Herpes. Description, types, symptoms, prevention and treatment of herpes. Herpes can also be transmitted in such cases. Consequences and complications.

Herpes is a virus that infects a human cell, "integrating" into its genetic apparatus.

Herpes can be infected by genital, airborne, generic (from mother to child during childbirth) and even by contact (through a handshake, household items, a kiss).

Usually, the disease does not manifest itself until the carrier's immunity is weakened, which can lead to hypothermia, overheating, pregnancy, large doses of alcohol, stress, and infectious diseases.

At the first stage of infection, fever, sore throat, cervical ganglia, pharyngeal edema and redness were accompanied by the development of vesicular or ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa or pharynx. Recurrence at the beginning of the oropharyngeal lesion is more common on the lips.

Intraoral lesions are rare in relapse. Dysuria symptoms can occur due to urethral involvement. In men, the primary infection is most often seen in the penis, foreskin, or penis. Malaise, anorexia, and ganglia may occur in the groin area with an initial flare-up. Repetition of genital lesions varies from individual to individual.

It is believed that if the rash appears no more than 4-5 times a year and only on the lips, there is nothing to worry about. But if exacerbations occur more often 5 times a year, rashes appear not only on the lips, but also on other parts of the body, moreover, extensive ones, then you should definitely undergo an immunological examination.

Who is at risk?

Viruses herpes simplex is carried by almost every one of us, but few get sick. Why this happens is still a mystery to scientists. Up to 60% infected with the virus herpes simplex is not even aware that they are infected, but at the same time they can transmit dangerous virus partner during sexual intercourse.

Herpes simplex virus is common worldwide, affecting about 2% of the population, and 80% of adults have circulating antibodies against the virus. The virus is more common before the 5th year. The most agglomerated environments, especially the poorest, favor the spread of infection, of which humans are the only reservoir. Its transmission occurs through direct contact, including transmission to the mother, kissing, and sexual contact. There are also indirect forms of contact through objects of personal use.

The incubation period can be from 2 days to 2 months. In terms of prevention, no vaccines have been released for use against viruses to date. Among better forms prevention of herpes simplex - personal hygiene and health education, with particular care to avoid contamination of the skin with infectious material.


Now medicine knows not only the viral nature of the disease, but also 8 types of this very virus. The most common are the first 3 types of herpes: type I contributes to the appearance of colds on the lips, type II causes diseases of the reproductive system, type III causes chickenpox and shingles.

The most common symptoms of cold sores are blistering rashes that can appear on the lips, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, on the genitals and on the body. Before the appearance of herpetic vesicles, precursors appear in the place of future rashes: itching, burning, tingling sensation. It is better to start drug therapy at the stage of precursors to prevent the appearance of rashes.

Herpetic infections can be treated, but the virus cannot be killed, just controlled. Herpes simplex is usually treated with vidarabine or acyclovir tablets or ointments. Second medicine is the treatment of choice for mucous lesions of immunodeficiency, encephalitis and neonatal forms, preferably intravenously. Oral use of acyclovir is indicated for the primary treatment of genitalia.

Side effects of this drug are rare and are usually limited to headaches and nausea. Zinc and vitamins C and E appear to enhance the immune system's response to herpes. Aloe vera extract appears to promote healing and may have anti-viral effects.

But herpes can manifest itself atypically, when there are no classic rashes, but there are discharge, itching, burning, perineal cracks, edema, redness of the mucous membranes. A symptom of this form of herpes can also be pain - pulls-twists the lower abdomen, or patients complain of attacks of "radiculitis".


Treatment of herpes must be comprehensive and individual. Those who often suffer from herpes, reasonably resort to the help of potent oral agents that suppress the activity of the virus. They also reduce the number of exacerbations, but on the other hand, self-treatment with them leads to the formation of resistant types of the virus, and sometimes to even greater suppression of immunity.

Lysine is an amino acid that has helped some people treat or prevent cold sores, especially febrile vesicles and sores. The recommended dose is 500 mg three times a day. Repeated episodes usually respond poorly to the therapy mentioned. In patients with severe and frequent relapses, so-called suppressive doses of drugs can be used, but do not affect the risk, frequency or severity of relapses.

In the treatment of recurrent herpes simplex, a wide variety of methods and substances have been tried without much success. The most commonly used dye is neutral red in 0.1% aqueous solution applied to the lesion from the moment the first symptoms appear and exposure to fluorescent light for about 20 minutes. Application and exposure should be repeated about three times a day in the first days after the appearance of the vesicles, which must be previously torn open with a sterile needle.

So that drug treatment herpes should be prescribed by a doctor - dermatovenerologist, gynecologist, urologist or immunologist.

For urgent prevention, that is, when the feeling of discomfort and tingling has already arisen, but there are no bubbles yet, ointments containing such an antiviral substance as acyclovir are used.

Lip balms containing petroleum jelly and allantoin work well to moisturize and soothe cold sores during treatment.

The procedure must be repeated for each recurring episode of the disease, and outbreaks and their intensity in a significant number of patients will decrease and become less severe until they disappear completely after the elimination of all hidden viruses.

There are also foods and procedures to avoid. Clinical sound judgment dictates that guiding the involvement of triggering agents should be done with the patient first to prevent injury. The identification of such factors and their prevention, if possible, will certainly reduce the frequency of relapses.

But if herpes takes its sorties more often 3 times a year, a more serious approach is required. Without individual complex immunotherapy aimed at stable normalization of immunity, it is almost impossible to radically cure recurrent herpes. In severe cases, vaccine prophylaxis is used today.

Traditional methods

If a fever jumped up on the lip, and there was no special cream at hand, try to help yourself with the help of folk remedies.

What is herpes simplex virus?

Since a mother is anxiously awaiting the birth of her baby, she is likely to take a number of steps to ensure the health of her baby. One of the measures recommended by experts is to learn about the herpes simplex virus infection. Either type can also infect newborns.

How common is herpes simplex virus?

About 25% of American adults, compared with 4-14% of Europeans and Australians, are infected with the virus.

How a child contracts herpes simplex

How cold sores can hurt a baby. Neonatal herpes can cause infections of the skin, eyes, or mouth, damage to the central nervous system and other internal organs, mental retardation, or death. Medications can help prevent or reduce long-term damage if given early.

To relieve itching, you can apply a piece of ice or a used tea bag to the blisters for a few minutes (tea contains tannic acid, known for its antiviral properties). Tea tree and sage oils, which have an antiseptic effect, are also suitable.

Not only on the lips

Many people are familiar with fever on the lips, but people are less likely to encounter the manifestations of herpes in intimate places. Both infections are caused by herpes simplex viruses, close "relatives" - their DNA is 50% similar.

How many babies get neonatal herpes?

Although genital herpes is common, the risk of your baby getting neonatal herpes is low, especially if you get genital herpes before the third trimester of pregnancy. This means that most women with genital herpes give birth to sdaios babies.

Which children are most at risk?

This is because the newly infected mother has not yet produced enough antibodies against the virus, so there is little or no natural protection for the baby before and during labor.

What Happens to Pregnant Women with a History of Genital Herpes

This is because the immune systems of these women are already producing antibodies that are passed to the baby into the bloodstream through the placenta. Also, if the mother knows she has genital herpes, the doctor will take steps to protect the baby.

Genital herpes can lead to infertility of spouses: women develop inflammatory processes in the genital organs, which prevent pregnancy, in men the virus penetrates into the sperm, and they lose their viability.

Infection during pregnancy often leads to miscarriages, severe injuries and deformities of the unborn child.

Child protection: women with genital herpes?

If you are pregnant and have genital herpes, you may be concerned about the risk of passing the infection on to your baby. Keep in mind that the risk is extremely small, especially if you have had herpes for some time. The following measures can help further reduce the risk.

Talk to your family doctor or midwife. Make sure he or she knows you have genital herpes. On delivery, check for any symptoms in the affected area - ulcers, itching, tingling or burning. Your doctor will also examine you with strong light to look for any signs of a cold sore outbreak. Ideally, your obstetrician discusses your options for managing an outbreak of herpes during labor with you early in your pregnancy. Options include vaginal delivery or caesarean section.

To catch genital herpes in time, a virological study of blood from a vein or a sample taken from the site of the rash is performed.

Genital herpes is surrounded by myths and rumors. So, many are sure that you can pick up the infection when visiting public baths and swimming pools, using toilet seats, other people's dishes and towels, which is actually not the case. But the fact that the virus can enter the body with mother's milk is true.

There is currently insufficient information to clearly endorse one option or another; the risk of transmission via vaginal delivery is very low and must be weighed against the risk of maternal caesarean section. Talk to your doctor about a strategy not to break the bag of water that surrounds your baby if not necessary. The cover can help protect the baby from the virus in the birth canal for as long as possible. After birth, monitor your baby closely for about four weeks. Symptoms of neonatal herpes include shortness of breath, fever, tiredness, irritability, or lack of appetite.


One of the most common variants of the herpes virus is shingles, which affects the nervous system and skin. The disease usually begins with severe, shooting pain. Back or lower back, rib area hurts. The person feels weakness, nausea, sometimes the temperature rises. After a few days, indistinct pinkish spots appear in the painful areas, and after about a day, colonies of watery blisters appear in their place. Gradually they dry out, forming crusts.

Child protection: women with no history of genital herpes

While these early symptoms may be mild, don't wait for your child to recover. Take him to a doctor immediately. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have genital herpes. Your chances of having a healthy baby are enormous. Babies whose mothers contract a genital infection in the last trimester of pregnancy are at greatest risk for neonatal herpes.

Although rare, the condition can occur and cause serious and even life-threatening injury to a child. The first step might be to find out if you have the virus. If your partner knows they have genital herpes and you don't know if you have the condition, you need to discuss this with your doctor.

Shingles is terrible for its complications, including neurological, or infection with a secondary bacterial infection. In addition, severe complications arise with the ocular and ear form of the disease - for example, persistent inflammation of the auditory and facial nerves, decreased visual acuity, and hearing impairment.

What then?

Completing herpes treatment should also be correct. Replace your toothbrush and toothpaste after the fever disappears. If you often get cold sores on your lips, it is advisable to buy small tubes of the paste.

This test is still being performed at several locations in Brazil. To do this test, your doctor must take a sample of where the herpes episode is while the lesions are active, preferably on the first day. Test results will be ready in about seven days.

The most accurate blood test is the Western blot, but it is much more used in research. Ask your doctor about these tests as availability differs from country to country and some tests are not as accurate as others. If your test is negative for genital herpes, the following steps can help protect you from infection during pregnancy.

PhD in Psychology, specialist in traditional health systems, TV presenter of the program "About the Most Important" and author of the book "Home Guide of the Most Important Tips for Your Health."

Myths and truth

For many centuries of "communication" of a person with herpes, a lot of speculation has appeared around this disease. So, many are sure that herpes affects only the skin, that the virus can be cured by cauterizing the rash with alcohol, iodine and brilliant green, and that you can get herpes only if there are rashes. Which of this is true and which is not?

If your partner has genital herpes, refrain from sex during active episodes. Between episodes, he must use a condom from start to finish every time they have sexual contact, even if he has no symptoms. Ask your partner to talk to your doctor about using suppressive antiviral medication during pregnancy. Consider abstaining from sex during the last trimester.

If you don't know if your partner has genital herpes, you may be asked to take a test. Don't let your partner have oral sex with you if they have active lip trauma. You can get genital herpes. However, be aware that cold sores can be dormant for several years. What appears to be a new infection may be an old infection that is causing symptoms the first time.

"Antiherpes diet"

Unpleasant rashes appear on the skin and mucous membranes because the herpes virus begins to multiply. To create new cells, he needs a "building material", the role of which is played by the amino acid arginine. According to the chemical formula, it, like a twin brother, is similar to another amino acid - lysine. But it is not suitable for the construction of herpes cells. However, if there is a lot of lysine in the body, the virus is mistaken and uses it. As a result, new cells are defective and die quickly.

Talk to your doctor about the best way to protect your child. Some recommend a caesarean section under these circumstances, even if there are no active episodes. A baby can get neonatal herpes in the first weeks of life. These infections are almost always caused by an adult kiss that has a lip lesion. To protect your child, don't kiss him when you have a lip injury and ask for it for other people. If you have a lip injury, wash your hands before touching your baby.

For partners of pregnant women. If you find that you have the virus, follow these guidelines to help protect your partner while pregnant. If you have outbreaks of genital herpes, refrain from sex until the episode is completely healed. Talk to your doctor about using antiviral drugs to control outbreaks - this strategy can reduce the risk of transmission between outbreaks. Consider abstaining from intercourse during the last trimester of your partner's pregnancy.

Scientists from the American Mayo Clinic have found that if about 1.3 g of lysine is supplied to the body every day, the number of herpes recurrences is reduced by 2.4 times. To provide yourself with an "antiviral" amino acid, regularly eat cottage cheese and other dairy products, fish, meat and eggs. Lysine is found in smaller quantities in legumes, avocados, dried apricots, cereals. At the same time, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of arginine - it is abundant in chocolate and wheat flour products.

It is also important that the "anti-herpes diet" contains a lot of vitamins A, C, E and zinc.

A burning sensation and the appearance of a rash on the lips, in the form of bubbles filled with liquid, is familiar to many. Such manifestations are usually called herpes, and few people pay much attention to its treatment. Rather, this problem is attributed to a cosmetic defect than a serious disease. Few people know what herpes really is, what kind of disease it is, and what danger it poses to the body.

Herpes what is this disease - symptoms

Herpes is a very common disease of the human skin, caused most often by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). More than 90% of all people on earth are carriers of this disease. But only in 5-7% of cases, herpes manifests itself and patients have characteristic symptoms of the disease.

TO general symptoms herpes include the following manifestations:

  • rash;
  • redness and inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • temperature;
  • headache and muscle pain;
  • feeling unwell, weakness;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • swollen lymph nodes.

More specific symptoms depend on the type of disease.

Important! Some of the types of this disease are extremely dangerous for the human body. If you develop a rash, high temperatures and weakness, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Types of herpes

Herpes causes certain viruses, these include:

  1. Herpes simplex virus type 1 - causes the manifestation of herpes on the lips.
  2. Herpes simplex virus type 2 - leads to rashes on the reproductive organs.
  3. Chickenpox - causes chickenpox in children, with repeated manifestations of the disease, shingles develops.
  4. Epstein-Barr virus type 4 - provokes a throat disease, in the form of an infectious sore throat.
  5. Cytomegal virus type 5 - cytomegalovirus disease.
  6. Viruses 6,7 and 8 types are very rare and their nature is not fully understood.

In medical practice, the most common types, which we will consider in detail.

This form is considered one of the most common. Herpes on the face most often occurs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lips. It manifests itself both during the initial infection of a person (after an incubation period of 6 to 30 days), and again throughout life. This type of disease is localized on the upper lip and the corners of the mouth. However, exceptions are known when the virus manifests itself on the lower part of the mouth. Among the main symptoms, the following manifestations are distinguished:

  • redness and itching of the lips;
  • the appearance of grouped bubbles filled with a cloudy liquid;
  • after the rupture of the bubbles, painful wounds form that haunt for a long time.

The causative agent is type I and type II viruses in 80% of cases. read in our article.

Herpes on the lips has the following stages of the course of the disease:

  1. The first stage lasts differently, in some patients it lasts several hours, in others several days. It is often called the precursor stage. It is accompanied by the appearance of an uncomfortable sensation on the lips, redness of small areas of the skin.
  2. The second stage is characterized by a rash in the form of blisters, which are very painful. Lasts from one to several days.
  3. At the third stage, the bubbles burst, in their place wounds appear in the form of ulcers. It is during this period that the patient is considered the most contagious.
  4. After 5-9 days, the wounds dry out, crusts form. The healing phase begins.

Important! During the healing period, do not peel off dried crusts, this can lead to ugly scars on the lips.

This type of disease is caused by types I and II of the herpes simplex virus. In 80% of cases, the cause of the disease is the second type of AIV. The most common route of infection is unprotected sexual intercourse, including oral sex. The ripening period ranges from several days to four weeks.

Representatives of medicine divide the disease into primary genital herpes (if the disease manifests itself for the first time after infection) and secondary (if the manifestations of herpes are repeated).

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • redness, unpleasant itching, soreness of some parts of the genital organs;
  • the appearance of rashes in the form of small bubbles, with liquid inside;
  • the formation of wounds in the form of very painful ulcers;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the groin area;
  • sometimes the body temperature, fever, weakness rises.

Important! a very unpleasant phenomenon. It brings a lot of discomfort and pain.

The disease is usually divided into several stages, and proceeds with the following symptoms:

  1. First stage. During this period, the first warning symptoms appear. It may have slight redness and itching. Lasts from several hours to a day.
  2. The second stage involves a rash in the form of small blisters, which quickly spread and form a painful area. Lasts from one to several days.
  3. The third stage is characterized by the rupture of bubbles and the appearance of red ulcers. It can last from several days to 4-6 days.
  4. The final stage is accompanied by the formation of crusts on the wounds and their healing.

Many people underestimate this disease. If the disease is not treated, quite serious complications can occur. In its advanced form, the disease can lead to such undesirable consequences as:

  • human immunodeficiency;
  • cystitis, urethritis;
  • infertility;
  • cancer of the female organs;
  • prostatitis.

It is extremely dangerous for people suffering from serious illnesses. These include people with HIV, diabetes mellitus, and people who have had to undergo organ transplants.

Important! The manifestations of herpes on the genitals should not be underestimated, even if the rash quickly disappears and does not bother the patient for a long time. should be done after consulting a doctor.

Another type of disease is. Its name speaks for itself. The second name is shingles. The causative agent is the varicella-zoster virus from the herpesvirus family.

Interesting to know! Only those people who have previously suffered from chickenpox can get herpes zoster.

Most often, this type of disease occurs in older people, however, exceptions are known. If a person who has not previously had smallpox comes into close contact with a patient infected with herpes zoster, they are more likely to develop chickenpox.

Consider the symptoms depending on the stages of the disease.

  1. Some time before visual manifestations on the body (most often it is 1-2 days), a person may feel dizziness, weakness, and malaise. Fever often appears. Tingling and itching may also occur in areas where the rash will later appear.
  2. At the second stage, the temperature rises sharply to high levels (38-39C). The acute onset of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of painful rashes. At first, the rash is pink or reddish in color. After a short time, many vesicles filled with clear liquid with a grayish tint. The rash is accompanied by pain and itching.
  3. At the third stage, the bubbles rupture, after which wounds remain.
  4. The final stage is characterized by a weakening of symptoms, ulcers dry up, heal. The patient is recovering.

Interesting to know! The manifestations of this disease coincide with the location of the affected nerve.

Herpes of this type can affect almost all areas of the skin, including mucous membranes.

This type of herpes is capable of causing permanent harm to internal organs and systems, accompanied by high fever, headaches, weakness and many other symptoms. The causative agent is Cytomegalovirus of the Herpesviridae family. In people with persistent immunity, in most cases, recovery occurs, and there are practically no relapses. Things are different with people with severe chronic diseases... In their case, the virus is irreversible to health.

Epstein-Barr herpes virus

Less common type of disease. It is accompanied by sore throat, inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, fever, general malaise. In this case, characteristic bubbles appear on the human glands. The course of the disease is severe with prolonged fever and loss of strength.

Virus 6 and 7 types

These types of herpes are rare. Type 6 virus provokes various lymphatic diseases. Type 7 virus is accompanied by chronic fatigue syndrome, weakened immunity and frequent colds.

Interesting to know! Herpes, one of the diseases against which there is no vaccine. You can only protect yourself by avoiding contact with an infected person.

The reasons

Herpes is highly contagious. It quickly spreads to healthy people and with close household contact with a sick person, there is practically no chance of avoiding infection. The main cause of the disease is the entry of the virus into the human body. In some patients, the virus is in a state of sleep all their lives, and only in 5-7% of all patients, the disease periodically makes itself felt. Let's try to figure out why this is happening. The reasons for the virus activation are as follows:

  • weakened immunity;
  • unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • colds infectious diseases;
  • chronic fatigue and lack of sleep;
  • transfer of stressful situations.

Also, the following factors can serve as the reason for the activation of the virus in the body:

  • general hypothermia of the body;
  • in women, menstruation, pregnancy;
  • injuries received;
  • long exposure to the sun;
  • adherence to strict diets;
  • some food items;
  • alcohol, cigarettes.

Transmission routes

This disease is transmitted in several ways, these include:

  1. Infection in everyday life. With close contact with an infected person, it will not be difficult to get herpes. The virus is easily transmitted by kissing, hugging, shaking hands, as well as through dishes, towels and other common items.
  2. Sexually. The genital virus can be easily acquired through unprotected sexual intercourse, including oral. The risk of infection at the first contact is over 90%.
  3. By airborne droplets. During coughing and sneezing, the infected person also spreads the virus.
  4. From woman to child. When passing through the birth canal of the mother, the baby often becomes infected with the herpes virus.

Each expectant mother is tested for TORCH infection. This analysis reveals the most dangerous infections for mom and baby. These include cytomegalovirus and genital herpes. It is these diseases that can harm mother and child. Vaginal herpes is very common in pregnant women. During the period of gestation, women are especially susceptible to various diseases. The risk of contracting one of the herpes viruses is also quite high.

More dangerous is infection while carrying a child (especially on early dates) than if the infection occurred before pregnancy. Cytomegalovirus is able to provoke such diseases in the fetus as heart failure, hydrocephalus, liver disease, kidney disease, increased intracranial pressure in a child and others. The infection of the child occurs already in the womb.

Genital herpes is dangerous directly when the child passes through the mother's birth canal. As a result of the close interaction of the mucous membranes of the mother and the child, infection occurs. The consequences are the development of severe forms of this type of disease in the baby, damage to the brain and internal organs.

Important! need to be treated at any time, the earlier treatment is started, the less harm the disease will bring to the mother and child.

Infection of a child with this disease, as a rule, occurs even in early age... Most often, the disease is transmitted from parents or infected children.

Mainly in childhood there is a primary infection with a virus with symptoms corresponding to the disease.

  1. Herpes on the face of a child is most often localized on the lips, sometimes it affects the nasolabial triangle and the nasal mucosa. It is accompanied by a low temperature, rashes, malaise and moodiness.
  2. Genital herpes is passed on to the baby from the mother during childbirth. In addition to rashes on the genitals, it can lead to stomatitis, sore throat with pronounced symptoms in the form high temperature, soreness and rashes on the mucous membranes.
  3. When infected with the third type of herpes, the child develops chickenpox. In case of relapse, the disease manifests itself as shingles.
  4. Viruses of 4,5 types cause sore throat and sore throat in childhood. They are accompanied by a rise in temperature, an increase in lymph nodes in the neck. The liver and kidneys also suffer.
  5. Herpes type 6 causes cytomegalovirus disease. Often the disease in children proceeds without pronounced symptoms. However, exceptions are known with a rise in temperature to 40C, a sore throat. The disease lasts from several days to several weeks.

Herpes is very dangerous for babies. A disease at this age can lead to the following consequences:

  • serious damage to the nervous system;
  • eye damage;
  • the development of heart failure;
  • violations of the functions of the reproductive organs.

Early diagnosis and treatment of childhood herpes is an important task for medical professionals. A timely response and adequate treatment can help prevent many negative consequences.

Home treatment

At the first manifestations of the disease, it is best to see a doctor. At the hospital, you will be prescribed the necessary tests for the presence of antibodies in your blood. Laboratory tests will help diagnose and choose the most suitable treatment.

After prescribing a course of treatment and some doctor's recommendations, you can do it. When treating at home, you should remember a few simple rules:

  1. Observe the doses and times of medication prescribed by your doctor;
  2. Avoid mechanical damage to the skin in places of rashes;
  3. Limit prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  4. TO drug treatment, with the permission of the doctor, add the use of prescriptions from traditional medicine.

Important! Home treatment is possible only if the disease is mild, does not pose a threat to health and life.

Medication treatment

The modern drug market offers a wide range of drugs for the treatment of herpes. The most convenient and popular are various creams, gels, ointments. However, in severe forms of the disease, drugs are often used in the form of tablets, injections, rectal suppositories.

  1. Ointments for this disease are antiviral drugs, aimed at reducing the symptoms of the disease, reducing the activity of the virus and the rapid healing of wounds. These include Viferon, Zoverax, Herpevir.
  2. The pills have a similar effect, but they work from the inside. These are famvir, alpizarin, acyclovir.
  3. Injections act at the muscle level, the drug quickly enters the bloodstream, and has a detrimental effect on the activity of the virus. These include drugs such as tactivin, thymalin, ridostan.
  4. Rectal and vaginal suppositories. These include Genferon, Panavir and others.

Important! Taking antibiotics during the period of the disease is considered ineffective, their use is justified only if the disease is accompanied by the addition of a fungal and bacterial infection.

Treatment with folk remedies

Along with taking medications, you can also use traditional medicine methods. The gifts of nature are widely used to fight the virus, heal wounds. Also, with the help of traditional medicine recipes, you can increase the body's immunity. Let's look at the most popular recipes for treating herpes.

Echinacea tincture

The echinacea plant is known all over the world as an excellent remedy for raising immunity and general well-being of the body. The tincture of flowers also helps with herpes.

To prepare it, you will need the flowers of the plant and medical alcohol or vodka.

  1. Place in an enamel or glass dish 2 tbsp. l. flowers and fill with a liter of alcohol.
  2. Send the container with the tincture to a cool place. After 14 days, the medicine will be ready.
  3. You can use the resulting product as an additive to tea for 1 tsp. or rubbing a herpes-caused rash.

Chamomile treatment

The flowers of this plant are widely used as an anti-inflammatory, wound healing and soothing agent. The broth is added to the bath, taken orally, and also used in the form of lotions on the affected skin.

For preparation, you will need dry flowers of the plant, you can collect them yourself or purchase them at the pharmacy. For cooking 2 tbsp. l. herbs pour 500 g of boiling water and leave to infuse for 3-4 hours. Take inside half a glass 2 times a day.

Aloe for the treatment of herpes

The juice of this amazing plant can be used to lubricate the affected areas of the skin. The ingredients have excellent anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. After just a few procedures, you will feel an improvement in the condition of the skin in the areas of the rash.

To prepare, place in a glass dish and cover with alcohol at a ratio of 1:10. The product should be infused for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. To treat ulcers, apply a cotton bandage soaked in tincture for 5-10 minutes several times a day.

Shilajit against herpes

This natural remedy is quite effective in the fight against this disease. Shilajit has antibacterial, regenerating, soothing and other properties. When the first signs of illness appear, apply the mummy to the area of \u200b\u200binflammation. You can repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.

Garlic treatment

Everyone knows the disinfecting properties of garlic. Garlic has also proven itself in the treatment of herpes at home. The treatment is very simple. You need to peel a clove of garlic, grate it on a fine grater or pass it through a garlic press. The resulting gruel is applied directly to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. After several procedures, there is a decrease in redness and swelling, and the formation of bubbles and their growth slows down.


Prevention is primarily a general strengthening of the body and an increase in immunity. Compliance with hygiene rules is also important. To the main preventive measures the following principles apply:

  • hardening;
  • good nutrition;
  • eating food rich in vitamins, minerals and organic acids;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • playing sports;
  • walks in the open air;
  • good sleep and rest.

And also remember to wash your hands thoroughly after walking outside and visiting public places. Do not use other people's hygiene products. Be attentive to your health and take care of yourself.