Eyelids itchy eyes red. Redness of the eyelid

Surely you have encountered the problem of reddening of the eyelids, due to which annoying metamorphoses occur with the appearance. Subsequently, if the skin is constantly irritated, this becomes one of the causes of wrinkles.

Uncomfortable sensations force you to look for a way to get rid of the trouble as soon as possible. Sometimes these changes may indicate not a harmless disease.

Redness of the eyelids - causes

Immediately I want to warn those who believe that you can simply "cover up" the skin around the eyes with a foundation.

Do not do that! Thus, the infection is brought in.

As a rule, pinkness of the skin, itching, "tearfulness" can be associated with:

Eye diseases

1. Bacterial and viral conjunctivitis dangerous due to the ease of infection. If a family member is sick, it is necessary to have a personal towel and other hygiene items that are changed daily.
2. Molluscum contagiosum It is also a very contagious disease that children in the garden often transmit to each other through toys. It also causes blepharitis and conjunctivitis.
3. At the initial stage, demadecosis is characterized by slight swelling of the eyelids, the culprit of which is the micro mite acne. Peeling of the skin joins the redness.
4. Children suffer from blepharitis more often. The disease is characterized by burning and swelling, especially clearly felt at the base of the eyelashes.
5. The appearance of barley can be triggered by many problems, seemingly unrelated to the eyes. For example, diabetes.

Eye redness treatment

If it is enough to eliminate external irritants of the eyes on your own in order to observe changes for the better, then the disease cannot be left without medical attention.

Before contacting the ophthalmologist's office, who will conduct an examination and, possibly, take the material for analysis, you can gently rinse the area with an antiseptic, for example, potassium permanganate.

If it turns out that the reason is related to internal circumstances (chronic diseases, stress, etc.), then the ophthalmologist may refer you to a gastroenterologist, allergist, dermatologist or endocrinologist.


A set of remedies for treating eye ailments usually includes antihistamines... Especially when the eyes itch a lot and there is a suspicion of the allergic nature of the disease.
For bacterial infection (for example, bacterial conjunctivitis caused by the same type of staphylococcal infection as sore throat) antibiotics are the most common therapy.

Adults are prescribed eye drops; for children, ointment is preferable.

In the treatment of molluscum contagiosum, scraping of nodules is used, as well as laser and cryotherapy. Sometimes appointed antiviral drugs.

Folk remedies for eye redness

In the case when the eye is red and the swelling of the eyelids is caused by overexertion, lack of sleep, a cold, you can use the methods of traditional medicine.

  • Black or green tea, warm bags of which are applied for 30 minutes.
    A drop of honey mixed in a tablespoon with water drips into the eyes. The temporary burning sensation goes away with the redness of the eye.
  • Shredded Kalanchoe leaves - forever.
  • Raw potatoes will help with cramps in the eyes and puffiness of the eyelids, if applied in a grated form.
  • For a short period, aloe will remove the redness. If there is no flower at home, then an ampoule with the extract is bought at the pharmacy.
  • Pumpkin pulp, cut into thin slices, is also effective in a number of cases.

For the treatment of conjunctivitis, barley and blepharitis traditional medicine offered miracle ointments, homemade drops, special dough and compresses.

However, if the problem is serious, all this should be used only as an additional tool with the consent of the doctor.

Prolonged manifestation of swelling forces a person to see a doctor. The first doctor he meets, unless a referral from a family doctor is required, is an ophthalmologist. In some cases, the patient then receives a referral to an endocrinologist or general practitioner. It is impossible to determine right away what caused the upper eyelid to swell and turn red. There are a dozen reasons for this manifestation, and there are much more specific diseases or conditions. It is required to pass tests and, possibly, undergo an in-depth examination to find out the exact factor in the manifestation of swelling.

Swelling of the upper eyelid is often due to inflammatory processesoccurring in the body. Blepharitis, being one of the causes of this manifestation, is a group of different eye pathologies. They are united chronic inflammation century. In addition to such a significant reason, other frequently occurring factors should be noted:

  1. Allergy. Pollen of plants often provokes such a manifestation as the eyelid hanging over the eye. A similar reaction is often caused by animal dander, low-quality cosmetics and certain products. A drooping eyelid is accompanied by symptoms of redness of the eye and a runny nose.
  2. Infections. Common representatives of this category are barley and, of course, conjunctivitis. Infection occurs due to the introduction of bacteria, fungi or viruses into the eyes or under the protective folds. Pathologies are accompanied by eye redness. Pain and itching appear. The eyes begin to watery, mucous or purulent discharge appears. Photophobia arises. A pimple (subcutaneous bump when probing) appears above the eyelid contributes to the appearance of swelling.
  3. Excessive stress on the organs of vision, combined with lack of sleep. Insufficient rest and fatigue can lead to redness and swelling.
  4. A large amount of liquid drunk at night. Morning, due to the habit of eating watermelon or drinking a few cups of tea before bed, begins with a fear of looking in the mirror. It is impossible to see oneself through the slits left by the incision of the eyes.
  5. Excessive love of salty food retains fluid in the body. In the morning, the upper eyelids, and often the face, become swollen. If the person is elderly, then the problem becomes very urgent.
  6. Puffiness manifests itself in lovers of beer and other "intoxicating" drinks.
  7. Injury. A blow to the eye area or a bruise leads to an unnatural eyelid color, swelling and pain.
  8. Pathology of internal organs. These are diseases of the heart, kidneys or gallbladder. This should also include the endocrine syndrome (long-term existence of hormonal disorders).
  9. An insect bite is one of the causes of swelling of the upper eyelid of one eye. The "predator" can be a midge or a mosquito. An allergic reaction occurs when bitten.
  10. Eye contact foreign body... An eyelash trapped under the eyelid can cause inflammation, injuring the inner surface of the eye's protective fold. To remove it, you can try blinking often or perform a simple exercise - rolling your eyes. It must be understood that these actions are possible in the absence of sharp pain. A newborn baby reacts especially sharply to the ingress of a foreign body.
  11. Eyelash extensions, permanent make-up, otherwise called tattooing, or the subcutaneous use of Dysport and Botox to eliminate expression lines can also be a factor in the swelling of the upper eyelid. If used incorrectly, convulsions are possible.

Do not get carried away with alcoholic beverages. This is fraught with swelling of the eyelids.

What to do if the upper eyelid is swollen can be decided after identifying the main factor. It needs to be removed, but only the examination performed can indicate the possibility of using certain methods of treatment. It should be borne in mind that inflammation of the bone tissue in the eye area can also cause swelling.


Among the symptoms that appear, if the eyelid is swollen and reddened, it should be noted:

  • itchy and burning sensation;
  • pain;
  • when an infection gets in, the temperature rises;
  • the skin may turn red and flake;
  • possible manifestations of extensive edema;
  • purulent or mucous discharge is formed.

Symptoms vary depending on the cause of the swelling.


The methods of therapy depend on the identified disease. Sometimes it is enough to apply ice several times and the swelling disappears. If you have an allergy or an insect bite, you need to drink an antihistamine. If the drug does not have the desired effect, you should visit a doctor. If your eyes are tired, you can do a light eye massage.

In inflammatory diseases, only an ophthalmologist can determine which ointment, tetracycline or other, cream or tablet formulation can be used. Self-treatment helps spread the infection to closely spaced tissues. A visit to an ophthalmologist is mandatory in case of injury.

Barley is treated with ointments intended for this. But you cannot perform therapy on your own if its place of localization is the eyelid. First, they turn to a therapist for a referral to narrow specialists.

There are no significant differences in the manifestation of upper eyelid swelling in children. But it should be understood that the child reacts to inflammation more sharply. You cannot delay the visit to the doctor.

It must be remembered that the swollen eyelid should not be heated. It is strongly not recommended to make efforts, to squeeze out purulent contents. Pressure can be negative. The infection will spread further.

Need for surgery

The reason why the upper eyelids swell in the morning are diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In addition to swelling, shortness of breath, tachycardia, chest pain, arrhythmia occur. Pain sensations can be given to the shoulder area, to the back. Veins swell on the neck. After making the correct diagnosis, doctors often recommend an operation, performing it will allow you to feel the craving for life. In the postoperative period, the symptom of eyelid edema disappears.

When cholecystitis (congenital or chronic) is detected, surgical intervention is sometimes indicated. After the restoration of the bile outflow channels, the edema of the upper eyelids also disappears. It should be remembered that with kidney disease, this symptom also appears. Swelling and redness disappear after healing, which sometimes occurs after surgery.

Do not self-medicate, but folk remedies use after consulting a doctor.

Maintaining good lifestyle and personal hygiene will reduce the possibility of eyelid swelling and redness. You cannot save on health. Cheap cosmetics is one of the causes of the symptom.

Sep 29, 2017 Anastasia Tabalina

Eyelid problems such as redness and swelling can cause discomfort and discomfort. Skin diseases, allergic reactions and some infections can be the causes of eyelid redness. With an additional infection, such as a cold, symptoms may worsen.



Eczema of the eyelids - chronic illness skin, which is often accompanied by symptoms such as itching, redness, and flaking of the skin.

Common causes of eczema

Eczema can be caused by allergies or eye conditions. These include:

  • Skin conditions such as rashes
  • Irritants and allergens such as mold, dust, pollen and animal hair
  • Nickel reaction in eyelash tools and cosmetics.

Symptoms of eczema

  • Redness
  • Dryness
  • Peeling
  • Burning

Chronic symptoms can complicate daily life as they can include:

  • Sleep problems
  • Interference with work and efficient performance of work duties.

How to deal with eczema

Most effective remedy the fight against this disease is aimed at eradicating or reducing the action of initiating factors. You also need:

  • Use air filters
  • Use protective bedding such as mattress covers
  • Hypoallergenic bedding
  • Hypoallergenic cleaning and detergents
  • Avoid using eye cosmetics such as eyeliner
  • Remove makeup daily
  • Stop using old cosmetic products.

In most cases, an ophthalmologist is involved in the treatment.

Orbital or periorbital cellulite

Orbital cellulitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection. However, the chances of getting it are high if there is injury, a tendency to eczema, lowered immunity, or secondary infections.

For orbital and periorbital cellulite

Periorbital cellulite

Also called preseptal cellulite . Significantly affects the eyelid and skin around the eyes, which makes opening the eyes painful. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Redness
  • Puffiness
  • Sensitivity of the eyelid and skin around the eyes.
Red swollen eyelid with orbital cellulite

It is more common in adults and can cause more severe manifestations that can spread to the back of the affected eye.

Patients with orbital cellulite may observe double vision as well as bulging.

  • Warm compress
  • Surgical intervention
  • Drainage of sinuses.

In order to stop the spread of bacteria, it is recommended to take measures to protect the eyes from injuries and insects. These include hygiene, glasses and vaccinations. This is important because the condition can cause complications that can be associated with blood infections, nerve damage, and conditions such as meningitis.


Redness of the eyelid with barley on the eye

Another cause of eyelid redness is barley. It occurs when an infection of the hair follicles occurs. In many cases, a staphylococcal infection is the culprit, but other bacteria can also trigger this problem.

Often, barley appears when you use the lenses incorrectly or touch the eye area with dirty hands. Other risks include seborrhea, unhygienic makeup, hormonal changes, and blepharitis (especially chronic blepharitis).

Barley symptoms

A common feature this disease is the presence of acne or bumps. The swelling can spread inward or outward and is accompanied by redness.

Other symptoms include pain, tenderness, and pus.

Diagnostics and treatment of barley

For effective treatment a thorough diagnosis is required, which consists in the following procedures:

  • Visual examination of the eyes for specific symptoms
  • Small incisions in barley to extract pus for laboratory testing
  • Testing the sharpness of vision and the sensitivity of the eyes to light
  • Measurement of pressure in the eyeball
  • Examining the latest eye diseases and problems such as ulcers, blepharitis, etc.

Treatment will depend on the type of bacteria that caused the infection. Also, treatments include:

  • Compliance with the rules of eye hygiene
  • Cold compress to extract pus
  • Topical eye drops
  • Surgical intervention if necessary.

Inflammation of the eyelids

With blepharitis, in addition to redness of the eyelid, scales appear on the eyelashes

The inflammation is accompanied by certain symptoms such as redness, swelling, pain, or others depending on the cause. Below are some of the cases associated with eyelid inflammation.

According to the American Optometric Association, blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids that causes them to become red, irritated, itchy and have scales near the eyelashes.

There are different types of blepharitis depending on the conditions and causes, for example, rosacea, staphylococcal, seborrheic, meibomian blepharitis.

Common symptoms:

  • Burning
  • Swelling and redness
  • Dryness
  • Crusting
  • Minor irritations
  • Grainy eyes.

In many cases, for correct treatment a diagnosis is needed to determine the causes of the inflammation. Depending on the reason for the treatment used medicationsprescription cleansers, shampoo. In some cases, there is a need to stop using contact lenses before recovery.


With clasia, a swelling usually appears on the inside or outside of the eyelid.

It occurs when the sebaceous (meibomian) gland is inflamed and blocked in the eyelids.

Some of the reasons:

  • Skin conditions such as rosacea
  • Chronic blepharitis
  • Dysfunction of the meibomian gland.

Chalazion is described as swelling of the upper or lower eyelid that grows slowly and can cause complications during treatment if an eye infection occurs.

The main symptom is lump formation. Other signs / symptoms:

  • Redness of the eyelid
  • Swelling
  • Blurred vision
  • Irritation
  • Cyst.

Chalazion treatment

As we have said, the course of the disease can be complicated by infection. However, keeping your eyes clean and applying a warm compress can help you feel better and avoid infections.

Corticosteroid injections reduce inflammation. Surgery to remove the cyst may sometimes be required.

Other reasons

Others possible reasons redness of the eyelids:

  • Allergic reaction
  • Burns, including sunburn
  • Ocular type of rosacea
  • Eye trauma, including cataract extraction.

Methods for treating redness of the eyelids

Treatment is specific to the causes discussed above. However, if the redness does not go away after treatment, it is possible that eye infections or diseases have been misdiagnosed.

It should be borne in mind that if you touch the eyes, rub them or apply decorative cosmetics on irritated eyelids, then the redness of the eyelids or eyes, as well as other symptoms, may become permanent.

Swollen red eyelids

If it is due to infection, make sure that your hands are clean before cleaning your eyes.

  • Use warm water for gentle cleaning
  • Do not touch the eyes, especially if itching is present
  • Don't rub your eyelids after crying.

Skin conditions, allergic reactions, and other illnesses (such as Graves' thyroid disease) can also cause swelling.

  • Avoid scratching
  • Stop applying any eye makeup
  • Flush eyes with chamomile decoction
  • Use cucumber or cucumber juice, cold potato slices, or chamomile to reduce redness.

If redness around the eyes is persistent or there is no improvement after using these funds, you should urgently consult your doctor or ophthalmologist.

  • Apply a thin layer of Vaseline-based product
  • Avoid direct sunlight
  • Avoid irritants such as smoke
  • Do not resort to cosmetic procedures such as eyelash extensions, curling, and eyelash coloring.

When should you seek medical attention?

It is necessary to see a doctor if symptoms persist, the condition worsens, there is a burning sensation of the eyelid skin, heaviness, redness of the face, heat... You should inform your doctor about any complications associated with hearing loss or vision loss.