Digestion: Why is it important to chew properly? Why chew food thoroughly? Why chewing food thoroughly is important

Many people probably know that food should be chewed thoroughly, but not everyone knows exactly what effect this has on the body. Meanwhile, the benefits of slowly absorbing food are scientifically proven. Numerous studies by scientists from different countries have confirmed that rapid chewing and swallowing of food can lead to many health problems. Let's take a look at the main reasons why you need to chew your food well.

Reason # 1. Chewing food thoroughly contributes to weight loss

Perhaps some will be skeptical about this statement, but it really is. Correct food intake - will provide you with easy weight loss. Weight gain in most cases occurs due to overeating, it is promoted by hasty consumption of food. A person, trying to quickly get enough, pays little attention to chewing food, swallows it poorly crushed, as a result, eats more than the body really needs.

Good chewing of pieces of food allows you to get enough of a small amount of food and prevents overeating. This is due to the fact that when chewing, histamine begins to be produced, which, reaching the brain, gives it a signal of saturation. However, this happens only twenty minutes after the meal was started. If a person eats slowly, they will eat less food during those twenty minutes and feel satiety from fewer calories. If food is consumed quickly, a lot will be eaten before the brain receives a signal of fullness. In addition to its main purpose, histamine also improves metabolism, thereby accelerating the burning of calories.

Research by Chinese scientists also speaks in favor of a leisurely meal. They recruited a group of men. Half of them were asked to chew each bite 15 times while consuming food, while the rest were asked to chew each portion of food sent to their mouths 40 times. An hour and a half later, a blood test was taken from the men, and it showed that those who chewed more times had much less hunger hormone (gerelin) than those who ate quickly. Thus, it has been proven that a leisurely meal gives an even longer feeling of fullness.

Slow consumption of food contributes also because it improves the digestive tract and prevents the formation of harmful deposits in the intestines - toxins, fecal stones, toxins.

In addition, as soon as food enters the mouth, the brain sends signals to the pancreas and stomach, forcing them to produce enzymes and digestive acids. The longer the food is present in the mouth, the stronger the signals sent will be. Stronger and longer signals will lead to the production of gastric juice and enzymes in larger quantities, as a result, food will be digested faster and better.

Also, large pieces of food lead to the multiplication of harmful microorganisms and bacteria. The fact is that well-crushed food is disinfected with hydrochloric acid present in the gastric juice, the gastric juice does not completely penetrate into large particles, therefore the bacteria contained in them remain unharmed and enter the intestines in this form. There they begin to multiply actively, leading to dysbiosis or intestinal infections.

Reason number 3. Improving body performance

High-quality, long chewing of food has a beneficial effect not only on the digestive system, but also on the whole body. Unhurried consumption of food affects a person as follows:

  • Reduces stress on the heart... With the rapid absorption of food, the pulse increases by at least ten beats. In addition, the stomach, filled with large pieces of food, presses on the diaphragm, which in turn affects the heart.
  • Strengthens the gums... When chewing a particular type of food, the gums and teeth are exposed to a load of twenty to one hundred and twenty kilograms. This not only trains them, but also improves blood flow to the tissues.
  • Reduces the effect of acids on tooth enamel. As you know, when chewing saliva is produced, and when chewing for a long time, it is released in large quantities, this neutralizes the action of acids, and, therefore, protects the enamel from damage. In addition, saliva contains Na, Ca and F, which strengthen the teeth.
  • Relieves neuro-emotional stressand also improves performance and focus.
  • Provides the body with plenty of energy... Doctors of the East are convinced of this, they are of the opinion that the tongue absorbs most of the energy of consumed products, therefore, the longer the food stays in the mouth, the more energy the body can receive.
  • Reduces the risk of poisoning... Lysozyme is present in saliva. This substance is capable of destroying many bacteria, therefore, the better the food is processed with saliva, the less chance of poisoning.

Dense food, if thoroughly chewed, is better than hastily swallowed boiled diet porridge or soup - our digestive system only benefits from varied and well-chewed food. There are other reasons for chewing food thoroughly. The most important of these is the ability to preserve enzymes.

For medium-bodied foods, I try to chew each bite 30-50 times. Then it turns into a gruel, which easily slips into the esophagus and is well absorbed. Hard foods, like those foods that are difficult for the body to absorb, are best chewed 70-80 times. The longer a person chews, the more saliva his salivary glands secrete - and the more beneficial it is for digestion.

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The intestinal walls can absorb only those food particles, the size of which does not exceed fifteen microns (0.015 mm), everything else is excreted from the body. If you chew food poorly, most of the food eaten will go to waste, without bringing any benefit to the body.

Girls sometimes ask: "But if the food is not completely absorbed, then I will not get fat, because this is wonderful, isn't it?"... But it’s not that simple. If food is not digested, fermentation processes begin in the intestine, as in those cases when a person overeats, and a lot of toxins are released, the neutralization of which requires a large amount of enzymes (enzymes).

The body of each person is individual and unique. Usually we digest some foods better, others worse. Therefore, even if the diet is perfectly balanced, a person may be deficient in essential substances. Especially noticeable is the lack of those elements that are required by the body in the smallest quantities.

In recent decades, there are more and more people with who, however, lack the essential nutrients. There are, as a rule, three reasons for this phenomenon: unbalanced diet, digestive disorders and poor absorption of nutrients due to insufficiently thorough chewing of food.

Thorough chewing is also good in that it slows down the process of eating. While a person eats, their blood sugar rises and their appetite decreases. When he eats slowly, the likelihood of overeating decreases. If you thoroughly chew each bite, the feeling of satiety comes faster, which allows you not to strain your own will once again and not to limit yourself in food.

When you chew well and for a long time, your appetite naturally decreases. And when less food enters the body, the amount of enzymes that go to process and assimilate it also decreases. As you can see, chewing food thoroughly from all angles helps preserve enzymes.

When the losses of "magic enzymes" are reduced, the body gets the opportunity to spend them on maintaining internal balance, detoxification, self-healing and energy supply; the immune system gets stronger, which not only improves health, but also increases life expectancy.

When you do not overeat and chew food thoroughly, your body absorbs what you eat well and does not leave badly digested food residues that decompose and poison it with toxins. This allows you to further conserve magic enzymes.

It has long been known that eating slowly is good for your health. Popular wisdom says: "He who chews a long time, he lives a long time." I would advise you to carefully consider this proverb - then you can avoid the thoughtless waste of precious enzymes.

No matter how good and useful this or that food is, if it is poorly absorbed, human health suffers. It is very important to have a well-balanced diet of healthy foods and chew properly. By taking note of these three rules, you will conserve your "magic enzymes" and lead a long, healthy life.

By choosing natural products and eating right, we not only improve our well-being, but also keep us healthy. However, in the frantic pace of modern life, we sometimes forget that food must be thoroughly chewed.

More than a hundred years ago, obese Horace Fletcher put forward an amazing concept: by chewing food more than 32 times, a person can not only lose weight, but significantly improve his health.

Chewing food thoroughly contributes to:
Strengthen the gums... The chewing muscles, like all the muscles in our body, need training, which is chewing. Depending on the type of food you have to chew, there is a load on the teeth and gums from 20 to 120 kg... As a result, blood flow in the gums increases, and the risk of periodontitis decreases.
Production of the required amount of saliva... One has only to hear the smell of food or think of some tasty dish, as saliva immediately begins to be produced in the mouth. Human saliva on 98% consists of water, contains a number of useful enzymes and biologically active substances, vitamins of group B, C, H, A, D, E and K, minerals Ca, Mg, Na, hormones and choline, according to chemical composition is a weak alkali. When a person chews, saliva is produced 10 times more than in a calm state. At the same time, F, Ca and Na contained in saliva strengthen the tooth enamel, and a protective film forms on the surface of the teeth.
Improving the functioning of the stomach, pancreas and liver... Once food enters the mouth, the brain sends signals to the stomach and pancreas to produce digestive acids and enzymes. Therefore, the longer the food is in the mouth and chewed, the stronger the signals sent by the brain. And the stronger these signals, the more gastric juice and digestive enzymes will be produced, and the more qualitatively and quickly the food will be digested.
Faster and more thorough digestion and assimilation of food... Our gastrointestinal is able to break down only those nutrients that are in a dissolved form. Food entering the stomach in a lump is not absorbed by the body. If the lumps are small, splitting occurs under the action of gastric and pancreatic juices, as well as bile. However, this significantly increases the digestion time, there is a danger of putrefactive fermentation. The better the food is chopped up and processed with saliva, the higher the efficiency of our digestive system.
Neutralizing the action of acids and restoration of the normal acid-base balance of the body.
Reducing the burden on the heart... Swallowed large pieces of food put pressure on the diaphragm, on which the heart is located.
Better absorption of nutrients... Saturation of food with all useful components occurs in the mouth during the chewing process. Cereals, potatoes, sweets, bakery products - all products containing carbohydrates begin to be digested in the mouth, and careful slow chewing of food can significantly reduce the load on the digestive system. The stomach is only able to process very small pieces of food, since gastric juice cannot penetrate into larger pieces. As a result, these unprocessed food pieces enter the intestines and are excreted from the body.
Slimming... Chewing food thoroughly allows you to get satiated with significantly less food.

How does chewing food help you lose weight?

Most often, excess weight gain occurs due to overeating. We come home hungry, pounce on food and consume it in quantities that significantly exceed the needs of the body. If you eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly and get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger, you can forget about excess weight forever. It is not for nothing that there is an unwritten law in Japan: you can eat only until eight out of ten parts of the stomach are filled. Constant overeating leads to the fact that the stomach stretches, and more and more food can easily fit.

Chinese experts from the University of Harbin came to a sensational conclusion: in order to lose excess weight, it is enough to chew food more thoroughly. 30 young men of various weight categories were invited to participate in the experiment. When receiving a serving of food, participants were asked to chew it 15 times, then 40 times. Blood tests taken 1.5 hours after a meal showed a lower amount of ghrelin (hunger hormone) in those volunteers who chewed 40 times.

Scientists at the University of Birmingham have come to the conclusion that chewing each portion of food allows you to get rid of evening snacks and reduce the number of calories you have. not less than 30 seconds.

Yogis - recognized centenarians have a saying: “ Eat liquid food, drink solid food". Its meaning is that even liquid food should not be swallowed immediately, but must be chewed to mix it with saliva. Solid food should be chewed very thoroughly to turn it into liquid. Usually yogis chew one bite at least 100-200 times and can get enough of only one banana.

Many people like to drink water with food. It is best, of course, to limit yourself to your own saliva, however, if the food is dry and solid, you can dilute it a little with water.

As a rule, most plant foods become tastier during the chewing process, and if you swallow quickly, you may never know the true taste of the dish.

It has been scientifically proven that people who chew food longer than usual experience satiety faster. As soon as food enters the mouth and a person begins to chew, the production of histamine occurs, which the neurons of the hypothalamus so need ( part of the brain). Histamine reaches the brain only 20 minutes after the start of a meal, thereby giving the body a signal of satiety. Thus, chewing slowly allows you to get saturated with far fewer calories than swallowing quickly. In addition to the signal of satiety, histamine significantly improves metabolism, due to which the body burns excess calories faster.

Our body spends a lot of energy on digesting food. If a person chews food thoroughly, thereby improving pre-processing, he needs significantly less food to saturate, and the digestive organs work with less effort.

Thorough chewing and digestive system

The digestion process begins already in the oral cavity, where the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into simple ones occurs under the action of a protein contained in saliva - amylase. In addition, the better the food is wetted with saliva, the easier it is to pass through the digestive tract and the faster it is digested.

Of oral cavity unchewed pieces enter the esophagus and can injure it. In the process of chewing, food is heated to body temperature, thereby making the work of the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach more comfortable. Food can be in the stomach for up to six hours, where proteins are broken down under the action of gastric juice. Further breakdown of proteins into amino acids occurs in the duodenum. Here, under the influence of lipase and bile, fats are broken down into glycerin and fatty acids.

The digestion of food in the small intestine is completed. Under the influence of intestinal enzymes, thoroughly chewed food is converted into simple compounds. And already these compounds are absorbed into the blood and saturate the body with energy and nutrients.

Since unchewed food is simply excreted from the body, we constantly lose vitamins, iron and proteins. In addition, lingering in the stomach, large pieces of food contribute to the multiplication of harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Small pieces of food are disinfected with hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice, in large pieces bacteria remain unharmed and enter the intestines, where they actively multiply and can lead to dysbiosis and intestinal infections.

How to learn to chew slowly?

1. Use Chinese chopsticks instead of a spoon and fork. At least until you learn to wield them as quickly.
2. Concentrate on food, enjoy the taste
3. Eat only at the table in the kitchen or dining room
4. Cook it yourself, so you better appreciate the food
5. When eating, sit upright, breathe deeply, do not be distracted

We hope that you listen to the simple but useful guidelines in this article. For fun's sake, the next time you eat, try checking yourself how many times you chew before you swallow.

The eating process should be beneficial and enjoyable. Therefore, it is important not only what you eat, but also how you do it. A hasty meal often causes gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, it is worth considering whether you need to chew food thoroughly and how to do it correctly.

Do I need to chew food thoroughly?

Why food must be thoroughly chewed, what is the benefit

Researches of scientists have proved that long and thorough chewing of food can have a positive effect on the body. Among the main advantages are the following:

1. The digestion process is easier and faster. When food is finely chopped and moistened with a lot of saliva, it is much easier for it to move around in the digestive tract. Therefore, the process of its digestion is faster.

2. Weight loss. If you chew each bite well, the body will be saturated much faster. This way you will eat much less. This is due to the fact that during the chewing process, special substances are secreted in the brain that control appetite. You just don't want to eat a lot.

3. The gums become stronger. Chewing is a kind of gymnastics for the gums. It improves blood flow, resulting in healthier and stronger gums.

4. The harmful effect of acids on the tooth enamel is neutralized. Saliva, which is produced during the process of chewing food, significantly softens the aggressive effects of acids. A long lunch will preserve the beauty and health of your teeth.

Eating food in small, well-chewed portions helps to improve the whole body as a whole. Plus, you'll have time to relax and unwind over lunch.

How to properly chew food thoroughly?

If you decide to start chewing food correctly, then you should listen to the following recommendations.

For centuries, people have pondered the question of what a healthy human diet should be. But even among the huge variety of nutritional theories, no one can doubt that the most important stage of digestion is chewing food.

Why you need to chew correctly, how many times you need to do it - we will give you the answers to these questions in this article.

When does the digestion process begin?

Many people believe that absorption of nutrients begins in the stomach. But this view is wrong. It is easy to disprove it with a simple experiment. If you chew on the crumb of regular white bread for a long time, a sweet taste will develop in your mouth. Why? The thing is that the starch contained in the bread begins to break down into its components.

The main task of the oral cavity is to thoroughly grind food and evenly supply it with enzymes. They and other necessary active substances, without which digestion will not be complete, are contained in saliva.

What's next?

Chewing is a unique step in food processing. This is why you need to chew your food thoroughly. If this is not done, then the food lumps will disrupt the digestion process from the very beginning. What we have as a result: in the stomach, food is processed only partially, and the intestines cannot cope with its pushing. This can cause serious problems that can be easily prevented by chewing what you eat properly.

Why are we paying attention to this issue?

  1. To avoid inefficient use of nutrients. Enzymatic processing in the stomach can only be done superficially. A piece that has not been chewed remains intact inside and cannot fully realize its useful substances.
  2. To exclude trauma to the alimentary canal. Uncooked foods can injure the esophagus. This will cause painful sensations when swallowing.
  3. To prevent the proliferation of unwanted organisms. Thoroughly chewed food is completely washed by gastric juice. Small pieces are disinfected and become safe for the human body. Since the insides of large food chunks are not processed by gastric juice, it is a wonderful breeding ground for harmful bacteria, especially after food particles enter the intestines.

Another argument for chewing long and well is the benefits you get with almost no effort.

The benefits of chewing properly

How many positive changes happens to a person after he begins to chew food thoroughly, at first it is difficult to imagine:

  • digestion improves. Food is absorbed faster and better when it is sufficiently chopped and moistened with saliva. It also contributes to the rapid elimination of ballast substances from the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, you can get rid of gastritis, constipation and ulcers simply by starting to properly chew food;
  • the smell from the mouth disappears. Chewing thoroughly eliminates one of the main causes of an unpleasant odor - digestive disorders due to poorly chopped pieces of food;
  • you lose extra pounds. If you chew food thoroughly, then their consumption decreases, and the quality of the food entering the body increases. Very often people overeat because they are distracted by something from the chewing process;
  • increased immunity. The saliva environment helps to increase the alkalinity in the blood, which for the better affects health.

Do I need to add something here? The pros are obvious.

And how long to eat?

So, a reasonable question - how many chewing movements do you need to chew food correctly? Most scientists and practitioners have similar views on how to act at the table. Law one: do not rush while eating. How many chewing cycles you need to do depends on the individual products, but for most, 30-50 times will work. Moreover, this also applies to liquid food - cereals, soups, mashed potatoes. Yes, do not be surprised, but they also need to be chewed correctly. However, when using these dishes, emphasis should be placed not so much on chopping up pieces as on thoroughly wetting the food with saliva.

In the finale, we recall the remarkable statement of one ancient Greek sage (guess which one?): "A healthy person should chew food 50 times, a sick person 100 times, and a self-cultivator 150 times."