Preparations for colds during pregnancy. What can be done for pregnant women with a cold: useful tips. Other dangerous complications

At first glance, a "safe" cold, which many of us are used to ignoring and carrying on our feet, can have an extremely negative effect on the condition of a pregnant woman and the health of the unborn baby. Colds are especially dangerous for early dates pregnancy, when the most important organs and systems of the child are laid. A lady in an "interesting" position should immediately give up all the strength to eliminate the disease, but you need to know how you can treat a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy. After all, most of the drugs that doctors usually prescribe are contraindicated precisely at this early gestation period.

Caution is advised with conventional nasal sprays. The decongestants it contains have a vasoconstrictor effect and can restrict the blood supply to the baby by acting on the uterus. A good alternative here are saline drops, which are available over the counter. Inhalation gives off sinus discharge and thus relieves colds.

In the case of fever, bed rest is often the best therapy. An old home remedy is a moisturized veal wrap, which is unpleasant but effective. You can also take pure paracetamol medication to reduce fever. According to current knowledge, taking paracetamol during pregnancy does not harm the baby, but regulation must be carefully considered.

Early cold

Of course, it is best to try to avoid catching a cold. But according to statistics, many women in a position still "catch" the virus, even if they take precautions. The reason for this lies in the reduced functions of the immune system of the pregnant woman. Indeed, at the beginning of pregnancy, the woman's body perceives the fetus as something dangerous to itself, and begins to reject it. When the body rebuilds to the state of bearing the unborn child, the woman's immunity decreases, which turns the pregnant woman into “easy prey” for viruses.

In principle, high or persistent fever is always a reason to see your doctor. In case of pain, you can also try a relaxing bath or massage. The most common problems in the early months of pregnancy are nausea and vomiting. The spectrum ranges from mild morning sickness to the most severe persistent vomiting with weight loss.

Try to have a little breakfast before you get up and your partner will take you to bed. Avoid intense odors and try different drinks to get enough fluid. Eat small meals often. In severe cases, the drug may be prescribed for nausea in exceptional cases. At the beginning of the fourth month of pregnancy, spontaneous recovery usually occurs.

The first symptoms of a cold, at times, are subtle: severe fatigue, weakness, slight dizziness. And a similar state is typical for a healthy pregnant lady in the first weeks, because the female body is being rebuilt. Here lies a great danger: the future mother in labor takes the first signs of a cold for a slight malaise caused by her special situation. In order to recognize a cold in time and take up treatment, a woman must monitor her body temperature and the condition of her throat. If the temperature rises sharply, the body begins to ache, and a slight perspiration begins in the throat, a girl in an interesting position should consult a specialist.

Treatment of colds with folk remedies

You should definitely visit your doctor if. You vomit more than four times a day, you lose weight, you vomit blood. ... In severe cases, hospital administration and droplet nutrition are necessary to stabilize body energy and electrolyte balance. The hormonal change slows down bowel activity and causes more or less constipation in most pregnant women. In no case should laxatives or teas be taken.

Often times, a change in diet already helps. Avoid filling foods like bananas or chocolate as much as possible.

  • Provide adequate hydration for approximately two liters per day.
  • Pack yourself high in fiber.
  • Also, if necessary, with prunes or soaked flaxseeds.
  • Lactose as a laxative is also possible.
Hormonal changes decrease muscle function, separate the esophagus and stomach, and acidic stomach contents can return to the esophagus. The ever-expanding uterus pushes the abdomen so that stomach acid can flow back into the esophagus.

As we have already said, in the first weeks of pregnancy, the most important organs are formed in the fetus, and viruses and infections can have the most negative effect on the development of the embryo. There is a risk of developing organ abnormalities, the fetus will lack nutrients, due to difficulty breathing caused by nasal congestion, hypoxia may begin, and a miscarriage is possible.

Coughing during pregnancy is a dangerous enemy

Eat at least three hours before you go to bed, do not sleep with your head anymore.

  • Avoid large and fatty foods.
  • Take a few small meals throughout the day.
Especially towards the end of pregnancy, many pregnant women struggle with lower back pain. Give yourself as many breaks as possible. Change your position as often as possible, while standing or sitting.

Hot water bottles or warm baths can also be helpful. An approved home remedy is also to wipe your back with Franzbrandwein. Then pack warmly. They are annoying, they can be much larger during pregnancy, especially because during pregnancy we have to be very careful with what we take, especially with medications, to relieve common disorders such as the common cold. What can we do to relieve symptoms in this case? We have some natural remedies that we can take without risking the unborn baby and fight colds during the colder months.

But do not panic: respiratory diseases are treatable even at a short gestation period. You just need to understand how to cure a pregnant cold in the first trimester. Preference should be given to "grandmother's" methods, and if they do not help, take up the treatment with approved medications.

Cold preparations in the first trimester of pregnancy

Treating colds during pregnancy (1 trimester) is difficult. The placenta, which is able to protect the unborn baby from the penetration of infections, viruses, harmful substances, is not formed immediately, but several weeks after conception. Therefore, most of the known cold preparations for future women in labor should not be taken in early pregnancy.

What can you drink for a cold

It should also be remembered that during pregnancy the immune system is more vulnerable, so it is very easy to catch a cold. It is best to use natural remedies to relieve symptoms. It should be noted from the outset that the common cold is not dangerous during pregnancy, but always be careful and attentive. It is possible to fight the cold without drugs.

To combat nasal congestion, it is best to drink plenty of fluids and sleep with an extra pillow under your head. To do this, we must add everything else to help the body regain the strength it needs to fight the cold during pregnancy. It is also effective to perform a nasal flush with warm water and salt, an operation that must be repeated several times a day. Vapors or inhalation are also good remedy... To do this, simply boil a liter of water with a tablespoon of baking soda and inhale the steam while covering your head with a damp towel.

Cold medicines in the 1st trimester of pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor. It is advisable for a woman to consult two specialists: a therapist and a gynecologist leading a pregnancy.

There is a small list of drugs that a woman can take during this period, but in compliance with the doctor's recommendations and the obligatory reading of the annotation.

You can also make steam baths with eucalyptus, chamomile and mint. Sweating is very important in combating cold symptoms like sore throat and coughing. Before bed, have a cup of hot chamomile and go under the sheets all night. For colds during pregnancy, we can also take ginger. Add chopped to a cup of hot tea, with a little honey and lemon. Ginger is prized for its digestive properties and is also an ideal natural remedy for nausea during pregnancy and digestive complications.

If without medication it is not possible to bring down the temperature of a pregnant woman with a cold, you can take Paracetamol. This drug will help lower the temperature, relieve headaches, and ease the condition. Remember: pregnant women should not take medications containing acetylsalicylic acid. This substance thins the blood, which can lead to premature birth and miscarriage.

Colds During Pregnancy: These Are Granny's Most Effective Remedies! Colds are quite common during pregnancy because the immune system of a sweet woman is more susceptible to viral infections while waiting. In addition, many of the medicines used for colds and flu are often contraindicated during pregnancy because it can harm the baby while still in the womb. But then, how to deal with a cold during pregnancy?

Treatment of colds in pregnant women with drugs

We find the most effective natural remedies to combat it! With the cold season, pregnant women are forced to deal with even typical seasonal illnesses such as the common cold, and you know when you are pregnant also contract a cold just a lot easier, because the immune system of a pregnant woman is more fragile.

Ladies in the position can not take most antibiotics. In some cases, doctors prescribe approved antibiotics to pregnant patients, but their list is extremely small, and it is strictly forbidden to take drugs without the supervision of a specialist.

A runny nose is dangerous for the fetus, it can cause him to lack oxygen. therefore this symptom cannot be ignored. Salt sprays Aquamaris, Humer will help relieve nasal congestion, cleanse the sinuses. Spray should be used to wash the sinuses: they will not harm either the child or the woman. Sometimes doctors prescribe Nazivin, Vibrocil, Sanorin for a cold to pregnant patients, but the drugs can be used no more than 2 times a day and taken only for a few days. These drugs can cause fetal hypoxia, therefore, without special need and advice from a doctor, such drugs should not be used.

What to use for sore throat?

But what if you have a cold during pregnancy? As is well known, the common cold is not cured with drugs because it is caused by a virus, and especially during pregnancy, it is best not to take medications that can be dangerous. However, there are some effective traditional remedies for colds during pregnancy that can be very helpful in dealing with typical symptoms, and they do not touch the baby while in the womb.

They are also very useful nasal washes to clear a stuffy nose, done with warm water and salt or saline solutionsas well as several times a day. Useful then and steam inhalation to dissolve mucus and facilitates its exit; Others effective remedy The grandmother is then brought to a boil in a large saucepan with a teaspoon of baking soda and inhale the emitted steam, covering his head with a towel.

Sore throat and cough with respiratory diseases - the phenomenon is not rare, what to do in this case? In this case, how to treat a cold in pregnant women in the first trimester? The drug Faringosept will help. It will relieve a sore throat, save from perspiration, and stop the growth of bacteria. But ladies in an "interesting" position cannot take various cough drops.

For colds during pregnancy, fumigation is also highly recommended with boiling water and salt, or aerosols should only be done with saline, again, to loosen mucus. Before going to bed, then you can have a cup of hot chamomile tea and possibly revive it with ginger during pregnancy to combat nausea. Alternatively add ginger to a cup of herbal tea with squeezed lemon and honey. However, to counteract seasonal ailments even during pregnancy, it can be helpful to use a humidifier to put in the bedroom.

A cold at 7-8 weeks of gestation can be treated with Chrolfillipt. This is an effective herbal remedy that will help get rid of inflammation and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. You can treat a runny nose at 8 weeks of gestation with Pinosol, Aqua-Maris.

Sometimes doctors prescribe Tussin for pregnant women. This medication is only taken under the supervision of a physician, because it contains a substance that enhances the release of phlegm. Coughing is very dangerous in early pregnancy if the placenta is low.

When inflammatory processes in respiratory system, to lower the temperature, doctors prescribe Viburcol suppositories. The drug also has a sedative effect, relieves spasms and pain. This remedy is very often prescribed for pregnant women and for other diseases, the drug is considered harmless. To treat colds during pregnancy, 1 trimester, many are advised to use Viburcol. Suppositories are inserted rectally.

Colds in the first trimester of pregnancy: how to treat with other methods

For the treatment of a cold in the first months of pregnancy with the help of drugs, it is often better to take it if simpler actions have not helped.

The first thing to do if you feel the first symptoms of the disease is to enter bed rest. Do not forget about the usual plentiful drink, which is necessary for everyone who has a cold. But there is a caveat: you cannot drink too much liquid of a pregnant woman, otherwise edema may appear. You need to drink warm water, compotes, some herbal infusions, for example, a decoction of chamomile. Warm raspberry tea will relieve symptoms. But add only berries to the drink, raspberry leaves cannot be used during pregnancy. At the 6th week of pregnancy, you can drink rosehip broth to treat a cold.

Don't take all the traditional herbal teas and herbal teas that are commonly used to treat colds. Many of them are dangerous for pregnant women.

Do not forget about proper nutrition: it should be light and not burdensome for the stomach. Fruits, vegetables, dairy products, some meat. It's important to study.

To cure a cold of a pregnant woman in the first trimester will help rinsing the nose with salt, inhalation. Drink warm milk with honey and butter to cure your cough.

It is allowed to rinse the throat with various tinctures, but not alcoholic ones. Treat colds in the first, second, third month of pregnancy by gargling with chamomile, sage, eucalyptus. Study in detail the list of permitted herbs, do not gargle with everything you find in the medicine cabinet.

For example, you can only rinse your mouth with sage, but never swallow it, it can harm the fetus. Pour a tablespoon of the plant with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour.

The consequences of a prolonged cold at the 8th week of pregnancy, however, as in the entire first trimester, can be very negative, up to developmental delay and termination of pregnancy. Competent treatment, a positive attitude and attention to your body will help you avoid danger.

The most common symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection are rapid physical and emotional fatigue, constant weakness, sweating, headache, a sore throat and nose (due to which eyes may water a little), runny nose, cough, elevated temperature body. In severe forms of ARVI, a slight increase in lymph nodes is possible.

The most common cause of ARVI is hypothermia and being in crowded places. The body of a pregnant woman is weakened due to the forced decrease in the activity of antibodies, the main function of which is to destroy foreign proteins. The problem is that the developing embryo is also perceived by immunoglobulins as foreign body... To avoid premature termination of pregnancy, the body is forced to weaken their activity, which is why viruses and bacteria can easily penetrate the weakened immune defenses.

Treatment and diet

Now let's talk in more detail about what can pregnant women with a cold, and what should be avoided. Here are the basic rules that any pregnant woman must adhere to with an acute respiratory viral infection:

  • plentiful drink;
  • rinsing with decoctions of calendula, chamomile, oak bark, saline;
  • inhalation with essential oils;
  • cold compress with vinegar;
  • plant-based, free of harmful substances and chemical dyes;
  • bed rest.

Now let's dwell on each point separately. Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary not only for the rapid elimination of toxins from the body. Correctly selected drinks will help not only cleanse, but also strengthen the body. What to drink for pregnant women with a cold? It's better to forget about carbonated drinks and focus on more useful things. For example, rosehip decoction or dried fruit compote are rich in vitamins necessary for effective resistance to infection. Linden tea helps to reduce fever and liquefy phlegm, improves perspiration, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

With pharyngitis or sore throat, rinses are indicated. Pharyngitis is characterized by redness of the throat mucosa. Angina has a more severe course - in addition to hyperemia of the mucous membrane, there is an increase in the tonsils, the appearance white bloom... In some cases, the temperature may rise.

Rinsing should be carried out as often as possible - about 1 time in half an hour. The minimum interval between rinses should be 1 hour, otherwise they will be ineffective. If relatives have not yet had time to run to the pharmacy for chamomile or calendula, you can prepare saline on your own: add 1 teaspoon of soda and half a teaspoon of salt to 1 glass of slightly warm water. You can add 1-2 drops of iodine, but no more.

Of course, rinsing is not as comfortable as the resorption of lozenges, however, almost all of their types used to eliminate inflammation and sore throat are contraindicated for the expectant mother. The only exceptions are lollipops based on natural enzymes (for example, Lizobact). As an alternative, tea tree oil can be considered for gargling, as it is antiseptic. Only 2-3 drops are enough for one glass of water (it is important to use the essential oil, and not its cosmetological analogue, where soybean oil is added). If you start rinsing on time, this will help not only eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of pharyngitis, but also prevent further spread of the infection in respiratory tract and the development of bronchitis.

You can also use Miramistin - for all its effectiveness, this drug does not have the property of being absorbed into the blood, which excludes the ingress of its elements through the placenta into the amniotic fluid.

Inhalation with essential oils is effective for coughing. Choice essential oil can be carried out based on individual tolerance (many pregnant women begin to react sharply to some odors), but the most effective in this case will be tea tree, eucalyptus, sage, fir and lavender. Inhaling the vapors of these oils will help pregnant women with colds and runny nose. It is allowed to use herbal antitussive syrups (for example, Lazolvan). It is worth considering, however, that not all herbs are safe during pregnancy. Many women are interested in what to take for pregnant women with a cold from herbal medicines. Plantain syrup, for example, is perfect, but the tincture of thermopsis herb, unfortunately, is contraindicated. The fact is that thermopsis increases the tone of the uterus. Of course, the risk of giving birth ahead of time after a few teaspoons of this drug is relatively low, but it's still better not to test fate. It is advisable to drink a glass of warm milk with honey at night.

From a runny nose, rinsing the nasopharynx with the same broths that we use to rinse the throat help. Of course, this is not as convenient as using vasoconstrictor drops, and the very pleasure of washing is below average, but this is a much healthier way of dealing with rhinitis. Another advantage of washing is the effect on the cause (we wash out the microbes), and not on the effect of their harmful activity. If the washing still did not have the expected effect, under the supervision of a doctor, in very limited quantities, you can use vasoconstrictor dropsto avoid hypoxia. You can also breathe in vapors of onions (just breathe, not bury it in your nose).

When the temperature rises to 38 degrees and above, it is recommended to use a cold compress. Dissolve a little vinegar in cool water, moisten gauze or a handkerchief, wring it out and put it on your forehead. You need to keep it straight until the gauze heats up. For individual intolerance to vinegar vapors, we use only chilled water. You can also use a medical ice pack, but you cannot put it directly on the skin to avoid frostbite and hypothermia - first, put a dry cloth under it. It is recommended to take a paracetamol tablet and a no-shpa tablet to bring down the temperature faster.

Strict adherence to bed rest is of great importance. If a woman carries a cold on her legs, this will not only slow down the recovery, but will almost certainly be fraught with the addition of new infections (for example, when a bacterial infection joins a viral infection). Thus, non-compliance with bed rest will have a bad effect not only on the woman's health, but also on the condition of the fetus in the womb. No matter how important things may seem at work or at home, at the slightest sign of a cold, a pregnant woman should go to the hospital and strictly observe bed rest.


The list of pharmacological drugs contraindicated for pregnant women is much wider than the list of drugs recommended for use. It is simply impossible to list all of them, so we will focus on the most common medicines related not only to the treatment of colds. Any pregnant woman should know this:

  • antibiotics (tetracycline, griseofulvin, levomycin). The use of drugs in this group can cause a number of fetal malformations. The development of bone tissue may be impaired, fetal hypoxia is not excluded;
  • analgesics ( acetylsalicylic acid, analgin, indomethacin). These, at first glance, completely harmless drugs, can cause malformations of the cardiovascular system and pulmonary hypertension in the fetus;
  • anticoagulants (warfarin, heparin). In addition to the obvious risk of severe bleeding, drugs in this group can cause visual impairment in a child;
  • antidepressants (diazepam, imipramine, pro-zak). The lithium salts contained in these preparations have an extremely unfavorable effect on the embryo and can cause heart defects, anomalies in the development of the extremities, hypotension, and urinary retention;
  • antithyroid drugs (betazine, mercazolil, thiamazole). These are used to treat overactive thyroid gland. For a child, the development of goiter and skin lesions can be dangerous;
  • barbiturates (phenobarbital, luminal, seconal). These drugs can damage the liver and nervous system in the baby in the womb;
  • antihypertensive drugs (atenol, reserpine, chlorothiazide). Drugs in this group can cause hypothermia (a strong decrease in body temperature) and bradycardia (weakened heartbeat) in the fetus in the womb;
  • hormonal steroid drugs (methyltestosterone, methandrostenolone, retabolil). This type of medication enhances the synthesis of testosterone, the main male sex hormone. Athletes illegally use steroids to enhance strength and muscle growth, while ordinary people can be prescribed them when recovering from injuries, operations and sexual failure. For a woman, the risk of their use during pregnancy is small, but it should be remembered that the use of these drugs can cause not only fetal developmental disorders, but also premature birth;
  • antineoplastic drugs (busulfan, colchicine, methotrexate). Side effects can be expressed in deformation of the bones of the skull, impaired kidney function of the child, polydactyly, developmental delay. Premature termination of pregnancy is not excluded.

The list of unwanted drugs is very extensive, so the use of any drugs must be discussed with a doctor. As for the medications listed above, they should be avoided at all costs. Even an overdose of vitamins of group A can badly affect the child's cardiovascular system.

It is of great importance for the expectant mother. Healthy diet, sufficient (but not excessive) amount of vitamins, good sleep - all this will help the body to strengthen its defenses. It is advisable to avoid the use of immunomodulatory drugs, since they have a bad effect on lactation.