What to take with ARD with fever. Traditional medicine recipes. ARI: drugs

Infusions and herbal teas

Treatment of acute respiratory infections at home necessarily includes drinking plenty of fluids. However, not all types of drinks are suitable for treatment.

Fruit drinks and infusions from berries or leaves of lingonberry or cranberry help to remove toxins and "unload" the kidneys. Certified calendula flowers help to inhibit the development of inflammatory processes.

Boiled leaves and berries of raspberries or currants prevent the development of inflammatory processes, strengthen the immune system, help reduce fever and get rid of fever. It is also advisable to drink rosehip decoction.

Mint tea is especially helpful for those who have acute gastritis due to acute respiratory infections. Mint drinks normalize the nervous system, improve digestion, and give a pleasant feeling of coolness. You can also add food or drinks with ginger root to your diet.

Vegetable juices

Also during illness it is necessary to drink black or green tea, more freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.

For acute respiratory infections, juices from:

Juices strengthen the immune system due to vitamins and other beneficial substances, and also help stop the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Rinsing the nose

With a runny nose, you should not bury your nose with honey, oils, milk, plant juices - these substances provide nutrients for bacteria, which only enhances the growth of infection.

Also, you can not treat the nose with alcohol-containing infusions, onion juice, lemon and garlic. Aggressive substances injure mucous membranes, but practically do not harm pathogenic organisms. You cannot inhale soda for the same reason.

To treat the common cold, nasal rinsing can be performed. To do this, use a weak saline solution, a decoction of chamomile or mint. You can also inhale the aroma of essential oils: pine, orange, juniper, fir, lemon, lavender. The oils not only have a slight antibacterial effect, but they also help calm headache and annoyance.

Gargling can help reduce swelling, pain and throat irritation. This measure also allows you to protect the oral cavity from dental ailments that often occur against the background of acute respiratory infections. Flushing fluid oral cavity and the throat should be warm. The procedure can be carried out every 2-3 hours. You should not gargle too often. For rinsing, you can use a salt solution, green tea.

Brewed herbs are also suitable:

One procedure takes 30-60 seconds. After that, you can dissolve a small piece of cocoa butter - this will soften the throat, relieve pain when swallowing.

Additional ways

The apartment should be well ventilated, the room temperature should be about 25 degrees. Humidify the air if necessary. To do this, use a special apparatus or put a damp towel on the battery. It is advisable to rinse all surfaces with water and essential oils or saline solution.

There are other methods of dealing with acute respiratory infections at home:

  • Massage the nose helps relieve pain and ease breathing. It should be carried out in the forehead, bridge of the nose, near the wings of the nose;
  • Warm foot baths help warm up the body and get rid of ailments;
  • A sparing diet high in fiber can help you heal faster. Fatty and smoked, salted and fried foods, semi-finished products should be excluded from the diet;
  • If you have no appetite, you should drink chicken broth;
  • Massaging and rubbing your chest and back helps relieve muscle pain and weakness.

And, of course, the main and most effective recipe quick treatment ARI is good rest, good sleep and peace of mind.

Acute respiratory viral disease (ARI) is a collective concept that includes pathologists respiratory tract... They are caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

During a decrease in temperature indicators, the likelihood of respiratory infections increases several times.

To correctly determine the cause and diagnose, the doctor finds out the main symptoms. Usually it is a runny nose, muscle aches, cough, fever, watery eyes, sore throat, sneezing.

If the body's immune defense is high, the disease does not develop and stops at an early stage. It even happens that the patient does not notice acute respiratory infections in himself, and transfers it on his feet, writing off the symptoms as banal overwork.

Treatment of acute respiratory diseases does not provide for the patient being in the hospital. It is quite possible to be treated at home.

Stages of therapy

There is no recipe that tells you how to quickly cure acute respiratory infections. But there are a lot of recommendations on how to speed up this process, relieve symptoms and prevent complications from a cold.

To respiratory disease retreated, treatment should be started comprehensively. Getting rid of the disease usually consists of 3 consecutive stages:

  1. Restore the drainage capacity of the bronchi. At this stage, oral and nasal inhalations are done. This allows the respiratory tract to return to its protective function;
  2. Fight infection. The human body is quite capable of fighting acute respiratory infections on its own, but this requires bed rest;
  3. Correct immunity. In order for an organism weakened after an illness to recover, it really needs vitamins and minerals.

Naturally, the cold itself goes away after a week. However, is there any confidence that the body will get out of the disease without loss of strength and a quick relapse? Therefore, it is impossible to let the ARI take its course and ignore the treatment.

Many patients prefer to be treated at home folk methods, which is not always justified. The ideal option is treatment with drugs recommended by a doctor and the use of alternative medicine recipes as a supplement. Only under this condition can we expect a good result and positive dynamics.

You should know that there is a clear rule - when viral infections antibiotics are not used, accordingly, you need to know exactly what antibiotics to take for ARVI and flu. They are only needed if:

  • a bacterium has joined the virus;
  • cold symptoms do not go away by the tenth day after the onset of the illness

How will traditional medicine help?

At home, use a variety of remedies made on the basis of medicinal plants. If they are selected and prepared correctly, it is possible to improve the patient's well-being faster.

Raspberries are considered the classic "medicine" for colds. She is capable of:

  1. reduce body temperature;
  2. have anti-inflammatory effects.

In addition, the berry helps to restore the body's immune defenses. You can eat raspberries in any form. It is used to make fortified teas that help flush the infection out of the body. It is enough for the treatment to pour 2 tablespoons of raspberry jam into hot water, drink a drink and sweat under a blanket.

Cow or goat milk can cope with dry cough. It is useful, if there is no allergy, to add bee honey to it. This nutritious composition coats the throat mucosa and helps to reduce the symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

Even for colds, onions and garlic help. Due to the presence of phytoncides in their composition, it is possible to heal faster. The recipe is simple:

  • chop 1 clove of garlic;
  • add 5 drops of onion juice to it;
  • mix the mass with 3 tablespoons of honey.

Take the treatment for 1 teaspoon up to 5 times a day. You need to drink it with warm water to prevent burns of mucous membranes.

Onion inhalation can be done. They help with coughs and runny nose. To cleanse the respiratory tract, rinse the teapot with boiling water, put chopped onions in it. The lid of the kettle is closed and the vapors are inhaled through the spout.

If necessary, heat the kettle in the microwave.

You can repeat the procedure every day, especially in the midst of an epidemic.

Herbal treatment

In acute respiratory diseases, medicinal plants are brewed, insisted on alcohol, and compresses and lotions are made from them.

The most popular and effective recipes today should be called:

  1. decrease in temperature. Take 2 tablespoons of crushed currant leaf, steamed in 1 liter of boiling water, and leave for 10 minutes. The broth is drunk during the day. If necessary, the liquid is heated or simply stored in a thermos;
  2. increased immune protection. 1 teaspoon of elderberry color is brewed with a glass of boiling water. You need to drink before bed;
  3. inhalation for the nose. Put 3 tablespoons of any herb (thyme, mint, sage, eucalyptus) in a container, add half a liter of water, bring to a boil. The broth is cooled and at this time they breathe steam;
  4. gargling. Calendula, string, chamomile, calamus, wild rosemary or oregano (4 tablespoons) are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, heated over low heat for 10 minutes, cooled and used every day to gargle. It is allowed to do a soda rinse every day: take 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water.

Many home treatments involve drinking plenty of fluids. This not only helps to loosen dry coughs, but also quickly remove toxins from the body.

Treatment of children

If an infant falls ill, treatment with folk methods should be under the strict supervision of a pediatrician! In children, any diseases, including viral ones, are difficult. It is extremely difficult for an immature body to overcome an infection.

It is important to follow your doctor's orders as closely as possible. When the treatment is incorrect, the child runs the risk of serious complications from acute respiratory infections: otitis media, meningitis, tonsillitis.

Of all the methods allowed for a child, the following should be considered:

  • to facilitate breathing in the crib, lay a napkin with a drop of eucalyptus oil;
  • if it is difficult to suction mucus, you can drip 1 drop of Kalanchoe juice into the nose. This will provoke sneezing and clearing of the nasal passages;
  • for coughing, heat coarse kitchen salt in a dry frying pan, pour it into a diaper folded several times. Such a compress is applied to the patient's chest, after putting on a cotton shirt, and covered with a blanket on top.

If the child does not have allergies, a vitamin drink is prepared every day. You should take 3 teaspoons of rose hips, 1 teaspoon each of chamomile flowers and nettle leaves.

Raw materials are poured with boiling water and infused for 4 hours. You should drink this broth all day long.

Treatment for a nursing mother

The treatment of nursing women is especially careful. For example, they are not allowed honey, because it can provoke an allergic reaction in a child. Not all women are allowed raspberries, and onions or garlic can seriously impair the taste of breast milk.

  1. frequent heavy drinking;
  2. bed rest;
  3. local expectorants;
  4. herbal medicine (decoctions, inhalations, gargling, aromatic baths).

Modern doctors insist that for a while colds to refuse breastfeeding not necessary. The child, along with the mother's milk, receives antibodies to viruses, which helps to strengthen the immune system.

The only caveat is the need for treatment with antibiotics that are not compatible with lactation.

How to warn?

Prevention measures are simple and can be applied by everyone. So, in the cold season it follows:

  • increase the use of ascorbic acid;
  • add onions, garlic to the diet.

Before going to crowded places or traveling on public transport, it is useful to lubricate the nostrils with Oxolinic ointment. It is allowed for children.

You can get a cold even in summer. Therefore, you should refrain from prolonged rest under the turned on fan, air conditioner.

If there is a feeling of an approaching ARI, you can prepare mulled wine. Cahors are heated over low heat, add a spoonful of honey, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves to it. When ready, pour a tablespoon of lemon juice into the drink. Mulled wine is drunk before bedtime.

Don't forget about tempering, exercise and an active lifestyle. These simple actions will help strengthen the body's immune defenses and reduce the risk of contracting acute respiratory infections.

this article will demonstrate how you can manage ARI treatment at home, and what you need to do for this.


ARI (ARVI) is an acute respiratory disease that includes several infectious diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract. They are transmitted by airborne droplets. Every year, with the onset of cold weather, the number of people diagnosed with acute respiratory infections or influenza increases.

To prevent the disease from getting worse, it is important to notice the symptoms in time and determine the cause, and then immediately start treatment.

ARI - what is it

The disease develops when pathogens enter the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, which subsequently multiply and this leads to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, as well as various complications, and this leads to the manifestation of various symptoms. The incubation period lasts 12-48 hours for influenza, as well as 1-14 days for other variants of acute respiratory infections. This disease can be triggered by the action of microbial, viral or mixed pathogens.

ARI - symptoms

In order not to aggravate your own condition, it is necessary to determine the disease as early as possible. The first symptoms can already be recognized by 3-4 days, but they appear smoothly, constantly increasing.

Signs of acute respiratory infections in adults:

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms in time, then ARVI can become complicated and turn into laryngitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis and pneumonia.

ARI - causes

Scientifically proven that ARVI can be caused by more than 200 various viruses, many of which are transmitted by airborne droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, etc. The infection can also spread through common household items and dishes. Acute respiratory infections can develop due to influenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, coronavirus, etc.

The source of infection is a sick person during the incubation period. Mostly adults who have a weakened immune system are prone to the disease, and this happens due to severe stress, poor nutrition, hypothermia, chronic infections and poor ecology.

ARI - how to treat

Many people make a serious mistake and do not pay attention to the first symptoms. As a result, the disease drags on and the condition only gets worse. It is necessary to consult a doctor so that he selects the right medicines, and to enhance the result, you can supplement medicines with folk recipes.

Drug treatment

Today, there are various drugs that allow you to remove symptoms and get better.

ARI treatment should be as follows:

Alternative treatment

Since ancient times, people have been using various herbs and other foods to help manage symptoms.

How to treat acute respiratory infections at home:

Treatment of acute respiratory infections should be carried out, observing some rules. It is recommended to adhere to bed rest, which will allow you not to waste energy on unnecessary actions. It is important to check the room regularly, as well as to do wet cleaning, as dust only aggravates the situation.

In case of ARVI, it is important to ensure that there are no drafts, so it is worth leaving the room during ventilation. For both adults and children, it is important to drink plenty of water, as well as warm liquids when sick.

Now you know how to quickly determine the occurrence of influenza and other ARVI diseases in adults, as well as which drug or folk recipe worth choosing to remove the disease. Consider these recommendations and then recovery will come as quickly as possible.


ARI in adults: symptoms and treatment

At any time of the year, with hypothermia of the body or individual organs, acute respiratory infections can occur, in everyday life known as the common cold. Reduced immunity, stress and overwork contribute to the disease. If you capture the very first symptoms of the disease, then it can be cured in a day or two without any complications.

ARI: what is it

Acute respiratory illness - infectious diseasewhich affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Toxins from the respiratory tract penetrate into the general bloodstream and cause intoxication of the body.

The causative agents of acute respiratory infections are divided into 3 main groups:

  • viruses (flu is a type of cold);
  • bacteria (pneumococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus);
  • mycoplasma (mycoplasma infections are extremely rare).

Viruses or pathogenic bacteria are transmitted by airborne droplets, through dishes and other household items, in public places, if you do not wash your hands in a timely manner.

The causative agents of the disease enter the respiratory tract, multiply on the mucous membranes and release toxins. There is a simultaneous damage to the respiratory tract and general intoxication of the body.

ARI: symptoms

What are the symptoms of acute respiratory infections in adults? It depends on immunity. With strong immunity, the manifestations of acute respiratory infections can be insignificant: a small runny nose and sore throat, which many endure "on their feet."

A weakened body will give out the whole list of symptoms of acute respiratory infections that will not allow you to continue life as usual.

How does ARI manifest?

  • Abundant transparent selection from the nose.
  • Sore throat, cough.
  • Headache and muscle aches.
  • Weakness appears, a desire to lie down, dizzy.
  • Fever, temperature rises.

ARI: what to do at the first symptoms

As soon as the first signs of acute respiratory infections appear in adults (runny nose, pain or just discomfort in the throat), you need to immediately respond to them. It is easier to cope with the disease at the very beginning than to treat the numerous complications from an infection that has penetrated "deep".

The disease itself will not go away - you need, at least, to provide the body with support with the simplest means to relieve symptoms. A disease that is started or transferred on the legs threatens to turn into bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, or even pneumonia.

Sometimes ARI can be captured at the very beginning and interrupt the inflammatory process: it is enough to immediately steam your legs, warm up well with mustard plasters, a heating pad and warm drink, rest and sleep. After that, it is enough to take care of yourself for several days: avoid hypothermia and heavy loads, rest more.

ARI: typical mistakes of patients

Error 1... Ignoring the first symptoms of the disease, continuing the usual active lifestyle up to sports.
What is dangerous. the disease will give complications that will have to be treated, falling out of active life for a long time.
What to do. at the first manifestations of the disease, start treatment, give yourself the opportunity to rest and overcome the disease.
Error 2... Taking a wide variety of medications, including antibiotics.
What is dangerous. unnecessary medicines only clog and weaken the body. Antibiotics are completely useless in the treatment of viral acute respiratory infections.
What to do. the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections can be stopped with simple folk remedies: steam your feet, drink hot tea. It is better to take medications as directed by your doctor.
Error 3... Self-treatment without the help of a doctor.
What is dangerous. if within 3 days folk remedies and self-medication do not help, then the disease is serious enough and requires the intervention of a specialist.
What to do. see a doctor to avoid serious complications.

ARI: home treatment

Any treatment for acute respiratory infections in adults begins with the removal of unpleasant symptoms: a runny nose, cough, weakness and temperature.

In order for the body to fight the disease, it must be allowed to rest. Forget about unimportant matters and do only the most necessary - everything can be done after, when the disease recedes. Spend as much time as possible in bed rest. If you put a heating pad under the blanket, put on warm socks, wrap yourself up well, drink hot tea and sweat - this is already a treatment.

It is advisable to subject the room to wet cleaning every day and be sure to ventilate - in order to get rid of pathogens.

You can protect family members from infection if you have minimal contact with them, separate the sick towel and dishes.

When ARI occurs, treatment in adults is well accompanied by constant warming up of the body.

What else can you do?

Hot drink... The fluid will help flush out toxins from the body. Hot tea with honey, lemon, raspberry or black currant jam, herbal teas, ginger tea, warm compote or fruit drink are drunk in large quantities - up to 8 glasses a day.

Foot baths... The legs are immersed in a basin with hot (as far as you can stand) water. You can add a handful of salt or mustard to the water. The legs, together with the basin, are covered with a large towel so that the water does not cool down, and very hot water is poured several times. Legs soar for 15-20 minutes, and only if there is no temperature. In this case, the patient must be wrapped up. After the bath, they wipe their feet dry, put on warm socks, drink hot tea - and go to a warm bed.

Inhalation - warm up the respiratory tract well. You can breathe over boiling water, to which a few drops of essential oil or medicinal herbs are added. Potato inhalation will help with coughing: potatoes are boiled in a peel, kneaded and breathed over the steam until it cools. Cover the head with a cup with a large towel.

Essential oils for inhalation: eucalyptus, mint, tea tree.

Herbs for inhalation: chamomile, sage, coltsfoot.

Rinsing the nose and throat - will help to flush bacteria and viruses from the respiratory tract, relieve swelling and inflammation. The simplest and most effective rinsing is with a solution sea \u200b\u200bsalt... For gargling, take a teaspoon, for the nose - a quarter of a spoon.

If the throat is very red, a purulent plaque has appeared, you can rinse it with a solution of furacilin (2 tablets are poured with a glass of boiling water), a solution of a teaspoon of salt, soda and 10 drops of iodine in a glass of water.

You can also gargle with chamomile or sage decoctions.

ARI: drugs

What medications and how to treat acute respiratory infections in adults correctly?
Medicines, when used judiciously, are very effective against the symptoms and causes of respiratory infections.
What drugs will the doctor prescribe for the treatment of acute respiratory infections? First of all, remedies for relieving symptoms.

High fever and pain .

Temperature is believed to be the body's most effective response to treatment respiratory infection... It is not recommended to knock down temperatures below 38.5 ° C. But if convulsions appear, confusion of consciousness, then it is imperative to fight the fever.

What should I take? Paracetamol (Panadol), ibuprofen (ibufen) Coldrex, Aspirin UPSA.

Vasoconstrictor drugs: Sanorin (0.1% solution or emulsion), Naphthyzin or Galazolin - a drop or two in each nostril up to 4 times a day.

When a dry cough without phlegm appears, antitussive drugs are prescribed that suppress it: Codeine, Ledin, Tusuprex, Libeksin, Sinekod, Falimint.
When sputum appears, you cannot take antitussive drugs - the sputum will remain in the bronchi and cause a powerful inflammatory process. To get rid of the sputum that has appeared, expectorants and mucolytics are used, which dilute sputum and promote its excretion: ACC, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Gerbion, Gedelix, Fluimucil.
When serious treatment of acute respiratory infections in adults is required, drugs are aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease and maintaining the body.

Vitamins... In addition to multivitamins, taking vitamins C (2-3 tablets a day) and P (1-2 tablets) helps.
Antiviral drugs (if ARI is of viral origin).
Interferon diluted with warm water in a capsule and instilled into the nose every 2-3 hours, 5 drops.
Remantadine... Tablets 50 mg drink 2 tablets per dose. On the first day 3 doses, 2 and 3 days - 2 doses, 4th day - 1 dose.
Antibiotic... It is prescribed for bacterial and mycoplasma infections, complications of acute respiratory infections in the form of sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis media, etc.

Traditional medicine recipes

Mash 3 cloves of garlic and mix with lemon juice. A teaspoon of the mixture is diluted in a glass of water and drunk several times a day.

The onion is rubbed and mixed with goose fat. A spoonful of the composition can be eaten on an empty stomach, they also rub the chest with it and wrap it warmly.

Raspberry jam - added to tea or diluted with boiling water and drunk without restrictions.

A radish will effectively help cough. Cut off the top of a radish with a "tail" and select the core. This "cup" is half filled with honey and placed in a glass of water so that the "tail" is submerged in the water. Drink juice in a teaspoon 4-5 times a day. Radish is used no more than 2 days.

Linden blossom (a tablespoon) is poured with a cup of boiling water and drunk hot after 20 minutes. You can drink during the day and at night - it is a diaphoretic.

Hot milk with honey is drunk at night.

Chicken bouillon. Scientific fact - hot chicken broth reduces the body's response to inflammatory processes, improving the general well-being of the patient.
Herbal decoctions help to reduce the intoxication of the body, have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and restorative effects. For colds, decoctions of chamomile, sage, coltsfoot, mint will help.

ARI: a doctor is urgently needed

If the following symptoms appear, you should immediately see a doctor:

  • For more than 2 days, the temperature remains above 38.5 ° C.
  • The cough is accompanied by a discharge of purulent sputum of a yellow-green color.
  • There were chest pains when coughing or inhaling, shortness of breath, headaches, pain in the forehead, in the ear.
  • Be sure to consult a doctor when an acute respiratory disease appears to persons who are sick chronic bronchitis or heart disease.

Timely treatment of acute respiratory infections will help to quickly cope with the disease and avoid complications.

Sore throat and joints, fever and lack of appetite. Having noticed them in yourself, you should start as soon as possible treatment ... And here it is not recommended to use medications, since they have many side effects, which means they will cause even more damage to the body. Better to use proven folk remedies and a number of recommendations. Then you can get rid of acute respiratory infections quickly without harming your health.

Drink plenty of fluids and stay in bed

With acute respiratory infections, first of all, you need to start drinking more liquid - at least 8 glasses a day. It is important to understand here that sugary sodas will not be beneficial. It is necessary do herbal decoctions that have healing properties. You can cook them with chamomile, mint, linden and anise. If you like green tea, be sure to drink it with raspberries every 1-2 hours.

You can make hot punch - this is an old proven remedy that allows you to quickly get rid of ORM. To prepare it, take a glass of hot water, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 25 g of honey. Stir all these ingredients together and enjoy the finished punch to your health.

Along with this, you will need to include chicken broth in your diet. According to medical research, it softens the inflammatory response with a cold and lowers the temperature. Therefore, it must be consumed in large quantities.

Compliance with the pastel mode is mandatory. It will benefit your health, the body will be able to overcome viruses much faster, which means that there will be no complications.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections with folk remedies

Noticing at home symptoms colds, you should start rubbing chest ointment with essential oils. It will make you feel better and reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Along with this, it is recommended to breathe over the steam. You can boil the potatoes, bend over the pot, and cover your head with a towel. The duration of such a procedure should be about 15 minutes.

If you have sore throat then rinse it every 2-3 hours. To do this, prepare a warm solution with soda ... It should be used in the amount of ¼ teaspoon per 150 ml of water. You can also add a pinch of salt there. And in order to get rid of from a cold , you should use carrot or beet juice, it is slightly diluted in boiled water, and then one drop is instilled into the nose.