It hurts to swallow reasons. What if it hurts to swallow, but the throat doesn't hurt? It hurts to swallow in the Adam's apple

It hurts to swallow, as if a lump in the throat, it is with such a complaint that patients turn to an otolaryngologist. If we turn to history, then a lump in the throat was studied by our ancestors along with hysteria, since it was attributed to nervous diseases. In the era of Hippocrates, a lump in the throat was called the pharyngeal ball and it was believed that this ailment manifests itself only in women. But it soon became quite clear that the appearance of a lump in the throat is caused by the psychiatric state of a person only in some cases, and unpleasant sensations in the form of a lump in the throat occur in men and women equally.

Other risk factors can be too hot drinks or food, excessively dry air or, conversely, too humid. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits is best to prevent sore throat. Many throat irritations can simply be caused by environmental conditions. In these cases, some precautions may be helpful to avoid the disorder.

During the winter months, the air is very high in apartments due to heating: therefore, it is good to maintain good humidity in the rooms, often by opening windows and using a humidifier, or placing water trays on radiators.

  • Do not drink too much to irritate slimy foods or drinks.
  • Cigarette smoke indoors.
Most people think that swallowing is guaranteed. They take a sip of food, chew, swallow and do not think. But for other people, difficulty swallowing is a daily problem. If you feel like you are stuck in your throat or throat when you swallow food, you have dysphagia.

It hurts to swallow, but the throat does not hurt - what is it?

Today's WHO statistics show that 45% of modern people have this problem. The first doctor who examines a patient with these complaints is an otolaryngologist. It is he who must exclude, on his part, any somatic diseases that are caused by the manifestation of various inflammatory processes.

Dysphagia can occur in two places. Symptoms are usually caused by weak neck muscles due to a stroke or a neuromuscular disorder such as muscular dystrophy or Parkinson's disease. Food dysphagia is more common. This refers to the feeling that the food is tough or stuck in the chest. The sensation is often accompanied by pressure or chest pain, and other symptoms may be: swallowing pain.

Bad breath

One of possible reasons Dysphagia is a diverticulum, a small protrusion that can form in the back of the throat just above the esophagus. Food fragments can enter this prominence, from where they can be knocked over, creating noises like mumbling and bad breath. Fragments of healing can enter the lungs, making breathing difficult. The occasional episode of swallowing is not a major problem, and it may simply be due to the fact that you did not chew enough food or that you ate too quickly.

It is known that the causes of sore throat, often accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the form of a lump in the throat, can be not only some specific ENT disease. Also, the result of this unpleasant sensation can be manifestations of diseases of the digestive tract, including gastroesophageal reflux.

But if you have frequent trouble swallowing or your symptoms are severe, see your doctor. Due to the role of antibody production, the tonsils are the body's protective shield against infections, especially respiratory infections... These symptoms can be associated with ear pain, white or yellowish spots all over the tonsils. Generally, if the infection is bacterial, treat with antibiotics prescribed by your family doctor or orlist. Tonsillectomy, removal of tonsils, is recommended in certain situations.

In what cases the doctor indicates an operation

They need surgery primarily for those who have at least four episodes of acute tonsillitis per year. At the same time, tonsillitis, which persists for more than six months, is treated with surgery. An exaggerated enlargement of the tonsils, which causes trouble breathing or swallowing, is another reason to seek surgery. Tonsillectomy is also recommended if other complications arise from the tonsils, such as rheumatic diseases, sleep apnea, swelling of the eyes, inside.

In addition, a feeling of a lump in the throat, with or without pain when swallowing, may be the cause of:

If we talk about the psychogenic causes of a lump in the throat, then this unpleasant sensation may be caused by the consequence of any mental disorder. Often, a lump in the throat occurs in people with neurosis, as well as in patients undergoing frequent depression. And only in rare cases, a lump in the throat is a consequence of endocrine or mental illness. It is known that a lump in the throat is often the cause of high emotional experiences, and is also seen in people who travel often and a lot, which means they undergo periodic acclimatization.

It hurts to swallow in the Adam's apple

Unfortunately, today many doctors give a disappointing diagnosis to patients who have complained that it hurts them to swallow in the Adam's apple region. So, in almost 50% of people with similar symptoms, vegetative-vascular dystonia is observed, which stands out in this case as a separate disease, which is often caused by a shattered human nervous system. But at the same time, vegetative-vascular dystonia is just a symptomatology of some serious disease of the nervous system, since it simply cannot exist as an independent disease.

That is why, when a patient turns to an ENT, and the doctor does not diagnose any pathology in his specialization, he sends the patient for consultation with a neurologist. This is done in order to dismiss any hints of diseases of the nervous system. Then the attending physician gives a referral for an examination by an endocrinologist and an oncologist in order to exclude the development of cancer, as well as pathologies associated with the thyroid gland, since all of the above diseases can cause sore throat, which can also be accompanied by discomfort in the form of a lump in the throat. The ideal option would be if the attending physician prescribes a full examination of the patient who contacted him with this symptomatology.

So, let's summarize all of the above. As you already know, the cause of a sore throat, accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the form of a lump in the throat, can be a previous stress.

This same symptomatology can manifest itself in a person who is in a depressed state. In such cases, the appearance of this unpleasant feeling has nothing to do with the general functioning of the whole organism or its individual organs. Long-term experiences, depression, stressful situations can cause involuntary muscle contraction in the cervical spine, thereby creating an unpleasant sensation, which neuropathologists call a "hysterical lump." You also learned today that a lump in the throat can cause an enlargement of the thyroid gland (autoimmune thyroiditis), or diffuse goiter, when diagnosed by a doctor, medications containing iodine are prescribed.

Often, the cause of a sore throat in the Adam's apple region can be a previous injury that contributed to a slight displacement of the cervical vertebrae, as well as prolonged intense coughing, cardiovascular diseases and diseases associated with the digestive system. But whatever the reason for this unpleasant sensation, sometimes even interfering with a full life, revealing the true pathology is possible only with a full diagnosis, after which the doctor will appoint only correct treatment a specific disease leading the patient to this discomfort.

What if it hurts to swallow, but the throat doesn't hurt?

You should be aware that a lump in the throat can be caused by carcinophobia, that is, the fear of finding cancer. The mere thought of a possible cancerous neoplasm leads people to panic, because of which the patient feels a lump rolling up to his throat. In any case, if you often feel discomfort in the form of pain and a lump in your throat, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may only be an imperceptible symptom of some more serious illness.

The sensation of burning, perspiration and sore throat during swallowing is familiar to every person. This symptom accompanies most respiratory diseases and can occur even with ordinary hypothermia or inhalation of contaminated air. At the same time, pain when swallowing may indicate dangerous diseases not only from the respiratory system, but also from other vital systems of the body. Therefore, this phenomenon should not be ignored, especially if the soreness when swallowing does not go away within a few days.

Causes of painful sensations when swallowing

Possible causes of sore throat include:

  1. Bacterial infections (most often staphylococcal and streptococcal), in which inflammatory process and pain occurs due to the active multiplication of bacteria on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Pain when swallowing is usually accompanied by streptococcal sore throat and acute bacterial tonsillitis.
  2. Viral diseases of the respiratory system (ARVI, influenza, viral pharyngitis, viral tonsillitis), which can occur without fever. With them, patients almost always have difficulty swallowing and a burning sensation, perspiration and dryness in the throat. Sore throat can also be caused by pathogens infectious mononucleosis, measles, chickenpox, parainfluenza.
  3. Allergic reactions, in which there may be local inflammation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and larynx. Pain when swallowing in this case occurs due to irritation of the pharynx during an allergy attack.
  4. Throat hit foreign bodies while eating (pieces of unchewed food, fish bones, cereal shells) or accidentally swallowing small objects that can get stuck in the piriform sinus or tonsil tissues, provoking throat irritation and stabbing pain and leading to painful swallowing with the addition of coughing and asthma attacks.
  5. Respiratory tract irritation with smoke or dry air. A feeling of sore throat and sore throat can occur when inhaling dry indoor air during the heating season, when the load on the nasopharynx increases when breathing and swallowing. When the nasopharynx is irritated, the throat is usually not red, but pain is felt. Dusty or smoky air, as well as cigarette smoke when inhaled, can also make it painful to swallow.
  6. Impact on airways irritating substances ( drugs, spicy food, strong alcoholic drinks, vapors of toxic substances).
  7. Traumatic lesions (burns, scratches) of the larynx and pharynx or tumors of the pharynx, larynx, esophagus and adjacent organs.
  8. Overstrain of the muscles of the larynx and pharynx with loud screaming or prolonged singing.

The feeling of pain when swallowing can occur in the presence of a number of diseases of the throat and esophagus, as well as nearby organs (stomatitis, periopharyngeal abscess, gastroesophageal reflux, thyroiditis, burns of the esophagus or stomach). In a child, the cause of a sore throat when swallowing can be children's infectious diseases: tonsillitis, scarlet fever, pharyngotonsillitis, mumps. This makes it difficult for children to swallow and talk.

What to do if a sore throat occurs while swallowing?

To relieve pain that occurs during swallowing, you should thoroughly chew or eat pureed foods, and avoid eating food that is too cold or too hot.

To determine how to treat a sore throat that occurs when swallowing, it is necessary to visit a doctor who will establish the exact cause of the disease and prescribe adequate therapy. Since this condition can provoke various diagnoses, taking medications should be pathogenetically justified. Drug treatment sore throat includes taking antiseptic agents in the form of sprays and rinsing solutions, analgesics, immunostimulants, homeopathic remedies, antibacterial drugs.

To relieve a sore throat, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures: laser therapy to reduce swelling of the affected area or ultrasonic medicinal irrigation of the tonsils and back wall pharynx, which has an antiseptic effect and helps to reduce swelling and inflammation.