Signs of flu in a teenager. In young children, may occur. Antiviral drugs for the treatment of influenza.

Most children in the first 3 years of life 6-8 times a year "catch" a cold. To learn how to warn, recognize and treat the flu in a child, you need to know the causes of the disease and be able to navigate in its course. This skill is not at all superfluous for parents. Firstly, a mother who knows her child is the best doctor's assistant. Secondly, parents can teach children to understand their body correctly and help (or not hinder) it to cope with ailments. Most common misconception: colds and flu in children happens due to drafts, frozen feet, bare head and temperature changes. In fact, you still need to contrive so that all this crossed the threshold of the child's immune capabilities. Usually natural factors. This is a likely, albeit very rare, pathway of the disease, as an experienced doctor will confirm to you. More often, a child becomes ill after contact with a patient with ARVI - an acute respiratory viral infection. Although most outbreaks ARVI in children falls on the cold season, you should not scold for this bad weather. There are many other reasons provoking an increase in the frequency of influenza in winter:

After the symptoms subside, the weakening of the body, I just omit vitamin C, and sometimes it shouldn't take two years, if you don't force me circumstances. The maximum daily prophylactic regular dose should not exceed 200 mg, but keep in mind that many fruits and vegetables contain natural vitamin C and therefore there will generally be enough food to consume. Children can be provided with Panadol, which extinguishes the temperature.

Linden tea, weaker, and in large quantities also alleviate a lot of problems, and if you have an appetite for the flu, it is advisable to temporarily exclude from your diet for meat and food is definitely not valid. This, however, applies in the case of normally fed and healthy people, a skinny longtime vegan with blood group 0 will certainly help, for example, a nutritious beef broth and even if the appetite is flu. It is generally best to increase your fluid intake and decrease your diet in order to lighten the body.

  • people congregate indoors and stay there longer;
  • the premises are ventilated only sporadically, in contrast to summer, when the vents are constantly open;
  • from the switched on central heating, the air in the premises becomes drier, which means that pathogens multiply, which, by the way, also like to bask in the warmth.

The “gates” for infection are the nose, mouth and hands. Therefore, let the baby wash his hands with soap and water more often. cold water... Washing not only cleanses the skin and nasal mucosa, but also perfectly hardens. Preventive measures (such as oxalic ointment) will also not be superfluous during epidemics. You can make the ointment yourself by mixing equal amounts of vaseline or olive oil and aloe juice (pharmacy) in a small vial. Most of the microbes that cause ARVI take at least 3-4 days from penetration into the body until the first symptoms of the disease appear. This is the incubation period.

It is also very effective to hover limbs, both lower and upper. Place your feet in a suitable container and gradually add warm water until we hold out until there is significant sweating of our body. Then we can still go to bed and continue for about an hour on the descent. Hands are treated in a similar way, soaked, for example, in the sink and elbows. A hand shower often frees us from the upper respiratory tract and also reduces the risk of middle ear inflammation.

Also suitable for kidney rehydration - a small towel, soak in warm herbal tea, put on the kidneys, cover with waterproof wrap, heat insulation and take the bed for two hours. Adverse Drug Reactions People with a hyperacid stomach and heartburn need to be more careful when consuming vitamin C, even if it is more harmful to sparkling foods than standard drugs. Steam for the legs is also not suitable for women at the beginning of menstruation, there may be significant bleeding and also a decrease in abdominal pain

Flu symptoms in children

  • appetite worsens;
  • stools are more or less frequent;
  • the child becomes whiny and irritable;
  • the smell of his skin and hair changes;
  • he sleeps more restlessly;
  • there is a rollback in development.

At this stage, the disease can be stopped even before the onset of symptoms if the duration of sleep is increased and observed. No need to rush to feed the baby hard. Doesn't want to eat? Better to get a little hungry. But if a child encounters a source of infection every day, for example, in kindergarten, then more serious prevention should be considered. In many groups, the crumbs, together with the educators, grow green onions on the windows, which the kids “crack” with pride and pleasure. Sometimes parents bring garlic from home and caregivers distribute it to the children. From a psychological point of view, onions on the windows are more interesting, because you need to grow them, and this is so great!

Vaccination This is usually done in the fall and is one of the most effective methods fight the flu. The disadvantage of vaccination lies only in the significant number of strains of influenza viruses and their mutations, so they do not protect against new types of viruses, but the most common strains are compared and include vaccination. After prior consultation with a doctor, this method can be recommended as relatively effective and reliable.

Cold weather, wind, rain and a weakened immune system are a prerequisite for one of the typical autopsies - the flu. The persistent reservoirs of the virus are likely birds, especially from Asia and the Far East. Due to changes in the structure of the virus, this virus enters the human population, which does not have protective antibodies, and then begins to spread. This happens mainly from East to West. However, in recent years, due to the great development of air transport, we are experiencing very complex influenza patterns.

The child is sick with the flu

If, nevertheless, the disease has won, do not give vent to feelings. The child is very sensitive to the emotional reaction of the parents, especially during the period of illness. He may be "infected" with mom's anxiety. Better to let him become infected with optimism: “We are strong! We will cope with the disease quickly! " By the way, do not confuse optimism with frivolity. The latter differs from optimism in the absence of due vigilance: “Nonsense! Do not pay attention to the disease! "

The source of infection in our conditions is a sick person, whose pig infection of sneezing and spitting very quickly spreads to other people. This virus primarily damages the lining of the respiratory tract, causing clearing mechanisms to fail and opening the gate for secondary bacterial infections. At the same time, the virus spreads throughout the body and can directly affect muscles, including the heart muscle or other organs.

The flu usually goes away very quickly, and the patient can often tell exactly when she was pregnant. Usually, the first symptoms appear 1-2 days after infection. Fever, cough, muscle aches, head, back and joints, sore throat, fatigue, general laziness and weakness, within 48 hours after the first signs of dryness, irritable cough and runny nose, sore throat, chest pain. Sometimes early influenza can also occur.

Signs of the development of the disease:

  • Inflammation (redness, irritation) of the nasal mucosa, sinuses, throat, ears, eyes;
  • increased production of mucus, which leads to nasal discharge, sore throat, cough;
  • narrowing of the airways, which manifests itself in the noisy and hoarse breathing of the baby.

To get rid of excess mucus, the body "turns on" and sneezes. If the infection is not strong and the child's body copes with it, then 3-4 days after the onset of cough, the disease begins to recede. But sometimes the microbes do not want to quickly give up positions, and then the body is mobilized and starts up the attack with white blood cells. A byproduct of this "battle" is thick, often green. If after a few days the crisis is still not over, then the immune system protects its host by increasing the temperature. It is at this stage that the turning point in the course of the disease usually occurs. child flu.

Stomach nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, redness of the skin and eyes. ... Firstly, it is a maximum of one or two days, then one day it recedes and again increases by one or two days. Therefore, ignore the condition where the temperature is normal for healing, and wait until the child has a few days without a temperature and feels good.

The flu virus attacks and destroys the nose and the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. It travels through the lymph node protective barrier and generates the body's full storm immune response. This is mainly manifested by fever, chills, muscle aches and fatigue.

The rise in temperature suggests that the body's defense system and simple home remedies can defeat the disease without outside help. But parents should develop the right attitude to the heat, since high temperature is both friend and foe.

Following the example of their own parents, young mothers often begin to struggle not with the disease, but with the temperature.

Without virological testing, it is difficult to know if this is the flu or another similar viral disease. A diagnosis of flu illness is a serious onset of a high fever. A simple course of events will resolve symptoms within seven to ten days, and increased fatigue may sometimes occur.

Possible complications of influenza illness

However, the course of the disease often depends on the patient's age, the state of the body's immune system, the presence of chronic diseases, the virulence of the disease, and in the case of a mass infection, the course is also more difficult for other healthy people. Complications especially affect infants, the elderly and people with chronic diseases... Induced by the virus itself or by a secondary secondary bacterial infection. A primary bacterial infection will indicate persistence of symptoms.

In fact, temperatures up to 38 ° C do not harm children. More important is not how high the mercury column rose on the thermometer, but how the child behaves. And if, against the background of the temperature, he refuses to play, communicate with parents, is immersed in himself - this can be an alarming sign. A good sign is the child's refusal to eat and drowsiness. On the one hand, this speaks of the load on the child's body, on the other hand, he uses the simplest means of recovery, which means he is “friendly” with the body. Most unpleasant symptom flu in a child sharp rise temperature - febrile convulsions. Twitching and trembling of the chin and limbs indicate that the time has come to bring down the temperature. High fever is much more dangerous for babies than for older children. If a child is sick with a fever, the healing process is faster and more efficient. The parent only needs to support the baby in his fight against the disease.

Secondary bacterial infection indicates

Fever return after three to four days with normal temperature, worsening of cough and its transformation from dry to wet, change in mucus in the nose, pus in the eyes, rapid breathing, ear pain, complete weakness after a few days when the child was feeling well. If these symptoms of possible complications occur in your child, see your doctor!

Treatment is symptomatic in uncomplicated cases

We can treat the treatment of individual symptoms such as fever, headache and muscles, or for the treatment of multiple symptoms, which also help relieve individual symptoms.

Your doctor may prescribe or recommend flu for you

Malcolytics - to relieve mucous membranes and to improve cleansing and rinsing.
  • Antipyretic drugs - to lower the temperature.
  • Analgesics - for muscle and joint pain.
  • Anti-thetic muscles - for the treatment of irritable cough.
Specific treatment antiviral drugs may shorten the disease, but may have 5% side effects.

When to bring down the temperature of a child?

(calculated for one year old child):

  • if it exceeds 39 ° C for more than 8 hours and does not decrease;
  • if within 3 days the lower temperature limit is higher than 38.5 ° С;
  • if there are precursors of febrile seizures;
  • if your parental intuition suggests that the child should take a break from the temperature.

When to call a doctor for a child?

Antibiotics are not effective drug for viral diseases, doctors should only select them for bacterial complications... Find out if it is a virus, flu or bacterial cause of the disease, it can be done in a few minutes.This exam is now widely available from many general practitioners of practical pediatricians.

In the case of influenza, antibiotic therapy is indicated only in exceptional cases, especially in people with very weak immunity and serious chronic conditions who are at risk of complications. In terms of prevention, we can recommend a healthy diet and an adequate supply of vitamins and nutrients, especially in their natural form.

Decide on medical care it is necessary depending on the severity of the disease, and not on the temperature. Some children react very high temperature and a minor infection, and in others, even pneumonia proceeds against a background of mild fever. The most important questions to ask your doctor are:

  • where is the source of wheezing (to rule out pneumonia);
  • is there a suspicion of angina or?

By the way, the hottest place on the child's body shows the localization of the infection (stomach, chest, throat). If it is the head, then the infection is most likely “settled” in the nasopharynx. If you don't know how to treat the flu in a child and to treat or not, is it better to wait. This is especially true for the use of antibiotics (of course, after a doctor's prescription). Most of these infections are caused by viruses. Antibiotics are simply useless against them. They are suitable for combating bacterial diseases.

Flu or just cold?

Very often you have a cold flu with a cold. And there are two different viral diseases - not only in the origin of the disease, but also in the course of the disease itself.

How do you distinguish between the flu or just a cold

On the other hand, coryza starts slowly. If signs of nasal mucosal infection occur first and the cough temperature rises later, it is likely to be cold.

Supportive herbal treatment for influenza

For better view we compare the disease in the table. Add a few drops of eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, or a teaspoon of essential oil to your bath. Depending on the teaspoon essential oil, you can cling to the palms of your hands, sew and loosen - relieve symptoms. Lavender essential oil can delay your sleep as it relieves headaches and helps you fall asleep.

Influenza treatment in children
  • Frequent airing of the room where the baby is;
  • increased sleep duration;
  • frequent washing and hand washing;
  • limiting contact with infections (it is better to take the child from kindergarten or school for a while);
  • lightweight diet;
  • drinking plenty of fluids, even if the baby has no temperature;
  • joint sleep with parents (especially for children under 3 years old);
  • regular cleansing;
  • water procedures (contrasting baths for hands and feet; baths with sea salt; "steam room" - to stand in the bathroom, where a hot shower is poured);
  • massage of feet, hands, back (at temperatures up to 38.5 ° C);
  • breathing exercises with the child (after 3 years);
  • burning biologically active points with iodine (the doctor will tell you their location);
  • the use of remedies for the common cold and cough mixtures (it is better to alternate several mixtures of 1 teaspoon every 2 hours);
  • the introduction of vitamin and mineral preparations;
  • inhalations - active and passive (a plate of garlic near the bed of a sleeping child, branches of conifers in the room);
  • compresses and wraps;
  • the use of antipyretic drugs for children;
  • doctor's introduction medicines (including stimulating immunity).

How should mom act before the doctor?

Rapeseed and sage tea, onion tea, war tea, ladder, base flower or mint tea, echinacea. In 11 pandemics, the influenza virus originated from China and the Asian part of Russia. The disclosure of home treatment is primarily about providing adequate rest and relaxation, fluid intake and medication for pain and fever. Do not give aspirin to children, it may cause this. Reye's syndrome, which affects almost exclusively children and causes liver and brain damage.

The child shows signs of dehydration - when he cries, tears do not flow, dry mucous membranes, lack of urine occurs, the child fights hard to breathe, even if his nose is pumped out excess mucus fever does not decrease even after taking the medicine the child does not behave normally - it is lethargic, not makes eye contact it seems to be worse than in other cases of the disease. Possible complications of influenza, sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia. See a doctor if the child has breathing problems, a fever persists for more than three days, the child has ear pain, or a continuous cough.

  • The first step is to dress the baby according to the temperature: warmer if he is chilly, and more easily if he is hot. There is no need to be afraid that a naked, feverish child will get even more sick: clothes keep warm and prevent the heat from coming out. You can open the windows - fresh air will only be beneficial.
  • The second rule is limiting solid food and drinking plenty of fluids. If the baby is still receiving breast milk, this is the best medicine.
  • You can use herbs such as linden, chamomile, mint (provided that the child has no allergic reactions to them).
  • Cranberry juice and rosehip broth are also sources of vitamins.
  • If the baby has a cough or a sore throat, then you can dilute any mixture with warm water (pertusin, licorice root, marshmallow root, etc.) and use it as a drink. Warm mineral water is fine too.
  • When a child has a fever, it can be wiped off with some vinegar and water. The water temperature should be colder than temperature the body of the crumbs by a few degrees (within the limits of comfort). Water evaporating from the baby's body accelerates cooling. Can be added to water sea \u200b\u200bsalt and soothing herbs.
  • Timely bowel cleansing is also very important. If the baby has a tendency to, then use an enema or glycerin suppository. Enema is itself a good antipyretic agent.

Every year in the autumn-winter period, a flu epidemic comes to us. Both adults and children are susceptible to this disease. But if the former tolerate the flu relatively easily, then they tolerate it much harder and are more susceptible to complications.

Karvina. The flu spreads easily in children's groups. Simply inhale the droplets that are spread through the air when an infected child coughs or sneezes. It is also possible to spread by contact with the secretions of an infected person. Children in the group, tied for cutlery, take pencils and crayons, play computer games. The flu can also only be obtained by shaking hands with an infected person, so it is especially important during this period to ensure hygiene.

Your head starts to ache and it is clear that you have a fever. It would be nice to go to bed, but you have to try at work, there is a risk of further layoffs. There is no disease. If you, too, are struggling with the flu, you run into life-threatening consequences that can take more than a week in your bed.

The smaller the children, the more dangerous the disease is for them, so all parents should know about how the flu proceeds in childhood, and how to properly treat it.

Influenza is acute infectionstriking airways and caused by viruses belonging to the orthomyxovirus family.

It is of three types:

  • Influenza virus type A.
  • Influenza virus type B.
  • Influenza virus type C.

The most dangerous is the type A influenza virus. It has on its surface hemagglutinin (causes intoxication of the body) and neuraminidase (suppresses the immune system), which are antigenic proteins. Thanks to hemagglutinin, the virus attaches to target cells, and neuraminidase is responsible for the destruction of the cell membrane. Hemagglutinin (H) has twelve subtypes and neuraminidase (N) has nine.

Depending on their combination, the type of influenza virus is determined. For example, H1 N1 is swine flu and H5N1 is avian flu.

Children are more susceptible to the disease, since they attend organized groups (kindergartens, schools, circles, sections). The influenza virus is highly contagious and spreads rapidly through airborne droplets. If one child coughed, then in a few days many of his peers, who were with him in the same team, will get sick.

Causes of occurrence

The flu is caused by a virus that mutates from year to year. E these changes lead to the emergence of new types of influenza viruses. They are most active during the cold and humid seasons, and during this time, children's immunity is weakened. Therefore, viruses quickly spread from one person to another through the smallest particles of saliva and phlegm.

When the influenza virus enters the body, it integrates into the cell and disrupts its normal functioning, due to which the number of viruses increases.

Another cause of childhood influenza is low immunity. Its decrease can be caused by such factors as polluted air in big cities, unhealthy diet, independent prescription of various medicines by parents (dietary supplements, antibiotics).


As mentioned earlier, influenza is transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, you can become infected while being just a couple of meters from a sick person. The flu virus attaches to the epithelium lining the lining of the nose and throat, and from there it enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body.

The incubation period can range from several hours to three days.

Depending on the severity of the course, the disease can be:

  • Lightweight.
  • Medium severity.
  • Heavy.
  • Hypertoxic.

Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what the child is sick with. Influenza and SARS have similar symptoms, but in contrast to acute respiratory viral infection the flu starts suddenly.

Symptoms for moderate severity

Let's take a closer look at the symptoms of moderate flu. In just a few hours, the child's condition worsens. He becomes lethargic, whiny, restless, the temperature rises to thirty-eight to forty degrees and stays at this level for two to three days. In addition, the child suffers from headaches, aches in mice and joints.

On the second day, these symptoms are joined by a sore throat, dry cough. Nasal congestion may occur. But a runny nose for flu is an uncharacteristic phenomenon. When examining a child, the doctor can see fluctuations in blood pressure, an increase in the heart rate. The vessels become brittle, so small hemorrhages and nosebleeds appear on the body. Other common symptoms of swine flu are abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Even after the child has recovered, within a month he may be less active and quickly overwork.

Symptoms in severe stage

With severe flu, symptoms of intoxication are expressed. On the background elevated temperaturewhich does not subside for a long time, the child may experience hallucinations, bleeding from the nose, gums.

Young children are very susceptible to neurotoxicosis, which manifests itself as headaches, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, meningism.

Complications are often associated with severe flu. The hypertoxic form of influenza is very dangerous for children. It is very difficult and can lead to infectious toxic shock. Often there may not even be catarrhal symptoms. Death can occur due to pulmonary edema or heart failure several hours after the onset of the disease.

Possible complications

Complications of influenza can be primary or secondary. In the first case, they are caused directly by the virus itself, and in the second, by a secondary infection.

The most dangerous primary complication is hemorrhagic pulmonary edema, which occurs at the initial stage of the disease and can lead to the death of the child.

Against the background of intoxication, shortness of breath appears, sputum with blood impurities is released, the skin turns blue, and the heart rate increases. Death can occur due to this respiratory failure.

Another complication of the flu is false croup, which occurs due to swelling of the ligaments and spasm of the muscles in the larynx. Attacks usually appear at night, when the child is asleep, and are accompanied by increased heart rate, respiratory failure.

Other primary complications:

  1. Arachnoiditis;
  2. Swelling and wedging of the brain into the foramen magnum;
  3. Brain hemorrhages with the development of paralysis;
  4. Guillain-Barré syndrome;
  5. Neuralgia, polyneuritis;
  6. Reye's syndrome.

Most often, with proper and timely treatment, the child recovers completely. Secondary complications arise when a secondary infection joins the flu or foci of chronic infection become active. One of these complications is pneumonia. It is accompanied by such symptoms as a temperature of up to thirty-eight degrees and above, weakness, cough with purulent sputum.

Other secondary complications include ENT diseases such as otitis media, pharyngitis, sinusitis, and so on.



Successful flu treatment isn't just about taking drugs, but also in the child's observance of bed rest.

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, symptomatic treatment is necessary, which includes the use of antipyretic drugs, cough suppressants, and nasal sprays.

As antipyretics, children are recommended to give only Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. But they can only be used if the temperature has risen above thirty-eight degrees.

Mash two tablespoons of cranberries with one tablespoon of sugar. Add half a glass of hot water (no more than eighty degrees). Drink such a drink unstrained three to four times a day, two teaspoons.
  • Mix five grams of raspberry leaves, ten grams of chamomile flowers, five grams of oregano. Take ten grams of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for an hour. Drink fifty milliliters hot with honey two to three times a day after meals.
  • Crush five tablespoons of dried rose hips. Pour them with a liter of water and boil for ten minutes. Insist in a thermos for ten hours and strain. Drink one glass every two to three hours for a week.
  • Cut the raw radish into thin slices, cover with sugar. The released juice drink one tablespoon every hour.
  • Prevention

    Influenza prevention methods are specific and non-specific. Non-specific methods include adherence to the daily regimen, good nutrition, moderate physical activity, walking in the fresh air, avoiding crowded places.

    Specific methods include vaccination. It can be carried out using inactivated (killed) and live vaccines.Experts advise giving children the flu vaccine, as they can hardly tolerate this disease. It is better to vaccinate before the outbreak of epidemics, starting in September.



    Influenza in children is quite difficult. Therefore, parents should provide timely assistance to their child in order to prevent the development of serious complications.

    All advice from your doctor regarding medication should be followed. Only in this case is it guaranteed full recovery without serious consequences. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing diseases such as sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, adenoiditis in children and others.