The best drops for a cold for children. What drops to choose for the treatment of a cold in a child

A cold is understood as a disease that is triggered by the development of pathogenic viruses, which include:

  • Rhinoviruses;
  • RS viruses;
  • Parainfluenza virus;
  • Adenoviruses.

Pathogenic agents, penetrating into the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, provoke inflammation. This is evidenced by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • Heat;
  • Rhinitis;
  • Sneezing;
  • Cough;
  • Sore throat.

Eliminate unpleasant symptoms with a reception for children. Unlike drugs for adults, they contain a lower concentration of potent substances. This avoids side effects and allergic reactions.

Effective drugs

In children's therapy, children's cold pills are used to combat cough, sore throat and rhinitis. Some of them have an exclusively symptomatic effect, i.e. just make it easier for ARVI, others - fight against infectious agents. Among the safest and most effective pharmaceuticals, pediatricians include:

In the case of ARVI treatment in a child under 5 years old, pediatricians recommend diluting drugs in tablets with water.

It is necessary to consult with your doctor about the advisability of using certain pharmaceuticals and combining them with other medicines.

Preparations for the elimination of rhinitis

A runny nose is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of the disease, which causes lacrimation and a general deterioration in well-being. The following list of children's cold medicines can be used to treat inflammation and swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Thus, nasal breathing and the course of ARVI are greatly facilitated:

  • "Aqua Maris" - children's drug, which is available in the form of a spray and nasal drops. It contains sea salt, calcium and magnesium. The medicine is used to combat rhinitis and adenoiditis in children from the first days of life;
  • "Nazol Baby" - the vasoconstrictor contains phenylephrine. The active ingredient helps to reduce swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, which helps to facilitate nasal breathing. Non-toxic nasal drops can be used to treat rhinitis from birth;
  • Otrivin Baby - isotonic saline solution enhances local immunity. Nasal drops and spray moisturize the mucous membranes and fight inflammation. Recommended for use up to 1-3 years of age.

Nasal cold remedies for children can help manage inflammation and swelling of the ciliated epithelium in the nasopharynx. However, it is not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops for more than 4-5 days.

Symptomatic remedies

To eliminate the initial signs of a cold, symptomatic drugs are used. As a rule, they do not fight pathogens, but eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of ARVI: cough, watery eyes, fever, runny nose, etc. In pediatric therapy, the following pharmaceuticals are most often used:

  • - a drug of combined action, which has decongestant and antipyretic properties. It contains paracetamol and synthetic components, so it can be used to eliminate body aches, perspiration in grief and cough in children from 12 years old;
  • Fervex - powder of symptomatic action, which has analgesic, antihistamine and antipyretic properties. Contains paracetamol, vitamin C and pheniramine maleate. It is used for short-term treatment of children from 6 years old;
  • Koldeks Junior - suspension for oral administration, which is identical in composition to the previous agent. Eliminates ARVI symptoms and improves immunity.

Antipyretic drugs

It is advisable to give antipyretics to children for colds and flu in extreme cases. In particular, antipyretics can be used when the temperature rises to 38.5 degrees. The safest of them are:

  • Panadol;
  • "Tsefekod D";
  • Calpol;
  • "Antigrippin";
  • Nurofen.

Important! For fever in children, do not use aspirin and drugs high in acetylsalicylic acid... They can trigger the development of Raynaud's disease.


Effective cold remedies for children are aimed at combating viral pathogens and relieving symptoms of the disease. They are low-toxic, so they rarely provoke allergies. The most effective in pediatric therapy are drugs such as Sinupret, Coldakt, Fervex, Panadol and Otrivin Baby.

When the baby is healthy and cheerful, plays naughty and laughs happily, then everyone around is moved. But, sadly, all children get sick sometime. There can be many reasons for this: contact with sick children or adults, weakened immunity, insufficient hardening of the body, unhealthy diet, hypothermia or overheating of the body. ARI and flu often do not spare even the smallest children. In this article, we will find out which medications are safest for children, even the smallest.

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How to treat colds and flu in children


Viferon 150,000 IU

Available in the form of candles. The medicine must be stored in the refrigerator. It is a highly effective immunomodulatory and antiviral agent that can be used according to the doctor's indications even in premature and newborn babies. It is prescribed for various infectious and inflammatory diseases: acute respiratory infections, influenza, complications after certain bacterial infections, etc. Suppositories are administered rectally every 12 hours for 5 days. It is necessary to start putting candles as early as possible, at the first signs of the disease. Then Viferon treatment will be several times more effective.


Approved for use in children over 1 year old. It is gently applied to the mucous membrane of the nose with a cotton swab 3-4 times a day. It is also necessary to store the ointment in the refrigerator. Viferon ointment is effective as part of complex therapy for ARVI and influenza.


It is produced in the form of tablets, and it is permissible for use in babies from one month. It is also an immunomodulatory and antiviral agent, which is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of influenza, acute respiratory infections, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as for some other diseases. The child must suck the pill, it has a pleasant sweetish taste. But if the baby is very small, then 1 tablet must be dissolved in 15 ml of boiled water at room temperature. It is necessary to give the solution to the child to drink from a teaspoon. This will be 1 dose of the drug. And the drug itself is used according to the scheme indicated in the instructions.


- an old proven tool that was created in the days of the USSR. Store it in the refrigerator. A small amount of ointment is applied to a cotton swab and gently smeared on the mucous membrane of the baby's nose at the entrance. The ointment is approved for use from 0 months, but, as a rule, they begin to use it for preventive purposes from one month, before the first trip to the clinic, where there is a risk of infection. Oxolinic ointment is most effective for the prevention of flu and colds, it does not have the proper therapeutic effect.


Is an excellent homeopathic remedy that helps fight the symptoms of flu and colds. It can be used in any childhood, most importantly, observe the dosages indicated in the instructions. Since it tastes unpleasant, and many children may not like it, the required number of drops can be dissolved in a small amount of water or tea, and given to the child to drink from a spoon. Aflubin has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antipyretic and detoxifying effects, it also exhibits antiviral activity. It is necessary to give medicine as soon as you notice signs of the disease. Then its efficiency increases many times over.


Human leukocyte interferon

Sold in ampoules, and must be stored in the refrigerator. The medicine can be used in children from birth. Prepare a solution before use. For this, 2 ml of boiled chilled water is added to an open ampoule to the mark. Then it is pipetted into the child's nose with a pipette. It is used to treat acute respiratory viral infectious diseases, including influenza. Interferon treatment should be started as early as possible.


- antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent that can be used in children from birth. Grippferon contains the above interferon. The bottle with drops is already ready for use and you do not need to dilute anything additionally before instilling the spout. Store the medicine in the refrigerator, after opening the bottle, its shelf life is 1 month. The concentration of drops in the vial of Grippferon is higher than in the prepared solution of Interferon. Therefore, children under 1 year old need to bury it only 5 times a day, and not every hour.


antiviral agent, which successfully fights against ARVI, influenza A and B, and others. The drug is available in the form of capsules or tablets, and is approved for use in children from the age of two. Arbidol stimulates the strengthening of immunity, and also increases the body's resistance to viral infections... It can also be used for prevention.


- drops that successfully help fight colds and runny nose. They are also well suited for prophylaxis and can be used in children of all ages. Aquamaris drops restore the mucous membrane of the nose and increase local immunity, making it easier for the body to fight viruses. Aquamaris drops are produced from the water of the Adriatic Sea. Some parents believe that the drops are unreasonably expensive and prefer to simply rinse their child's nose. saline or a saline solution purchased from a pharmacy. You can cook it yourself at home. To do this, stir 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 liter of cooled boiled water.


- nose drops, which are also used for the treatment and prevention of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Derinat is approved for use in children from birth at the first signs of a cold.

Of course, there are a lot of childhood illnesses, and self-medication is highly discouraged. Indeed, loving parents sometimes cannot distinguish a cold from the flu, or even more so a sore throat, which needs to be treated in a completely different way, with the use of antibiotics and the indispensable participation of the attending physician.

This article will focus on medications that are practically harmless and can be used by parents, provided the correct diagnosis is made, for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and some others. You can also ask your doctor if this medication is appropriate for your child. And be sure to read the instructions for use before you start giving a new drug to your baby.

You can even taste it yourself so you know how to expect your baby to react. As a rule, medicines for small children taste good, and all you have to do is give your child the correct dosage. Medicines referred to in this article, although acceptable for use in children from birth or children younger agebut they are still drugs, and what works for one child may not work for another at all. Therefore, do not neglect medical intervention, and do not use this article as a basis for self-medication. After all, we are talking about the health of your beloved baby.

A cold in a child is a viral infectious upper respiratory tract disease lasting no more than one week... A cold is not a threat to the baby's life, but even in spite of this, young mothers often panic, which in no case should be done. Therefore, parents should not sound the alarm if the child often suffers from colds.

Colds can be dangerous if complications arise. To protect from this, mothers must surround their child with warmth and care, providing him with proper care.

Often, a sharp jump in temperature, especially at night, signals the manifestation of a cold... This may be evidenced by the initial state of the baby, if he became moody, restless, has a poor appetite, gets tired quickly, drowsy, dramatically changes his mood and refuses to play.

  • The kid sneezes;
  • The eyes turn red;
  • Lachrymation;
  • Stuffy nose;
  • Enlarged submandibular, cervical and axillary lymph nodes;
  • Migraines and malaise.

A cold in a baby under 1 year old can be manifested by a change in skin color, respiratory failure, sweating, a violation of the feeding regime, the appearance of a rash.

The most an early sign of a cold is a runny nose, with which you need to resist initially, because very young children still do not know how to blow their nose themselves. Cough is the second symptom of the disease. In this case, the baby must be shown to the doctor, since its root causes may be different.

For colds, an increase in body temperature is also characteristic. When the temperature is above 37, this signals the onset of inflammation and the fight of the immune system with the causative agents of viral infection.


The common cold is a self-healing disease. Basically, it is not required to treat it with specific methods, it disappears on its own.

Home care

Home treatment is intended to relieve symptoms and prevent complications. Treatment should consist of the following measures and actions:

  • Airing the room to make it easier for the child to breathe (at the same time, move him to another room for a while);
  • Change of bed linen 2 times a week (more often if you sweat);
  • Babies need to be turned over from one barrel to another to avoid stagnation in the lungs;
  • Plentiful warm drink and adequate rest;
  • The diet should be rich in carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.

Antiviral drugs

Before giving to your child antiviral drugs, check with your doctor, because he will prescribe exactly those pills that are suitable for your baby. Before you buy antiviral pills, syrups and similar medicines, you must take into account the main rules for their choice:

  • You know your child's body better and after studying the instructions, you decided that these drugs and medicines are not suitable for him, contact the pediatrician again;
  • It is not necessary to give the baby all the pills at the same time according to the principle “the more medicine the better”. It will not work to cure a cold with this method;
  • Be aware that just because a pill or other drug is sold over the counter does not mean that the drug is safe;
  • Symptomatic treatment includes various remedies and includes cold pills on the list, so it is necessary to consider how these drugs interact with each other.

To restore the normal temperature level (if the indicator gives 39C) in children, pills and medicines based on Paracetamol contribute. When coughing, you can take Mukaltin tablets or Gedelix syrup.

Most Popular cough medicines for children, including the following tablets:

  • Anaferon for children;
  • Donormil;
  • Rinza;
  • Remantadine;
  • Sinupret;
  • Rinikold;
  • Barralgetas;
  • Grammidin.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathy is new method treatment according to the rule "like can be cured by like", which has reached immense fame. Homeopathy is recommended for children and pregnant women as synthetic pills can cause side effects, and homeopathic remedies exclude them.

Homeopathy, as medical science says that you need to make medicines from natural substances.Homeopathy includes various medications for the treatment of many adult and pediatric diseases, only they should be prescribed by an experienced specialist with appropriate education.

Children's homeopathy for colds includes drugs such as Aconit 30, Belladonna 30, Pulsatilla 30, Nux Vom 30, Brionia 30, Cuprum meth and many others.


Candles cone-shaped preparations, in a solid state, but in the presence of temperature have the properties of melting, then the drug is absorbed through the rectum, quickly absorbed, which is the main advantage of the drug.

Doctors advise candles based on their benefits:

  • Using suppositories is effective, since the child cannot always swallow the pills;
  • The absorption of the drug is consistent;
  • Suppositories in the fight against viral diseases can be used from the moment the baby is born, but most often rectal suppositories are prescribed for infants and children under 3 years of age.

The most famous and effective suppositories for children's colds:

  • Calpol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Anafen;
  • Genferon;
  • for kids.


The use of vasoconstrictor drops helps to relieve the common cold. For children under one year old, these drugs can be used as a 0.01% solution diluted with boiled water. Vasodilatory drops have antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

The most popular drugs are:

  • Pinosol;
  • Nazivin;
  • Collargol;
  • Polydex;
  • Protargol.

Doctors do not recommend using drugs such as Nazol baby, Xymelin and Tizin more than 4 times throughout the day. The use of nasal drops should not be abused, as they make breathing easier for the first 3 days and lead to addiction, therefore, further rinsing of the nose is necessary.

Rinsing the nose

A runny nose is the beginning of any cold illness. To cleanse the spout in children under 1 year old, use cotton wicks moistened with a solution of soda before feeding.

An effective remedy for the common cold is aloe juice, which is diluted with water. This remedy is instilled in the baby 3 times a day, 4 drops. You can rinse the spout with a solution sea \u200b\u200bsalt - Aquamaris, Aquador, or treat a cold with a small concentration of antiseptics (Miramistin). In the form of sprays, these products are most convenient to use.


Treatment of colds in children should be complex, therefore, topical external use preparations are used - namely, an ointment for colds.

Most often, in pharmacy chains, parents are offered the following means:

  • Anti-cold ointment Doctor IOM;
  • Oxolinic ointment;
  • Ointment Vicks Active Balm against the common cold;
  • Ointment for the common cold of Dr. Tice;
  • Pulmex Baby ointment for a baby up to a year.

Oxolinic ointment is the most effective and popular, used both for medicinal purposes and for the prevention of colds in children. The ointment is applied 2 times a day, mainly before going to kindergarten, school, or if there are infected people at home.

How to apply

In order to cure a runny nose in a child, this ointment is applied in the thinnest layer 3 times a day for 4-5 days.

  • Ointments Dr. IOM and Dr. Taisa are prescribed for children from 2 years of age and older. They are characterized by antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects.
  • Ointment against the common cold for children Vicks Active Balsam is intended to treat a runny nose and cough with inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  • Pulmex Baby Ointment is recommended for use as an adjuvant to cure a cold cough and upper respiratory tract in infants after 6 months of their life.

Powder preparations

It is impossible to cure a cold using powder preparations, since these medicines only help relieve symptoms. Taking such medications, you must follow a strict regimen. Often, powders are prescribed to be taken to a child complete with a provitamin complex, which helps to cure the disease.

  • Fervex for children;
  • Panadol Baby and Infant;
  • Children's Efferalgan;
  • Antigrippin for children.

Specified powders have analgesic, antipyretic, antihistamine and tonic effect... Children need to make solutions using powders that must be taken orally.

Folk remedies

To keep your little one from viral diseases, you need to strengthen his immunity. Folk remedies widely used both in prophylactic treatment and in the treatment of colds. If you notice that your baby is sneezing, you need to make teas from natural remedies.

Ginger is an effective remedy for colds. The tea, which contains ginger, helps the body fight the virus. For its preparation, it is enough to use ginger, lemon, and honey. Since ginger, you can use tea, in which the main component is viburnum.

Viburnum is very effective at temperature. Viburnum is ground with sugar and placed in the refrigerator along with the bone. In winter, you can drink healthy tea. For children under 5 years old, when making tea, they adhere to the following proportion: 1 coffee spoon of any berries per 200 ml of water. P it is useful to make tea from linden or strawberry... You can prepare herbal infusions from mint and lemon balm.


Prevention colds in children it will help protect from all kinds of infections and ailments. You bring a child to the kindergarten and notice how a boy from his group sneezes, in this case you need to act, otherwise tomorrow you will see how your baby has become infected and does not feel well.

Very often, when treating a cold in a child, it is impossible to do without the use of baby drops. And it is almost impossible to avoid it, since it is one of the most common symptoms of ARVI and ARI. In the case when parents create favorable conditions for their baby during the treatment of the disease, the runny nose goes away within a week without any complications. Currently, children's drops from the common cold in all pharmacies are presented in a fairly wide range, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable drug for each child.

Variety of drugs

To do right choice nasal drops for a child, it is important to take into account the type of rhinitis, the causes of its occurrence, the duration of the course of the disease and the age of the child. It is customary to distinguish such a spectrum of action of drops:

  1. Moisturizing. The use of such funds is aimed at moisturizing the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, they are usually used as prevention of disease.
  2. Vasoconstrictor. They have a vasoconstrictor effect on the mucous membrane, are used in the case of a serious condition of a child caused by nasal congestion, difficulty breathing. Indeed, in such a state, the child's sleep is disturbed and appetite worsens, children often refuse to breast, which causes rapid weight loss.
  3. Antibacterial. Prescribed by a doctor for a bacterial runny nose. Anti-inflammatory. The use of such drugs relieves inflammatory process in the child's nasal cavity.
  4. Antiviral. Drugs of this spectrum of action will be effective only at the initial stage of the development of the disease.
  5. Antiallergic. With this drug you can get rid of allergic rhinitis.

There are also combined drops that combine several healing effects... For example, drops such as Rinomaris have both a moisturizing and vasoconstrictor effect on the mucous membrane. Thanks to the use of these drops, it is possible to eliminate nasal congestion and normalize the condition of the nasal mucosa. Combined action drugs can be used only for children from 2 years old. These drugs include Derinat from the common cold for children, which do not belong to antibiotics that are dangerous for the child, but at the same time have antibacterial, antiviral and immuno-strengthening effects on the mucous membrane.

Also, drops can be divided into three groups, depending on the method of their production:

  • homemade - prepared independently at home based on traditional medicine;
  • pharmacy - purchased at a pharmacy;
  • combined - prepared at home using ingredients purchased from a pharmacy.

A significant difference between the first and second group of drugs is that pharmaceutical companies use mainly synthetic components in the process of producing drops. While ethnoscience uses exclusively natural raw materials, which are not only safe for the baby, but also very effective in treating the common cold.

Danger of baby drops

As you know, almost all baby drops, even if at first glance they seem to be absolutely safe, have some side effects. Most often, these include the following manifestations of the body immediately after using the medicine:
  • sneezing;
  • burning in the nose;
  • congestion;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane.

Treatment vasoconstrictor drops must be prescribed by a doctor

At the same time, it is important to understand that some children may not experience such effects, while in the treatment of others, it is often necessary to completely abandon nasal drops. Of course, there are drugs that almost never cause discomfort and side effects, which is why they are prescribed by most specialists. Among such drugs, it is worth highlighting Derinat nose drops for children.

Parents should know that vasoconstrictor drops are considered dangerous for children, therefore it is not recommended to use them for more than 3 days . Addiction to the drug is considered a dangerous side effect: despite the fact that the child has a runny nose long ago, it is worth stopping the nose drip with vasoconstrictors, as the symptoms of the disease return again. In such a situation, you have to drip your nose again with drops of the same action, since other drugs are powerless.

However, the most serious consequence of the use of vasoconstrictor drops is the occurrence of spasm. By itself, a spasm of blood vessels in the nose does not pose a serious danger to the baby, but it can spread to other organs, which is a serious threat to the health and life of the child.

Despite the fact that parents are trying in every possible way to cure a runny nose without the use of nose drops, nevertheless, sometimes situations arise when they cannot be avoided. First of all, drops must be used in such situations:

  1. When the ear began to hurt with a cold, because, most likely, there was a blockage of thickened mucus in the passage between the ear and nose. If the nose is instilled in a timely manner with vasoconstrictor drops, the development of otitis media can be avoided.
  2. The child cannot carry out nasal breathing, and the process of breathing through the mouth is also difficult.
  3. Body temperature is over 38 degrees.
  4. Breathing through the nose is completely absent, because during the night when breathing through the mouth, complete drying of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract can occur, which is fraught with the development of bronchitis and pneumonia.

It is also worth understanding that the use of nasal drops does not always become necessary, even though the child's breathing is a little difficult. This is especially true for newborn babies, for whom nasal congestion immediately after birth and for a short time after childbirth is a completely natural process. After all, this is not a runny nose, but simply after a 9-month stay of the baby in the womb, the nose has not completely cleared up and it needs special hygienic care.