" goes back to the Latin words "sub" - a little and "Febris" - fever. That is, the literal translation is a small fever.


If the child has a temperature of 37 ° C, and no more symptoms with accurate measurements are also a reason for anxiety. In some situations, it is the norm:

  • vaccination;
  • the temperature of 37 ° C in an infant child - a sign of immature thermoregulation, which does not require treatment and will pass himself;
  • the introduction of protein dust in too large.

Asymptomatic subfebrile temperature The child can be due to different circumstances, but in most cases it is the norm and does not require contacting the doctor. You need to take the expectant position.

It is quite another thing if the mark on the thermometer at 37 ° C is accompanied by a painful state. Here you will have to urgently find out the reasons and take appropriate measures.

According to history pages. Galilee is considered the inventor of the first thermometer, although there is no description of the device in its own works. However, his students testified that in 1597 a scientist did something like a thermal bloodaroscope.

Causes and additional symptoms

The temperature of 37-37.5 ° C by the child is rare. Much more often is a sign of some pathology. The reasons may be various diseases that can be revealed before visiting the doctor on certain symptoms.

The child has a temperature of 37 and ...

  • ...cough - bronchitis (at the beginning of the disease there will be a dry cough), a cold, chronic tonsillitis, allergies, pneumonia, tuberculosis;
  • ... runny nose -, allergy;
  • ... Vomot - food poisoning, intestinal infection, CNS pathology (encephalitis, meningitis), gastrointestinal diseases;
  • ...I have a stomachache - Appendicitis, Poklush, Orz, Cort, Intestinal infection, Food poisoning, Foreign body in the stomach;
  • ...diarrhea - intestinal infection, melting invasion;
  • ...headache - influenza, ARVI, meningitis, intoxication, thermoneurosis;
  • ... Osip Voice - tonsillitis, flu, asthma, laryngitis, inflammation of lungs, tracheitis, diphtheria;
  • ... lethargy - the beginning of infectious infection, inflammation, rehabilitation period after extensive operations, plain invasion, oncology.

It also happens that after antibiotics and after the disease, the temperature of 37 ° C holds a sufficiently long time. Indicators may remain elevated to several months. The treatment is not required, the state passes independently without consequences.

But if parallel with this, cough, runny nose, lethargy or other symptoms are observed - most likely, the recurrence of the disease was provoked, complications arose or a new infection was imposed on the old one. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

It is interesting. When a subfebrile temperature lasts several days and even weeks after treated disease, doctors call this feature "temperature tail".

Age peculiarities

When the question is why the child keeps the temperature of 37 ° C, age physiology can also be answered. This is especially true of the smallest - infants of the first year of life.

  • Newborn

If the temperature is 37 ° C in a newborn child without any deviations in health - this is an option of a norm, which indicates a non-formed to the system of thermoregulation. Most often it happens to premature children.

  • Month

If monthly child The temperature of 37 ° C climbed after vaccination from viral hepatitis ("" or ""), it is not worth worrying - this is the norm. Another reason is the formation of a system of thermoregulation that may continue up to a year.

  • 2 months

Subfebrile indicators in a two-month-old child - a consequence of vaccination against pneumococcal infection or age becoming a temperature of the body.

  • 3-4 months

The situation changes little and in 3-4 month old children. Since this period is replete with vaccinations (, cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis, hemophile and), the temperature can rise to 37 ° C after each vaccination, and it will be the norm.

  • 5 months

Subfebris indicators may be caused by the first pricing. If the baby has a temperature of 37 ° C and hurts the belly due to constipation, colic, bloating, meteorism, the reason may be the unsuccessful introduction of protein food in its diet.

  • 6-7 months

The main reason for the slightly overpriced indicators at this age is teething. Then the temperature of 37 ° C will keep the child constantly - for 5-7 days.

At a later age, this problem may be associated only with two factors: puberty and depressive state. If the child gets into an unfamiliar situation or will survive a strong stress, its nervous system begins to adjust the body temperature itself and increases it to subfebrile. Most often this happens in adolescence.

What do you need for children to normalize such an incomprehensible state?

Curious fact. The borders of the body temperature for the survival of a person vary from + 20 ° C to + 41 ° C.

What to do?

If subfebris indicators are observed from time to time, most likely, the case in measurement errors, so that nothing is required from parents, besides calm and observation.

Another thing, if the child has a temperature of 37 ° C for a week or more, regardless of whether it is accompanied by some additional symptoms or not. In this case, a number of measures should be taken.

  1. Identify a clinical picture - all deviations are able (cough, runny nose, diarrhea, rash, headache etc.).
  2. With a sharp deterioration (, for example), call an ambulance. In other cases, just see the doctor.
  3. Many parents are experiencing that give a child at a temperature of 37 ° C: nothing but water. Abundant warm drinking will improve his condition, will bring all intoxication products from the body. No antipyretic!
  4. Bed regime is not at all necessary.
  5. Ensure the influx of fresh air: to air the room, go more often to the street (to the question of whether it is possible to walk a child with a temperature of 37 ° C).
  6. Limit the pastime from a computer (laptop, telephone, television).
  7. Provide a favorable psychological atmosphere, dispel fears, help overcome difficulties, cause a trust conversation.
  8. But the question is, it is possible to bathe a child at a temperature of 37 ° C, it causes a crowd of opinions. Some doctors categorically against large-scale water procedures In such a situation (shower, bathroom, sauna). It is better to wait until the fever decreases, and until then then restrict ourselves to washing and local rinsing.
  9. To establish proper nutrition.
  10. To trace the sleep time for at least 8 hours.

So if the child has a week for a week, be sure to sign on the reception to the doctor to undergo diagnosis, reveal more precisely, what is the cause of subfebrylite, and be treated if necessary.

It is interesting. Temperature regime 35.8-37.3 ° C - warranty of the uninterrupted functioning of all internal organs.


If the child has a temperature of 37 ° C lasting a long period, first need to contact the pediatrician (therapist). Depending on the additional symptoms, it may assign the following surveys:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • Abdominal ultrasound, small pelvis organs, kidneys;
  • echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart);
  • radiography of the chest;
  • thicker blood tests for the detection of hormonal profile, antibodies, oncomarcresters.

These are standard research methods. In more launched and heavy cases (when the temperature 37 holds a week and longer and is accompanied by various clinical manifestations And the deterioration of the child) may require puncture of the spinal fluid, computer, magnetic resonance tomography.

The doctor will assign analyzes gradually. The survey plan depends on the symptoms against the background of subfebrile fever. If these are missing, visit the hospital will limit itself to the passage of ordinary clinical examination.

Wow! The case is known when they saved a man who diagnosed the body temperature at 13 ° C.


Parents need to keep in mind that even if during diagnostics, no diseases from the child were identified and the doctor reported that permanent temperature At 37 ° C for it - the option of the norm, this does not mean that you need to calm down, fold your hands and do nothing.

Similar indicators for a long time - chronic and dangerous stress for the body. It is necessary to try to bring the baby body to normal.

Preventive measures in this case will relate:

  • timely identification and treatment of foci of infections and various diseases;
  • salvation from stresses, a favorable psychological atmosphere;
  • rejection of bad habits (as well as teenagers);
  • compliance with the day mode;
  • full sleep;
  • regular sports;
  • daily walks in the fresh air.

These preventive methods will help strengthen the immunity by the child and train heat exchange processes. With the exact implementation of the recommendations, the children's body will quickly come back and cope with the subfebilitation.

One of the most disturbing situations for parents is a slightly elevated (subfebrile) body temperature in a child. Some doctors tend to the fact that this is an option for the norm for any person. Others argue, such an indicator signals that the child's body is not able to resist inflammatory processes. And this is a bad sign. Parents are tormented in doubt whether it is worth contacting the doctor or everything goes by itself.

If the temperature of the child 37 does not last without symptoms, it is the basis for the experience. After all, if there is additional symptoms, then the parents at least arise the assumptions that this is for the disease. And the temperature is slightly higher than the norm without escorting signs of pathology puts parents in a dead end.

Proper temperature measurement

The heat exchange in humans changes throughout the day. The normal physiological range is 35.5 - 37.4 ° C. Cooling or overheating the body is immediately regulated by the production of the thyroid hormone and the temperature comes to normal. The term "subfebrile" means a small fever, and if the temperature holds a little high (37-37.5 ° C.), then it is still not a reason for anxiety. Do not immediately raise panic. For this there are many reasons that have nothing to do with diseases.

If the temperature rises not often, then most likely the case is in the wrong dimension. In this case, only attentiveness and observation will be required from parents. Therefore, before you measure it, it is better to test healthy households with such an appliance, especially if an electronic thermometer is used, which often distorts indicators. If a child has a thermometer showing 37 ° C, but there is no cough, sneezing, nausea, diarrhea should be doubled this indicator.

There are certain measuring nuances that are not known about not all parents:

  1. Measurement is carried out in the afternoon, each time in a strictly fixed time. In the morning, the temperature is usually lowered, in the evening it can be 37-37.5 ° C.
  2. Measurement is carried out exclusively in the dry armpit.
  3. During the measurement, the child must be calm. Creek, crying, whimping distort the indicators, they will be overestimated.
  4. The indicator 37-37.5 ° C may be the result of moving games, sports. Therefore, the measurement is carried out at least 30 minutes after the last activity.
  5. It is impossible to measure through the mouth, if the baby has a nose, he inhales his mouth, coughs, just used something hot.
  6. The temperature above the norm can cause stress, taking a hot bath, in a stuff or on the sun. After such procedures should wait a few hours.

Causes of subfebristitta

Light heat can be an absolutely adequate reaction of children to various external stimuli. However, it happens that not everything is so harmless. Many parents want to know if the temperature is 37, which it means.

The reasons for the appearance of subfebilite without painful symptoms:


Since the child under the five-year-old age, the thermoregulation mechanism is still not developed enough, then a slight increase in indicators up to 37, 38.5 degrees may result in finding it in a stuffy and hot place, on the sun, wearing cramped and warm clothing.

Conducted vaccination (vaccination)

Many children react with fever for vaccination. In the first year of life, kids are constantly vaccinated (from pneumococcal, hepatitis, tetanus). And each time the temperature can rise to 37-37.5 ° C without symptoms.

The appearance of teeth

The presence of a temperature of 37.5, which lasts 5 days in a child in 6-7 months and is accompanied by swelling the gums, the concerns of the baby and the refusal of food is a consequence of teething.

Prikorm protein

In 5 months, a small fever is caused by the introduction of dust. If it is accompanied by colic, flatulence, stool impaired, then this is a reaction to protein food.

Temperature 37 ° C and pathology

For kids up to 5 years, a slight increase in the highway indicators is a sign of inconsigned thermoregulation, which is normalized with time. With all the responsibility you need to take a case if increased temperature complemented by painful symptoms.

Then it is necessary to find out the causes of such a state and take appropriate measures. Often the temperature in the child accompanies some pathology. The following table presents the main diseases accompanying a small increase in temperature and specific symptoms:

Bronchitis, tonsillitis, cold, tuberculosis.Accompanied by cough and temperatures 37.2 in a child.
Allergy or cold.Temperature 37 -37.5 and runny nose.
Diseases of gasts, putrefactive processes, intestinal infections.Subfebrile, vomiting, diarrhea.
Appendicitis, Cort, Cocktle, Availability foreign bodies In the stomach.Slightly elevated temperature, abdominal pain.
Larygitis, tracheitis, pneumonia.Temperature 37, husky voice.
Influenza, meningitis, thermoneurosis.Pain in the head and subfebrile.
Angina.There is a raid and guns on the almonds. Children are sick older than a year.
Stomatitis.Subfebrile, elevated salivation, ulcers in the mouth are observed.
Otitis.The temperature is raised, the kid whimshes and often touches the patient's ear.


If the temperature does not rate more than 5 days it is better to be reinforced and sign up for a doctor. It will appoint diagnostic procedures to find out the cause of subfebriterate and treat treatment. If the child after illness is long temperature, then you should consult a doctor about the recurrence of the disease. Asymptomatic small temperature can be alarmed about tuberculosis, oncology, thyroid hyperfunctions. Therefore, a long-term fevering child must be comprehensively examined.

Usually the pediatrician assigns the following tests:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys, small pelvis organs, abdominal cavity;
  • x-ray of the chest;
  • sometimes it is prescribed a study of blood to oncomarkers, antibodies.

If the temperature cannot be knocked down, it holds for a long time (more than a week) and is accompanied by a deterioration of the condition of the crumbs, then MRI is carried out, CT.

In addition to the district pediatrician, it may be necessary to consult a children's endocrinologist, a otolaryngologist, a neuropathologist. If after the diagnosis it turns out that there are no pathologies, then special attention needs to be paid to the increase in the protective forces of the body. Only thorough diagnosis will allow you to reveal the hidden illness, start its treatment. Better turn to the doctor better than skip dangerous diseaseAfter all, we are talking about the health of the child.

What if the temperature is raised

The main task of parents in this case is to avoid further lifting temperature and to massaging the disease in time if it is detected. If the baby has no chronic diseases and congenital pathologies, then no drug impact is required.

Without painful symptoms

It is worth remembering that children are always very active, moving. Therefore, the elevated temperature without symptoms them happens often. It can provoke her excessive stay in the sun, swimming, extra clothes on the baby. The problem will solve the elimination of external factors. If at the same time the condition of the child is good, he is cheerful and cheerful, it means that there is nothing to worry about.

If the temperature rose 37.2 in a newborn baby, but at the same time the baby sucks the chest well, does not particularly capricious, then such a reaction should not cause concerns. The kid should be smaller to booty, more often to air the room, bathe and export for walks.

For infrequent increases in the highway indicators without painful symptoms, it is necessary:

  1. Giving a child abundantly warm drinking and not give any antipyretic means.
  2. More often to air the room, take a child to the street.
  3. Limit access to TV, computer, mobile phone.
  4. Regarding the conduct of water procedures during the fever, the opinions of the doctors are diverged. Some believe that you can visit saunas, baths, other doctors categorically against extensive water procedures, recommend limit to the child with a slight rinse.
  5. Sleep the baby must not less than 8 hours.

Help prevention measures. They include:

  • compliance with the routine of the day;
  • hardening;
  • normal sleep;
  • long walks in the fresh air.

All this strengthens the immunity of the child, as a result, heat exchange processes are gradually being built.

Important! The temperature of 37.5 without symptomatics is better not to knock down. Otherwise, you can only weaken the non-generated immune system of the child.

Long subfebrile with symptomatics

The parents have a reasonable question: what to do if the temperature 37 holds for a long time and is accompanied by painful symptoms? If the state is observed 4 or 5 days, then the pediatrician consultation is required. This testifies to the focus of inflammation. Only thorough diagnosis can clarify the situation.

If viruses are present in the kid's body, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions to him: to give abundant warm drink, to ensure the influx of fresh air, wipe the sick crumb and change the rissed clothing. Be sure to call a doctor who will find out why the temperature remains long and prescribes treatment.

If the temperature rose due to the appearance of the teeth, then the child needs to buy a special teether. Also use soothing gels for teeth.

Sometimes after the course of antibiotics or after a long disease, a slightly elevated temperature is held for several months. In this case, treatment is not conducted. But if there is still a cough, lethargy, runny nose, then complications were developed. We need a pediatric consultation, which should figure out why the temperature 37 holds for a long time.

Subfebelitet is caused by overwork from first grades. In this case, it is necessary to trace so that the child has full holiday, the correct mode of the day so that it rests better, he fed and slept. If neurological problems arise, it is better to consult with a neurologist, he will find out why the temperature remains, it will recommend drugs to help adapt to increased school loads.

Allergic reactions are often accompanied by asymptomatic temperature increase. Subsequently appears skin rash and problems with breathing paths. In this case, the adoption of antihistamine drugs is shown. But antiallergic drugs should only be prescribed a pediatrician.

Urgently cause a doctor with the following signs:

  • lethargy;
  • strong face pallor with a blue or greenish tinge;
  • labored breathing;
  • convulsions;
  • an even greater temperature increase.

Thus, if the child's temperature is observed without painful symptoms, it most often indicates depression, emotional surges, age restructuring of the body. Crochi cannot be left unattended, it is necessary to help him cope with such a state and reveal the reason for his appearance.

Parents need to know what to do in this case. You should change the child's day mode, refers to it with all sensitivity and attention. Frequent and long-term failures of thermal status deserve special attention, they are signs of diseases. In this case, you need a consultation of the doctor, with which you can identify pathology and cure the baby.

Watch the video - Komarovsky, subfebrile temperature: