Why when a person has a temperature he is cold. Cold feet with a temperature in an adult and a child

The reasons

In the vast majority of cases, febrile conditions in patients, especially in childhoodare due to the presence of infection. Fever is a way to fight pathogenic microorganisms, its biological role is to prevent the reproduction of the causative agent of the disease, to create conditions for recovery.

However, a high body temperature is not only a test for bacteria, and the body's response can vary.

"White" or "pale" fever is a pathological variant of an increase in body temperature. Heat production, that is, the production of thermal energy by the body, significantly exceeds heat transfer, and the balance between these processes is disturbed.

In the pathogenesis of pale fever, the release of catecholamines into the blood is of great importance - biologically active substances that cause reactions from the cardiovascular system and affect the mechanisms of thermoregulation.

The appearance of "white" type of fever is an unfavorable prognostic sign. She can become a provocateur of complications, including convulsive syndrome and cerebral edema. It must be said that disorders in the form of "cold" hyperthermia are most common in children.

A feature of their body is imperfection of thermoregulation and a low ability to transfer heat through evaporation of sweat from the surface of the skin, combined with a large amount of heat produced. Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that high fever and cold extremities in a child are a condition that all parents need to know about.


The clinical picture of "white" fever includes such signs as:

If the patient has a high fever, cold hands, one should think about the development of "pale" fever and remember about the need for emergency care.

Convulsions appearing in the background high temperatureare called febrile. Most often seen in children aged 3 months to 5 years and is a condition directly dependent on age. Clinically uncomplicated febrile seizures appear as generalized tonic-clonic seizures, an episode of which lasts about 15 minutes. The most typical development is at the peak of the temperature curve.

There are several theories regarding febrile seizures. It is believed that they can transform into an epileptic variant of seizures if they recur often enough and are pronounced. At the same time, it is believed that febrile seizures are not dangerous, since an undesirable effect on the central nervous system is observed in very rare cases and they should not cause brain damage.

Despite the difference in assumptions, febrile seizures are usually benign and neurologic disorders should not be feared.


To help a patient with a "pale" type of fever, you need:

  1. Cool humidified indoor air (18 to 20 ° C within 50–70% humidity).
  2. Drink enough.

Medical treatment is prescribed by a doctor upon examination.

Rubbing with alcohol solutions, cold enemas and other physical methods of cooling with white fever are prohibited, as they increase vasospasm and reduce heat transfer, aggravating the patient's condition.

For the initial therapy of white fever, use:

  • papaverine solution, no-shpy in combination with suprastin solution;
  • paracetamol solution;
  • anticonvulsants (diazepam) in combination with metamizole sodium solution.

In the absence of a response to the administration of diazepam, it is replaced with intravenous sodium valproate. The effectiveness of therapy is assessed by reducing body temperature in armpit (in 30 minutes by 0.5 degrees or more). A favorable sign is the transformation of fever from "pale" to "pink".

If a patient develops febrile seizures, help should be provided immediately. At home, before the arrival of the medical team, the following activities are performed:

  • turn the patient on his side, remove sharp solid objects;
  • unfasten the collar, buttons, belts, provide air access;
  • transfer the child from the bed with a headboard or bumpers to the sofa;
  • wipe with water at room temperature;
  • call emergency help.

Antipyretic drugs are also needed; drugs of choice - paracetamol, ibuprofen. If the seizure continues, wait until medical professionals, who will select the most appropriate administration option and drug dosage.

During the period of seizures, one should not try to open the jaw and open the patient's mouth, this can lead to additional trauma, asphyxiation as a result of falling into airways teeth or an object used to unclench. The head must be protected from hitting a hard surface.

Anticonvulsants (sibazone, lorazepam) are not used for a single seizure episode that was stopped before being examined by a doctor and are required only for prolonged or repeated seizures.

The reasons

Hyperthermic syndrome is a violation of thermoregulation, manifested by the limitation of the possibility of "dumping" heat energy in the presence of excess heat production. Toxins, autoantibodies, as well as medicationscapable of provoking pyrogenic reactions. It should be said that heat transfer is carried out with the help of the skin (about 70-80% of thermal energy), lungs (about 20%), with urine and feces. When peripheral vasospasm occurs in white fever, heat generation through the skin is blocked; the temperature of the extremities decreases, while the internal (core temperature), on the contrary, increases.

Hyperthermic syndrome complicates the course of infectious processes, accompanies metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders. May occur during trauma, during surgery under anesthesia, when using medicines... Hyperthermia also develops under the influence of high ambient temperatures when adequate heat transfer is impossible.

In children, the risk of developing hyperthermia is higher:

  • under the age of 3 months;
  • with lesions of the central nervous system;
  • with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory system;
  • with accumulation diseases.

Episodes of seizures that have already occurred against the background of an increase in body temperature are also significant. They are called febrile and can be repeated in children with infectious or non-infectious fevers, overheating.


Hyperthermic syndrome is characterized by:

  1. Weakness, lethargy, or, conversely, agitation, delirium, hallucinations.
  2. Cold feet and hands at temperatures above 39-40 ° C.
  3. Feeling chilly.
  4. Pallor and "marbling" of the skin, cyanotic (cyanotic) nails.
  5. Increased heart rate (tachycardia), shortness of breath.
  6. Increased blood pressure.

In the clinical picture of hyperthermic syndrome with "white" fever, one of the main signs is a steady increase in body temperature: it does not decrease or decreases slightly even after taking antipyretic drugs.

In the absence of timely treatment, the prognosis is unfavorable - hyperthermia has a pathological effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, leads to dehydration, shifts in the acid-base state, and thickening of the blood.

Children tolerate fever worse than adults; the highest risk of developing complications in patients of the younger age group. Cold feet with a high temperature in a child is a symptom that cannot be ignored.


Hyperthermic syndrome is an extremely dangerous condition. You must immediately apply for medical care... You can independently use:

  • plentiful drink (in no case alcohol);
  • careful rubbing of the limbs (without the use of alcohol solutions);
  • applying warm heating pads to the legs and arms;
  • antipyretics (paracetamol, ibuprofen).

The goal of antipyretic therapy is to reduce the adverse effects of hyperthermia. If, 30 minutes after taking the medicine, the temperature dropped by 1-1.5 ° C from the initial one, and the skin began to warm up, turned pink, this is a favorable sign. Children should not be given acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), nimesulide (nimesil) - these drugs are extremely toxic and can cause serious complications. The use of physical methods of cooling (rubbing with water and alcohol, cold enemas) is prohibited in case of "pale" fever.

The danger of a possible overdose of antipyretics should be taken into account. When the temperature is resistant to the use of paracetamol or ibuprofen, frequent repeated use does not guarantee an antipyretic effect, but it can cause the development of drug intoxication.

If the child's feet are still cold at a temperature and there is no response to antipyretics, antispasmodics (no-shpa, papaverine), antipsychotics (droperidol), metamizole sodium, pipolfen, glucocorticosteroids, glucose solution infusion, crystalloids are used. In case of a serious condition, the patient is hospitalized in the intensive care unit.

Every person at least once in his life has experienced an increase in body temperature. This can happen for various reasons. Most often, the level of the thermometer rises when the body is damaged by viruses and bacteria. It is worth noting that many pathological microorganisms begin to die when the temperature reaches 38 or 39 degrees. This is how a person fights disease and gains immunity. Sometimes it happens that the patient has a high fever, while his hands and feet are cold. What does this mean and how to behave in this situation? You will learn about this from the presented article.

Temperature and cold hands and feet: what does this mean?

Doctors call this condition white fever. This is due to the fact that the skin of a person at such a moment becomes very pale. This pattern is explained quite simply.

If a person has a temperature and cold hands and feet, then this indicates that the blood vessels are spasmodic. Oxygen required ...

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An increase in body temperature accompanies many diseases that occur in children. This symptom not only worsens the health of the baby, but can also threaten with serious consequences, especially when it comes to the health of the baby in the first years of life. When a child has a high fever and his hands and feet are cold, what should be done in this case?

Fever: what is it?

A condition in which a person has a very high temperature and the limbs are cold is called a fever. The reason for this condition is a sharp violation of the blood supply to the extremities due to spasm of peripheral vessels. Fever can provoke febrile seizures, so if the parents see that the child has a fever, but at the same time his feet and hands are cold, then help should be provided immediately.

Fever is often caused by:

rotavirus infection; ARVI; bacterial pneumonia; some disorders associated with the functioning of the brain.

Fever symptoms

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The list of signs acute forms infectious diseases certainly includes elevated temperature body. Fever acts as a protective and adaptive mechanism and is normally tolerated by patients with uncomplicated variants of ARVI or other pathology.

The exception is the "pale" type, when the limbs remain cold at high temperatures - this condition is called "white" fever.

The reasons

In the vast majority of cases, febrile conditions in patients, especially in childhood, are explained by the presence of infection. Fever is a way to fight pathogenic microorganisms, its biological role is to prevent the reproduction of the causative agent of the disease, to create conditions for recovery.

However, a high body temperature is not only a test for bacteria, and the body's response can vary.

"White" or "pale" fever is a pathological variant of an increase in body temperature. Heat products, then ...

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Cold extremities are a common problem, this phenomenon can be caused both by the peculiarities of thermoregulation, and by certain chronic diseases.

But cold hands and feet at high temperatures are an unusual phenomenon, which occurs most often in young children or in adults suffering from complex chronic diseases with impaired immune function. People have aptly dubbed this condition "white fever".

Causes of this condition

This phenomenon refers to the body's defensive reactions. Failure of the immune system and the vascular system leads to a special physiological process in which blood rushes from the periphery to the large internal organs, at the same time the vessels of the extremities are sharply spasmed and heat exchange in them is disturbed.

Outwardly, this condition is characterized by pronounced pallor of the skin, hence the appropriate name - "white fever".

This type of fever can occur on ...

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amount colds among children, it especially increases with the onset of the first cold weather. Some parents take care of the kids too zealously, and as soon as the air temperature drops by a few degrees, they are already wearing warm winter clothes, warming their legs with several socks, wrapping them in scarves and winter hats. Nevertheless, the children continue to play at the same pace as a few days ago, when the weather was still warm outside.
And at school, during recess, our children run at breakneck speed. And here there is no caring mother who will keep track of their behavior and wardrobe. As a result, fever, cough, runny nose, and ... Long live ARVI! But with impaired thermoregulation of the body, the child's temperature rises, while his hands are cold. What does such a symptom mean - a banal overheating of the body or a sign of a disease?

Hyperthermia - what is it?

Hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature with impaired thermoregulation of the body. Such ...

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I'll write specifically then:
child 7 years old
yesterday 39.5, all day did not knock down, (the doctor said viral)
arms and legs were cold, apparently, just this very white fever (although the cheeks were a little pinkish from the temperature)
by the evening she slept until 38.5, so she went to bed, sweated a little by morning, but not much like ...
morning 37
today at five o'clock in the evening it suddenly rose again to 39.5
(the doctor came, he already recommends an antibiotic, because the nose does not breathe, he is afraid to prevent sinusitis, as it were; well, there are also a bunch of medicines, sinupret, for example, for a stuffy nose (I highlight it, because a new medicine for me). but this is me, up to a heap, not to discuss treatment in principle, otherwise we will go offtopic, and I do not write all the details, I am now more interested in cold extremities :))))
and so, again 39.5
feet are cold, hands are warm, but my daughter says that her hands are cold too ...
warmed, but it seems to me to no avail ...
clearly the state of health is deteriorating ...

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You cannot scare an experienced mother with the number 38: the initial stages of treatment have been worked out to automatism. But when the column of mercury confidently creeps up, and the hands and feet, on the contrary, get cold ...

Is this a terrible symptom of some rare disease or an individual reaction of the body? How is it that the fever is growing, and the limbs are icy? How to help?! Wrap up and turn on the heaters or open the vents? Call a doctor or wait?

So what do you do?

In order not to get lost in a critical situation, we will deal with it now.

White and red fever: what is it?

Fevers (and in the language we understand - an increase in temperature above 37 ° C) are white (cold) and red (pink, hot).

Cold extremities occur exclusively with white fever. We will talk about her.

Dear mums and dads!
No need to mock the psyche of a pediatrician, declaring that the baby has delirium tremens. Delirium tremens, aka "delirium", but in common parlance, "squirrel" is something else ...

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Hyperthermia - overheating, an increase in the body temperature of a child or an adult with some violation of the body's thermoregulation. May be a symptom of a viral or infectious disease or simply caused by overheating. If the hyperthermia is caused by a disease, then usually the whole body is hot, but it also happens that the child's hands and feet are cold even at a temperature.

The children's body is often exposed to ARVI

Why does it happen like a parent should be, if a similar phenomenon is observed? When to start bringing down the temperature, with what drugs?

Each organism is individual, as is its individual response to diseases and drugs. What may be quite bearable for one person can harm the other significantly. Also in children with fever - some may not even notice a high temperature, while others may have seizures already at 38 ° C. This is why the following tips are only general, and every parent ...

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Cold hands and feet with temperature

Increased indicators when measuring body temperature indicates that an increased production of heat occurs inside the body. In this case, most of the pathological microorganisms die. But many patients notice that at high temperatures the hands and feet remain cold.

Why are cold hands and feet at temperatures

In this condition, the pallor of the skin catches the eye. And this is natural! The fact is that high body temperature with cold extremities indicates vasospasm. In this case, blood flows from the arms and legs to the internal organs. The patient has dizziness, general weakness, chills, arrhythmia - the so-called "fever" among the people.

What to do in case of high fever and cold extremities?

If the mercury column when measuring the temperature does not reach 38 degrees, and the hands and feet are cold, then it is important to monitor the indicators in the future. When the temperature ...

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Illnesses in young children often go away with fever. The child is, as they say, “on fire”. His breath and body surface become hot, the baby's face turns red. However, it also happens that at temperatures above 38.5 degrees, the hands and feet of the child turn out to be cold. Why the usual scheme of what happens in the baby's body does not work, whether it is necessary to bring down the temperature - questions, the answers to which we will look for together.

Fever during illness is normal. But if it is accompanied by cold hands and feet, then parents need to take additional measures to treat the baby

What happens to the baby's blood circulation at a high temperature?

Controlling the child's condition at high temperatures is the main task of parents. It is unacceptable to ignore the slightest changes in the work of his body. Cold legs and arms in this case indicate a generalized vasospasm. Illness and high fever disrupt circulation ...

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Maybe someone has known this for a long time, but I just recently came across this information and turned out to be very useful.

If a child (and an adult) has cold extremities (arms, legs) at a high temperature, then the temperature will not go down until they are heated !! This is a vasospasm, this is very bad (and I, fool, was happy, I thought - this is how the temperature comes out).
Therefore, the legs-handles must be warmed up to steam with water or put a heating pad. And something like No-shpa to relieve the spasm.

At the age of 2, my Masi has a temperature of 39.5, it did not go astray, her legs are cold. As soon as I wrapped my legs (only legs) in a blanket and warmed me up, the temperature itself went down to 37.8. Before that, they suffered for a day.

Adults have the same situation, first we warm our legs and arms, then we knock them down.

If your hands and feet are cold, you cannot wipe them off !! So just intensify the spasm even more !! Warm up first - then wipe off and bring down the temperature.

Do not be ill!...

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I found it here in the vastness of the BB, consulted our cardiologist, she said that it is better not to give Corvalol at this age yet, but she confirmed it and said to give it. I explain what this means on my fingers. She is not a physician herself, some children have seizures when their temperature rises (this is a neurological problem), cold hands and feet, this means vasospasm, i.e. a harbinger of seizures, in fact, if nothing is done about this and the temperature continues to rise, the child may experience seizures. Here is the recommendation of a cardiologist at temperatures above 38.5: "1/3 suprastin, 1/2 no-shpy, 1/4/1/3 analgin or antipyretic.

Read the article, found on BB, what the doctor wrote to me above, you draw your own conclusions, good luck:

At home, there should always be antipyretic (children's candles, potions, but only candles and potions should not be pinned high hopes, therefore analgin and aspirin must be mandatory), but-shpa, corvalol and antihistamine (if, suddenly, ...

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