If the body temperature does not come down in a child. What to do if the child does not get down temperature

If the body temperature rises - the body is actively fighting with some infection. Many parents begin to stuff a child with all sorts of pills at the slightest increase in temperature, and this is not entirely correct.

If you begin to shoot down the temperature too early, the body ceases to invest its forces into the fight against infection and the disease can go into a chronic form. Doctors do not recommend using antipyretic at temperatures below 38.5 degrees.

The reasons

To bring down the temperature does not work even after taking the antipyretic means. Why does this happen and why the child's temperature does not come down? The reasons are usually the following:

  • Disturbation of heat transfer - This sometimes happens if the caring parents look too much baby;
  • Bacterial disease -, pneumonia, jade, meningitis;
  • Inflammation of fabrics - phlegmon or abscess;
  • Inflammation of the cerebral shell or the brain itself - meningitis or encephalitis (these diseases are accompanied by such symptoms as convulsions, vomiting, strong headaches or disturbances);
  • Availability of some special virus (Rotavirus or Epstein Barra Virus).

The temperature may not be knocked back in endocrine diseases that violate the normal metabolism.


So what to do if the temperature does not come down in the child and the antipyretic do not help?

  1. Release a child from warm clothes and a little to ventilate the room. The temperature in the room should not exceed 20 degrees.
  2. Use different antipyretic means.
  3. The child should drink more fluid, but small sips. The fluid must be warm, but not hot.
  4. Wipe the baby with warm water or solution from vinegar, water and alcohol. Washes it is better not to apply if the legs and hands at the kid are cold - this indicates a narrowing of the vessels. In this case, but SPAP will help.
  5. To be with a child near, soothing him, but not to take in the hands, so as not to heat once again with the warmth of his body.

In the absence of noticeable effects - when it does not come down and the child appears such symptoms as convulsions, chills, fever? It is required to immediately cause ambulance.


If there are no other symptoms, you can wait 2-3 days, alternating the antipyretic and other above measures. If nothing helps and the temperature still holds, you need to consult a doctor.

Any balanced adult can be tested to hysterics, if you show him a thermometer with a temperature mark 39. An important remark will be what this thermometer has just measured its kid's temperature. Anxiety, bordering a panic, does not leave her mother nor dad: children's doctors are called, articles are read with the advice of experienced parents. It is for the request "what to do if a child heat, not coming down "We prepared this material. It will help to be fully armed and will give an understanding when you need to worry, and when it is not worth it.

How to reduce temperature

Let's figure out: temperature - Normal protective reaction of the body in response to infectious and viral diseases. The temperature 38-38.5 is considered high, however, helps the body successfully parry the attack of pathogenic microorganisms. Adults are not recommended Run the temperature: in this case, the recovery comes faster. As for children, this temperature is not deadly, but is very hard. Teem It is possible using the standard instruction recommended by the best pediatricians of the world. Consider her:

  1. Give a child half a pill paracetamola. Note: Tablet should be given if the mercury column crossed the mark of 38 degrees.
  2. Carry the room. The ideal temperature for the patient of the baby should not exceed 20-22 degrees. Place it on the bed and open.
  3. Make for a child warm compote From fruit or tea. If the baby hurts the throat, do not induce the drink with lemon - it will increase the discomfort.
  4. Scroll through the baby with alcohol solution: use vodka mixed with water. After rubbing, cover the little patient Thin blanket.
  5. Lose an hour: during this time, the activities carried out will give an effect and the temperature will decrease.

Do not take a child in your hands: So you will strengthen the unpleasant feelings of a small little man due to the heat of your own body.

When to start beat the alarm

Many parents begin to panic too early: the thermometer, the rapidly showing 37.5, is able to bring a family to a state of genuine horror. Begins the dances around the child, measures are being conducted to cut the temperature. Satisfied parents, seeing the desired 36.6, consider their duty to treat performed and rejoice a quick recovery. The body of the baby, between those, thinks otherwise: therapeutic drug, lowered the protective forces of his own immune system of the child, translated the course of viral infection in a sluggish direction. In this case, the consequences following such "ambiguity recovery" are much more significant than those that could be if the parents did not shoot down the starting fever.

Remember: Temperature 37.5-37.9 - normal temperature of a struggling organism. Do not knock her down! Calm the baby, read the fairy tale, help fall asleep. In a dream, the disease is experiencing faster and easier.

Start the temperature reduction activities if the accumulation of a mercury pillar rose to 38 degrees. If you find More significant increase, together with him, the confusion of consciousness, confusion, fever, urgently consult a doctor.

Why the child has a high temperature

The reasons for increasing the temperature in the child set. With a conventional cold, it is easily knocked down, but with more serious diseases requires an ambulance intervention medical care. Consider possible diseases, Empty unpleasant temperature syndrome.

  • Diseases of thyroid gland
    If the thyroid is amazed, then any, the most insignificant infection, can provoke the rise in temperature and its deduction at a high level.
  • Purulent inflammation
    Starting abscesses in any part of the body are able to strongly subcont the body of the kid. Processing any wounds obtained in the process of the child's vital activity, not allowing them to clog and feed.
  • Brain inflammation
    Often inflammation of brain tissues are accompanied by high temperatures with the lack of other characteristic symptoms.
  • Rotovirus
  • Bacterial infections
    A list of serious diseases is possible: meningitis, otitis, jade and others.

If a child has a white fever

White fever - a specific state accompanied by the cooling of the limbs and confused. You cannot manage this symptom yourself. - It threatens serious consequences for the baby and his future health. White fever, as a rule, begins closer to the night and is accompanied by a continuous increase in the temperature of the crumbs. It leads to spasms of peripheral vessels, which subsequently imposes a negative imprint on the normal development of tissues and organs of the child.

After calling ambulance, do the baby: your behavior should not upset him, try to pick up, smile. In no case do not cry - it is concerned about the child and will strengthen the rise in temperature. Perform rooms Before the arrival of ambulance:

  1. Pour another portion of warm drink: Try to give clean waterHowever, if a child shows a desire to drink sweet tea or compote - do not deny.
  2. The second parent should be nearby, and rub the legs and the child's handles. Do not stop trying heat the body Little man.
  3. If you have experience or medical education, make an antipyretic injection. We specifically do not provide drug data so that parents who do not have specific knowledge have no desire to do self-medication.
  4. Give half of the extractive tablet From the heat. This should be done in case you have not completed the third item. Carry out an injection and give a tablet at the same time - prohibited.

The doctor who came to examine the patient of the baby and, if necessary, will make an antipyretic injection. When detecting serious deviations in a child state, the doctor will decide on hospitalization. The smallest patients tend to go to the hospital accompanied by one of the parents.

What to do next

Be sure to find out the cause of the child's illness. After the temperature is shot down and the baby will feel relieved, visit the doctor and hand over the necessary tests to determine the disease. Refer serious to the diagnosis: Increase temperature can signal the development of pathologies.

If you notice the following symptomsImmediately pass a full examination and ultimately demand the hospitalization of a small patient until the circumstances are clarified:

  • Hallucinations appeared, the baby does not distinguish reality from fiction
  • Kroch did not reach the age of one year, and the reason for increasing the temperature was not exactly clarified
  • During the disease, a white fever was observed
  • There is vomiting and nausea; the child does not eat, but vomiting does not stop
  • Toddler Doneal, sluggish

If a home Conditions do not allow to treat a child On the spot, contact the hospital with a request for hospitalization.

Do not panic, as soon as the mercury column began ascent to the upper marks. Analyze the situation and the symptoms of the disease manifested at the kid. Try yourself to bring down the temperature by applying traditional methods Treatment: If it is impossible to carry out such actions, call an ambulance. Remember: all kids are sick, do not perceive every cold as the end of the world. Health to you and your baby!

Once again, we met the next ambulance brigade. At first, the son has sharply rose temperatures up to 39.6s, though she got lost for a while. And after five hours, everything repeated again, only now the mercury column rose to 40s. I had to call doctors, and what to do? The temperature was high, and it was nearing night.

And the most unpleasant in this situation was that the temperature did not come down. At times fell slightly and not for a long time, and then rose again. The ambulance doctor carefully examined the child, checked if there was no rash (we did not have a rash), whether the throat was red (slightly), asked about convulsions - if they were (no). And then she asked her son to lie on the sofa, lower his head and touch his chest chin (while he helped him, keeping his head).

Nobody spent such "gymnastics" with us, although at high temperatures we always cause doctors. As it turned out later, the doctor checked if the son had no suspicion of meningitis - with meningitis, the body temperature is very high, the neck is tense, and the child does not give the head to the chest.

After all manipulations, the doctor carried a verdict - an infectious disease. And gave instructions to do at temperatures, including with unborn temperature. But since we have already experienced the experience of communicating with the urgent teams, the following advice is rather the "team Salonka" of the recommendations of all doctors and the information that I collected when trying to repeat the son's son.

Does the child do not come down the temperature?

First, let's understand one simple rule. To reduce the temperature, domestic doctors are most often prescribed to children. paracetamol and ibuprofen. These two drugs are allowed for use in pediatrics. But since not all children want to drink a tablet (and breast crumbs, all the more), then for small patients these two drugs are produced in the form of syrup. They are more common two antipyretic syrup - it is Effergangan (contains paracetamol) and Nooofen (contains ibuprofen).

But another common means among the erased - aspirin - to give children undesirable Due to possible side effects.

  1. It is desirable to keep these two syropters in the first-aid kit together. And if the temperature is not knocked down, then should alternate their reception. For example, at first they gave Efferoralgan, watching the baby - the temperature is not knocked down - in an hour they gave Nurofen.
  2. At high temperatures, ambulance doctors make a child from analgin and diphedrol. The effect of such an injection is observed lightning and temperature drops in front of the eyes. If you are not a medic, then at home, you can hardly make a dam in your child, but put a candle - easily. There are such candles analdimThey contain Analgin and Dimedrol. If the antipyretic syrup did not help and the child continues fever, carefully enter the analdim suppository into the rectum. Permissible doses 1-3 times a day (in the pharmacy, ask the candles with the desired content of the analgin and Dimedrol - they differ depending on the age of the child).
  3. What else to do? While the antipyretic agent will start acting, it can pass more than a dozen minutes. The child has a fever, so he must definitely shoot down the temperature, a good way - washes with a solution of water, vodka and vinegar (How to cook it and apply). They still saved our grandmothers, but modern pediatricians, for example, the famous Dr. Komarovsky, are not allowed to use physical ways to reduce temperature: wiping, enemas, etc. He says that vodka and vinegar absorbed through the skin and acid poisoning and alcohol is added to elevated temperatures.
    If you are afraid to apply this truly effective method, You can restrict ourselves to wiping with warm water - undressing a child, warming the water (it should be warm, but not cold!), Scoop fabric into the water, squeeze and wipe the child. But do not use wipes, if the child has a cold and hands cold - in this case, you need to give it a but-piety to expand the vessels.

If a child has convulsions - immediately call ambulance!

Instructions for antipyretics often write permissible dosages. For example, the same nooofen or Efferoralgan cannot be used more than 3 times a day, which means repeated receptions permissible after 8 hours. But where did you see the temperature to be shot down at 8 o'clock? Even if it is knocked down, then a maximum of 2-4 hours, and then everything is repeated. What to do?

For me, this question remained unresolved until a certain time, until I asked the ambulance doctors - how many times can you give a kid antipyretic? The answer was like this - if the tool did not help, repeat the reception after time. Only, as mentioned above, alternate drugs.

If you gave one syrup, and the temperature continues to grow, then in 40-60 minutes, let's once again the antipyretic agent, only preferably another or apply a candle.

This information is for reference and does not replace the doctor's advice.

However, if the high temperature is not knocked down, the fever adversely affects the patient's state.

The reasons

Fever is an adaptive process that implies a targeted change in the characteristics of heat-product and heat transfer and is accompanied by a shift of the heat installation point. Among the reasons allocate such groups as:

  • infectious;
  • non-infectious.

The most often and patients and doctors observe the options for infectious fever. It enters complex symptoms when respiratory infections, various infectious and inflammatory lesions of internal organs (jade, hepatitis, etc.).

Increased temperature can characterize the course of the disease - for example, the special types of temperature curves are observed in the abdominal title, malaria.

Among the causes of non-infectious fever:

  • hemolysis of erythrocytes, thrombosis;
  • hemotransfusion (blood transfusion);
  • tissue necrosis (with infarction of various location);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • systemic diseases of the connective tissue;
  • reactions to drugs, intravenous infusions.

The resistant fever is an unconditional sign of the pathological process, although the temperature level cannot always be correlated with the severity of the disease. Despite the deployed list of etiological factors, most often a sudden increase in temperature arises, as a rule, in the presence of a focus of a purulent infection, especially in the absence of antibacterial therapy.

There is also a condition due to a violation of thermoregulation and thermal imbalance. It is hyperthermic syndrome - an increase in body temperature resistant to standard antipiretic therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Features of hyperthermic syndrome

The pathological type of fever characterized by a significant increase in body temperature in a short time and accompanied by circulatory disorders in a microcirculatory line and metabolic disorders is called hyperthermic syndrome.

In the conditions of sustainable hyperthermia there is a risk of developing dysfunction of organs and systems and as a result, a significant deterioration in the patient's condition.

The development of hyperthermic syndrome is due to the distortion of thermoregulation mechanisms, whereas with a conventional fever, an increase in temperature level is controlled by the body necessary for the implementation of protective functions.

The fundamental factor is a violation of heat transfer at high heat-producing and significant heat accumulation. In addition to infectious diseases, the causes of hyperthermia may be injuries, the effects of poisons, dehydration, respiratory distress syndrome.

Hypertermic syndrome includes such signs as:

  1. Increase body temperature for 6 hours or more.
  2. No daily fluctuations in temperature.
  3. No response to antipyretics (antipyretic means).

Among the most characteristic symptoms:

Hyperthermic syndrome is observed most often in childhood. Given the pathological effect of high temperature on the body, it is necessary to start therapy on time, since there is a danger of a brain edema, decompensation of chronic diseases.

Infectious fever

Quite often the high body temperature is due infectious diseases Bacterial nature.

The resistant fever is characteristic of abscesses of various localization, phlegmon and gangrene, as well as for sepsis, accompanied by massive bacteremia and toxemia, that is, hitting bacteria and their toxins to blood.

When a high temperature does not fall 4 days, you should think first of all about bacterial infection. "Entrance gates" are becoming traumatic injuries, wounds as a result of surgical interventions, especially fulfilled in improper conditions with violation of the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

These include, in particular, criminal abortions, traumatic osteomyelitis for gunshot wounds, although the infectious hearth may be in any organ (lungs, liver, etc.). The inexperienced start of antibacterial therapy, the ineffectiveness of the selected drug also, is also important. If the bacterial agent does not show sensitivity to antibiotics, the temperature is maintained at the same level, there is no tendency to improve the patient.


To knock down a high temperature, it is necessary to provide the body with the possibility of heat transfer. Excessive heat is eliminated during the sweating during the evaporation of the fluid, so it is recommended to drink a lot. Better, if it is water (not cold), compote or tea.

It is impossible to float into the blankets, rub the skin with alcohol, drink alcohol drinks - such events exacerbate the state and violate the process of thermoregulation.

Algorithm of therapy of hyperthermic syndrome includes:

  1. Bed regime, mining clothes for adequate cooling of the skin surface, indoor temperature correction (air must be cool, moistened).
  2. Abundant drinking, cold to the area of \u200b\u200blarge vessels, wiping with water room temperature (the pre-reception of the antipyretic agent - paracetamol, ibuprofen in the age dosage) is recommended.
  3. Preparations contributing to the expansion of vessels (but-shpa, papaverine, nicotinic acid).
  4. Glucocorticosteroids (prednisone, dexamethasone).

Medicinal therapy appoints a doctor after examining the patient and evaluating its condition.

The challenge of emergency medical care is necessary in the development of convulsion, violation of consciousness, the appearance of nonsense, hallucinations, pronounced respiratory disorders.

If the high temperature does not come down in an adult or child due to the purulent inflammatory disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. Independent treatment and reception of antibacterial agents can lead to the development of complications - sepsis, infectious-toxic shock.

Why the child keeps the temperature, why is it needed and what to do with it? Many parents have more than once asked by this issue, looking at their fevering crook.

What is temperature?

Temperature is the reaction of the body to the attackers of its viruses. With an increase in temperature, the activity of the cells of the immune system increases, due to this, the process of reproduction of various microbes and bacteria is suppressed. Increased temperature - This is an indication that the body is struggling with the disease. So, as you can see, the temperature rise is still necessary, so it is necessary to shoot down only in some cases.

High temperature action

Be sure to provide peace for a child. It is necessary to give as much liquid as possible, it will be good, if you manage to make the child relax. For the next year at high temperatures, the decoction of Izyum is well suited. After a year, you can give compote from dried fruits, and then tea with raspberries - it is good and quickly increases sweating.

What temperature do you need to shoot down in children?

  1. If a child is registered with a neuropathologist, then up to 7-8 months of age, it is necessary to shoot down the temperature already at 38 ° C, and sometimes below, in this issue you need a consultation of a specialist, since in some diseases, the likelihood of seizures is very high.
  2. Pediatricians advise not to touch the temperature if it is below 38.5 ° C.

What to shoot down the temperature?

The proven remedy against temperature is paracetamol and such medicines: Panadol, Efferhagangan, Dofalgan, containing paracetamol. It is also worth paying attention to the nurofen, which contains ibuprofen. In the case of a long temperature, try alternate these drugs. But often all these tools are poorly knocked down the temperature above 39 ° C. If a child has a high temperature, it is best to try as an antipyretic candle, they are more efficient.

How to rub a child?

If the child has a temperature for a long time and is badly knocked down medicinal preparations, Try the following.

  1. First, try to make it so that in the room where a sick child is not hot, but also without drafts.
  2. If there is no humidifier, then a wet swallow and towels will be a good tool as its substitute.
  3. Latest the child, leaving only socks, diapers need to be removed. Cover it with a thin sheet or diaper.
  4. If the child has the palms and the feet are warm, then you can start rubbing:
  • or pure water 36 ° C;
  • either weak solution of vodka with water. If you choose this method, then you do not need to rub the child, but only easily wipe it that there was no intoxication!

In no case do not need to get a kid from under the diaper, which he covers! It will be enough to take turns and rub the handles and legs. You can try to make compresses and put their groin and armpits. Also do not forget about the face, if the child gives, put a wet cloth on Lobik.

Application of "Dedovsky" methods

Until now, many grandmothers advise to shoot down the temperature with "rough" ways: to lay the patient with ice and ice warmers, wrap in wet sheets, or rub with vinegar or alcohol. But, to knock down the temperature in a child, these methods are not suitable, as vinegar and alcohol can cause poisoning, occasionally through the skin into the body, and The cold, impassing the child, can cause spasm of the vessels of the skin.

Finally, I would like to say that with different diseases, a high temperature in a child can hold on at about a week and even more (purulent angina, flu, etc.). But in such cases, it is necessary to observe the doctor, sometimes hospitalization is sometimes possible, since the round-the-clock observation of specialists is still better than consulting on the phone. Also, necessarily call an ambulance if convulsions began, the child lost consciousness, there was pain in the stomach and chest, it became hard to breathe and swallow, the skin acquires a pale or blue shade.